雯晶 发表于 2004-8-22 17:07:18

回复: 各位,是 Kelly Chen 的歌迷都进来!!!

%&227 %&227 %&227 %&227 %&227 %&156 %&149 %&156 %&156 %&156 %&156 大家好!

雯晶 发表于 2004-8-22 17:09:28

回复: 各位,是 Kelly Chen 的歌迷都进来!!!

%&099 %&021 %&021 %&142 %&142 %&142 怎么没人理???

happykiwi 发表于 2004-8-23 02:48:02

回复: 各位,是 Kelly Chen 的歌迷都进来!!!

你好雯晶!! 我叫Vicky。 新来的? 欢迎!!呵呵呵。。。我是路过的~~~说声好。

棉花糖糖 发表于 2004-8-23 07:19:40

回复: 各位,是 Kelly Chen 的歌迷都进来!!!

%&227 %&227 %&227 %&227 %&227 %&156 %&149 %&156 %&156 %&156 %&156 大家好!

你好。。。 是新人吗? 那么欢迎一下吧~~~~~~~~`

如果你发新贴然后做个之我介绍的话,会引人注目点~~~~~~~ ^^

赫兰 发表于 2004-8-23 09:34:42

回复: 各位,是 Kelly Chen 的歌迷都进来!!!


happykiwi 发表于 2004-8-23 10:42:12

回复: 各位,是 Kelly Chen 的歌迷都进来!!!

lol, true true. really off topic. but that's okay la, knowing more new people.

筷炎 发表于 2004-8-23 13:21:32

回复: 各位,是 Kelly Chen 的歌迷都进来!!!

i like her songs very much.shut up eviltony,lunabunny and honeyrabbit321,冷月is counting the ones who like her,not the ones who dont like her or dont no her.so just get outta here. and 筷炎,thanx for the picture,that one is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and if u want more of her pictures,u can ask me for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thanx again for ur support,筷炎!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

谢谢啊%&139 不过我还有很多的呢%&011
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