帮咱出出主意啦,关于the describe of Halloween Party
事情捏是这样滴,我们的food课老师不知道发什么疯,让我们做一个关于Halloween的project,我必须describe the party of Halloween但咱知道应该写什么,所以找大家帮忙啦,出出主意,谢谢大家啦%&103 %&103回复: 帮咱出出主意啦,关于the describe of Halloween Party
trick or treat?打辦成怪物
回复: 帮咱出出主意啦,关于the describe of Halloween Party
make the theme of pumpkin回复: 帮咱出出主意啦,关于the describe of Halloween Party
Put shit in a bag....put the bag infront of other peoples doors,
let it on fire and ring the door bell, w
hen they see it, they'll use their feet to put it of....
and they will step on the shit !!!
回复: 帮咱出出主意啦,关于the describe of Halloween Party
sorry M...我自己已经自顾不暇了...
回复: 帮咱出出主意啦,关于the describe of Halloween Party
Jack-o-lanterns...candy apples...o_0
回复: 帮咱出出主意啦,关于the describe of Halloween Party
CCCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNDDDDDIIIIIEEEEEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!回复: 帮咱出出主意啦,关于the describe of Halloween Party
Put shit in a bag....put the bag infront of other peoples doors,
let it on fire and ring the door bell, w
hen they see it, they'll use their feet to put it of....
and they will step on the shit !!!
can't imagine how do you collect those~~ %&060
halloween, stay at home with candies and wait for people to come.