[推荐]DivX pro 5.1.1 b1
按照DivX Lab 的官方说法DivX pro 5.1是有史以来效果最好的DivX编码器
支持的版本除了修改了不少bug之外 对速度进行了优化
5.1.1比5.1快50% 比5.0.5快12%
What's new in this version
Encoder fixes:
- “Fast” Psychovisual mode is 80% faster than in 5.1
- DivX 5.1.1 encoder is 50% faster than 5.1 (12% faster than 5.05)
- Slowest mode 50% faster than 5.1
- Slow mode 50% faster than 5.1
- Standard mode 50% faster than 5.1
- Fastest mode 20% faster than 5.1
- The Quality produced by "Fastest" has been significantly improved
Decoder fixes:
- Resolved a severe performance hit when using the Deringing mode in Postprocessing
- DirectShow filter property page had a cosmetic issue caused by using large fonts
- Avoids buffer overuns with extremly small picture sizes (less than 80x32)
- Fixed a bug caused by "Auto Post-processing" and SMP/HyperThreading CPUs.
New Features:
- Support for generic MP4 FourCC codes which can be enabled/disabled in the DirectShow configuration dialog box
- Feedback mode can now be globally disabled when it’s running
- All frames are now displayed in the Feedback windows
- Cosmetic GUI changes have been made to avoid confusion when using MV reuse and specfic performance modes.
- Deinterlacing is back in the Standard codec
- Added bottom field first encoding
- Smoother DivX logo fade