柯北 发表于 2004-3-3 01:44:41

The last 3 weeks....

It's the second of March today...I will go back in 3 weeks....
I really want to say 3q to everybody~~ Because of them, I have more confidence for my exam, and I've done them very well...T_T...
I still can remember 2 weeks ago...I was really confused....and I didn't know how to do... But now..Everything has past... I will go back very soon...
How is everybody now....? Are you still working- -+? I hope all of you are doing very well now...
After 3 weeks, I will be in my room, sit near my computer, and talk to you again...T_T...I'm really looking forward to it...%&005 %&005
I hope I can see all of you ASAP.....Really.....

无事小魔鬼 发表于 2004-3-3 05:41:50


Congratulation mate, U have passed your exam!
Then relax, find some interesting things to do.
BTW what is "ASAP" mean?
Asia stupid alpha person............

小江 发表于 2004-3-3 07:31:40


means fast, very soon

r u going back to china again?!
how can u get better english if u r always goin back and forth?

小璇 发表于 2004-3-3 11:44:28


终于放生啦~不容易~柯北挺行的~~~koko~~waiting 4 u to come back~~~~

zc19840710 发表于 2004-3-4 01:45:43

rosinia 发表于 2004-3-4 15:44:38


congratulation~ just relax and have some fun time. So see you after 3 weeks~

Eli_leon2003 发表于 2004-3-5 02:08:05


you are going to china again?

I am so jealous of you mate... next time you go ... you need to take me along with you so that I can go as well! Hahahaha...
oh... p.s. congradulation for your good results! LOL

lunabunny 发表于 2004-3-6 06:58:40


ASAP: as soon as possible
ps...really want to say the same as 7th "floor"~ next time when u go back, back me into ur baggage......^_^
bon voyage~

Amy_xuru 发表于 2004-3-6 07:14:51


最初由 无事小魔鬼 发布
Congratulation mate, U have passed your exam!
Then relax, find some interesting things to do.
BTW what is "ASAP" mean?
Asia stupid alpha person............


Amy_xuru 发表于 2004-3-6 07:17:37


你JJ也PASSING了~~~ *双手插腰大笑ING*
BARELY PASSED.... 汗一个..- -000
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