Amy_xuru 发表于 2004-4-16 06:01:08


最初由 whateverusay 发布
i am really confuse.
what is going on?

%&010 %&010 %&010
how come you never get confused when you are in 524300~~~

守月雨猫 发表于 2004-4-16 06:49:58


Don't know what's going on here.

小江 发表于 2004-4-16 07:12:48


how can people not konw what's going on here?
it's simple
they are talking, or chatting, if u want to put it that way...

守月雨猫 发表于 2004-4-16 07:17:20


So I can talk to anyone?
But looks like they are all talking about the same thing. And I
have no idea what that topic is.

小江 发表于 2004-4-16 07:33:59


who are they?
they are human!
i do believe that u r human....aren't u?
then....start a topic yourself!
people will anwser them

tony_x 发表于 2004-4-16 08:03:38


最初由 无情 发布
May 1? That's really early! So students in Canada have 4 months of summer vacation?
as far as i know, most university students have such a long vocation.

OK, let's change a topic. Do anyone like Micheal Learns to Rock? Their album is so nice, and they use an old song which was sung by Jacky Zhang. That's exllent because they both are my favourite singers.%&005

Amy_xuru 发表于 2004-4-16 08:44:05


最初由 守月雨猫 发布
So I can talk to anyone?
But looks like they are all talking about the same thing. And I
have no idea what that topic is.

yes %&007
i'm here~~
you can talk to me

守月雨猫 发表于 2004-4-16 09:44:32


最初由 小江 发布
i do believe that u r human....aren't u?

I consider myself a cat.

whateverusay 发表于 2004-4-16 20:09:34


最初由 Amy_xuru 发布
%&010 %&010 %&010
how come you never get confused when you are in 524300~~~
Because I was too smart that time!

无情 发表于 2004-4-17 04:21:07


最初由 Amy_xuru 发布
yes %&007
i'm here~~
you can talk to me
Amy kiss~~~
Miss you soooooo much~~~%&099

Amy_xuru 发表于 2004-4-17 06:16:46


最初由 whateverusay 发布
Because I was too smart that time!


i never knew you were smart~~~~ enough to register the wrong ID~~~~

Amy_xuru 发表于 2004-4-17 06:34:46


最初由 无情 发布
Amy kiss~~~
Miss you soooooo much~~~%&099

didn't i see you in snowcat~~~~~~ (snowcat...- -0)
kiss~~~%&239 %&240

无情 发表于 2004-4-17 18:54:14


最初由 Amy_xuru 发布
didn't i see you in snowcat~~~~~~ (snowcat...- -0)
kiss~~~%&239 %&240
Amy~~~~%&003 %&003
Yes, I saw you in snowcat this morning(.....= =|||)
But now I miss you again~~~kiss~~~%&239

Amy_xuru 发表于 2004-4-20 07:22:41


do you have an English name ? kiss~~~

Eli_leon2003 发表于 2004-4-21 00:48:41


carry on you lot !

无情 发表于 2004-4-21 05:38:57


最初由 Amy_xuru 发布
do you have an English name ? kiss~~~
No~~~can you think of something?
Maybe you can call me DD/brother...= =|||

Amy_xuru 发表于 2004-4-21 05:59:36


情....LOVE....- -|||
i don't know either...

无情 发表于 2004-4-21 07:50:18


最初由 Amy_xuru 发布
情....LOVE....- -|||
i don't know either...
LOVE?I don't think it's a good idea...= =|||
It doesn't sound good...%&142

I don't like English names~~~= =|||
Before I find something I like, please call me DD/E. :)

Amy_xuru 发表于 2004-4-21 08:36:49


LOTZ OF LUV~~~~ ^____^

无情 发表于 2004-4-21 19:39:53


Amy kiss~~~love you so much~~~%&239
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