蛙蛙 发表于 2004-8-19 23:32:51

回复: Hello everyone!!!


Amy_phander 发表于 2004-8-20 04:18:53

回复: Hello everyone!!!

"who are you"

to 工藤。志保: 如果没错的话。。。。。。。。。。。。。我还没你的msn, 借一下!
why not~ make a crazy guess...%&168

happykiwi 发表于 2004-8-20 08:27:02

回复: Hello everyone!!!

to 棉花糖糖,this is not vicky for sure,but i am vicky's good friend(i dont no if i am her best friend,but she is my best friend(for sure),i also go to jarvis,and one grade higher then u,sooooo,i think now u no who this is right?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

aaaaa? 没来几天既然来了这么多新人。。。。 uh.....不好意西列,请问我认识这位大哥吗? 我那里跑来个在jarvis的best friend??离奇离奇!!! 还有。。。。。糖糖在那所学校的吗???好厉害! 从小学跳到高中。。。。。寒~~~~~

喂,请这位大哥。。。。。。 搞清楚点吧???

happykiwi 发表于 2004-8-20 08:36:16

回复: Hello everyone!!!

sorry for being so rude~~~~ welcome GG!!! well i guess we can start being friends~~~ from now on~~~~ :OD

棉花糖糖 发表于 2004-8-20 09:57:18

回复: Hello everyone!!!

Vicky不认识他吗? 我也一直在纳闷,他到底是谁啊

棉花糖糖 发表于 2004-8-20 10:03:33

回复: Hello everyone!!!

why not~ make a crazy guess...%&168
是 Helen 吧~~~~~

一叶知秋 发表于 2004-8-20 10:25:11

回复: Hello everyone!!!

wat is that?????????????????????????????????????and when did i change my sex????

工藤。志保 发表于 2004-8-20 10:52:41

回复: Hello everyone!!!

wat the heck???????????????????????since when did i change my sex??????????????????god, this whole job thing sucks,i hope i never found one...

工藤。志保 发表于 2004-8-20 22:53:08

回复: Hello everyone!!!

to miss or Mr. happykiwi...
i am sorry but i think u got the wrong person here,do i no u in my real life?so,u also go to jarvis?or u dont?(stop fooling around)!and ur name is also vicky(or vickie)?how come i never met u?wat grade r u in?i am talking about another vicky here,and i believe u r not the only vicky in my school,right?and please notice that i believe that i am still a girl,so pleast stop using GG,thanx for ur co-operation.

Amy_phander 发表于 2004-8-20 23:03:22

回复: Hello everyone!!!

是 Helen 吧~~~~~
你问我我问谁啊... - - 我又不认识你的朋友...

lunabunny 发表于 2004-8-21 00:49:42

回复: Hello everyone!!!


happykiwi 发表于 2004-8-21 01:51:09

回复: Hello everyone!!!

啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊? {不知道怎么回应了~~~~}

我是双性的hehehehhe lol 要怎么叫就怎么叫。hahahhahahahhaha ~~~~~~ 寒~~~

Amy_phander 发表于 2004-8-21 09:49:14

回复: Hello everyone!!!



棉花糖糖 发表于 2004-8-21 10:10:23

回复: Hello everyone!!!


Amy_xuru 发表于 2004-8-22 03:30:57

回复: Hello everyone!!!

我看到你手里那的是什么了.... 蝴蝶结~

lunabunny 发表于 2004-8-22 03:41:22

回复: Hello everyone!!!

%&099 %&099 %&028 %&028(傻笑ING~~~)

糖糖,咱是特别喜欢兔子....嘿嘿~~~%&149 %&149
喜欢的发疯~~~咱有过3只真兔子~~现在天天晚上抱着某名为momo的玩具兔兔睡觉...%&028 %&028 %&028 看id就知道咱有多喜欢兔子了....

棉花糖糖 发表于 2004-8-22 03:53:40

回复: Hello everyone!!!

来加拿大之前,我也有2只兔子的, 俺也满喜欢兔兔的~~~~~~~~
p.s. your id says 虫虫,so i thought you like... bugs~~~~~~~

Amy_xuru 发表于 2004-8-22 08:53:36

回复: Hello everyone!!!

luna是月神啊~~~~ (陶醉)

表傻笑哈~~~~ 改天真的要聊聊~~~ ^______^
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