请问如何才能将“户口”激活?请用英文写出,因为我不能正式读取华文。(没中文之星)谢谢,请多多关照!%&168回复: 如何激活户口?
Please reply this threadhttp://bbs.aptx.cn/viewthread.php?tid=57481
to outline your troubles.The administrators will assist you to activate your ID later,thank you.
回复: 如何激活户口?
你看~~有一大堆不會中文的傢伙回复: 如何激活户口?
Congratulations! Your ID has been activated manually by the administrators.Normally you can activate your IDyourself by recieving a letter from this forum in the mailbox which your write down during registration in this forum and following the procedures in the letter.
If you didin't receive the letter or you can't understand the letter, you can report your problems in this thread
by replying it to outline your toubles, eg, your ID hasn't been activated, the administrtors would assist you later.
By the way, when you getyour ID activated, please don't change the Email address in your personal profiles yourself. Because the system will recognise your ID as a unactivated one and ban you from posting or replying all the threads. If you really want to change the Email address, please contact the forum administrators to get assistances, thank you for your cooperation.
回复: 如何激活户口?
PS:xuliconan英语教室开讲了。。。- -||汗!!!!!%&153