偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
偶明年要申請入學一家外語學院的五專英語系要寫一封英文的study plan
認識偶的人都知道偶寫任何東西都有點白痴 要E搞一翻%&189
偶有寫一個first draft的study plan可是裡面參雜了白痴與E搞風 本性難改阿%&061
這是鎖好學校 偶也很希望能進去
你們覺得在申請入學時應該要顯露自己的個性嗎? 還是藏起來寫專業的?
考慮要不要貼study plan first draft上來
回复: 偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
先看看兔子滴first draft吧。。。如果E搞得太过分了就一定要改。。。= =|||PS:个人认为本性还是先藏起来比较好。。。
因为万一看你study plan的老师是个$#^%$&^就不好了。。。= =|||
回复: 偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
的確偶可不希望偶的study plan成為警察扣押的證據
Study plan
The beginning is the most important part in writing. I need something that’ll grab on to peoples attention. With a boring beginning people will just fall asleep and drool all over my paper.
I’ve never been good with beginnings, it is say I owed “beginnings” money in my last life so it’s determined to destroy me this life. I would love to write an interesting beginning to grab onto your attention for you who are reading. But every time I sit down on my desk trying to write anything that’s suppose to be written I wound up having table full of soggy smudged paper, like a flood just went by.
My name is Lia Morris. I’m a human female (note that just in case my photograph on my application looks like a pig wearing a wig). For me, life can’t be lived without a little comedy and humor. I believe the reason of the dinosaur’s extinction is lack of Friends in their life, but scientists don’t agree with my theory. Plus laughter can reduce the risk of getting cancer. I also think Life is too beautiful to be eaten, that’s why I’ m a vegetarian. Some say that’s stupid, but that’s my prerogative, my choice, and just like what Michael Jackson said, ‘This is my life’.
Just like all the couch potatoes in the world I like watching TV, surfing the net and listen to music. I love music. It’s the reason earth rotates around the sun, it’s why bees are addicted to flowers and why flies love animal droppings like the fat kid love cake. And I gotta come clean on this, the power of music can change a person. If losing your grip is what you demonstrate, music give you time to take control of your mind and meditate.
I don’t just surf the net for fun, the Internet can be very useful on gaining knowledge (boy! dose that sound corny). Everybody knows that without to much knowledge. You’re just a shell with a brain the size of a raisin, that’s why Americans have Raisin Bran, to prevent the brain shrinking to a raisin by eating cereal. I learn all kinds of stuff such as science, English and current events online. Hey, the more you learn now the less you need to learn later.
I’m a serious book worm too. I read all sorts of books, mostly science fiction or detective adventures. I don’t like romance, too much kill-my-self-for-my-boyfriend plots.
Personal preparation and past experience
The Broca ‘s Centre in the brain helps young kids before six learn speech, and the system develops as you grow older. I was born and raised under the red white and blue flag till I was about six or seven. Then moved to Taiwan just in time to enter elementary. Basically I spent half my life learning English, and the other half on Chinese. I know both languages and a little bit Taiwanese.
Lately, I found my self dangerously in love with Japanese. After watching a popular ninja manga Naruto I decided to start learning Japanese at home, you know, just incase I go blind I’ll still be able to hear the ending. The internet provided worksheets and lessons to help me learn Japanese, and I found a very useful forum that teaches Japanese too. You may think it is a weird motive that lit the fire of the Japanese learning passion. But I think it’s important to have an interest in something that I like and will help me get a job in the future.
My English reading skills is OK, I can almost read every word and understand everything in an article, really depends on what I’m reading. Children’s book? no problamo! Time magazine? two steps from the edge of falling off the cliff. Shakespeare? I’m under the ocean. My mom used to force me to read books to earn money so I can buy toys when I was little, I guess it really paid off, I never forgotten how to read and speak English, and thank God for that. I never really understood how important English was till I found out what I was going to do for the rest of my life.
You should be thankful I typed this study plan on the computer, which went through a spell check first. You know those chicken noodle soup with noodles made out of the 26 letters of the alphabet? My spelling is like that. I just freak out at the fact that I can’t find the letters I want and need. It’s quite conspicuous if you look at some of my hand wrote work. And I mean that by all three languages, and that is why I want to enter Wenzaoto improve my basic skills such as spelling in all there languages.
Motivation and Objective
No matter what you do you need motivation. You can’t just jump off a cliff for no reason; you either fight for a girl or fight for a meal to jump off a cliff. My motivation is simple and short: I want to be a doctor, an emergency medicine doctor. I’ve been reading this book, Animorphs (This is the same book that made me go vegetarian), a science fiction book of course. It instigated a different me, a grown up me I guess. Why do we humans consume on animals that don’t consume on us? We fight wars, nation against nation, we kill our own specie over money or power or animosity, that I can almost understand. In the jungle out there you either eat or be eaten. But pigs and cows didn’t start the war against us mighty humans, we brutally murder and sabotage their life and spirit to keep us alive. I just realize how complicated and foolish I am, and this is. Some people might be OK with eating meat, but I’m officially not. I want to save as many broken souls as possible.
I’m doing everything I can to become a doctor. Learning everything that will help me become a doctor, physical science, math, English and considering sign language. English is very important in medicine, at lest in my perspective, fully qualified English man know what a disease name means just by reading the word for the first time, I want that skill too. So this is why I am applying to Wenzou Ursuline Language Collage, I want a better future when I’m studying medicine. Hey, you gotta learn from the best to be the best, right? My mom told me Wenzao is their best language school in Taiwan.
Career Planning
I will study hard at Wenzao to solidify my language learning. After I graduate, with a belly full of English and math. I will return to Indiana, my birth place, to start my medicine education at the local Indiana University. I will give 500% effort on becoming a doctor and 200% on detective skills. To be honest, for a while I wanted to become a CSI(Crime Scene investigator). But my eyes are like a broken-down-telescope, can’t see the stuff that’s really important, the clues. It’s like a puzzle with no pattern on it. Even if I can’t be a CSI, it’s nice to know I got at least some of it in me. I am sure it will still help me with my detective work of diseases in patience.
Some people think it’s stupid or insane to become a doctor, difficult may be the word. But that’s predictable down the road of life, I may not succeed, but I’ll try with all my best to prove them wrong. Because this is what I wanna do for the rest of my life.
After I become a doctor, I might move to Los Angels where all the Asians hive. Then my second and third language will be used instead of hiding in the corner of my brain.
But this is just an estimate. I guess I’m just gonna go with the flow. I’m not sure where fate and destiny will take me.
P.S. Just to prove my passion towards music, there’s actually 25 song titles hidden in this study plan, did you notice?
回复: 偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
在中国考就认真点, 8要显示个性考国外就E一点把^^
回复: 偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
好了。。。兔子看信箱。。。honeyrabbit那个。。。PS:还是表那么E搞比较好。。。台湾老师不知道看不看Animorph。。。如果他不喜欢那套书就不会想给你高分了。。。= =|||
PSPS:括号里滴东西可以去掉。。。= =|||
咱把pig换成了some unknown animal。。。个人认为把自己比喻成猪有点¥%*%……*。。。= =|||
回复: 偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
在中国考就认真点, 8要显示个性考国外就E一点把^^
five year collage什麼的%&106
回复: 偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
好了。。。兔子看信箱。。。honeyrabbit那个。。。PS:还是表那么E搞比较好。。。台湾老师不知道看不看Animorph。。。如果他不喜欢那套书就不会想给你高分了。。。= =|||
PSPS:括号里滴东西可以去掉。。。= =|||
咱把pig换成了some unknown animal。。。个人认为把自己比喻成猪有点¥%*%……*。。。= =|||看信箱?
E M [email protected]? 要下宰文件 怕有病毒
他絕對不可能看過animorphs 那是兒童書%&061
回复: 偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
i thought the college only took 4years....ow well..回复: 偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
看信箱?E M [email protected]? 要下宰文件 怕有病毒
他絕對不可能看過animorphs 那是兒童書%&061
寒。。。DOC文件怎么可能有病毒捏。。。%&029 %&029
PS:EM索咱滴。。。改名称去。。。= =|||
回复: 偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
i thought the college only took 4years....ow well..that's why they call it a five year collage%&060
回复: 偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
寒。。。DOC文件怎么可能有病毒捏。。。%&029 %&029PS:EM索咱滴。。。改名称去。。。= =|||
OK 只是確定下
回复: 偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
Why reveal your weakness so soon? = =QUOTE]how would i know, my mom wrote that
she changed my "seriously,i suck at spelling, and i mean that by all three languages." to some crapy old lady sentence%&128
回复: 偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
I’m a serious book worm too.
should be spelled bookworm...I can see you are not a bookworm...
回复: 偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
Why reveal your weakness so soon? = =[/QUOTE]how would i know, my mom wrote that
she changed my "seriously,i suck at spelling, and i mean that by all three languages." to some crapy old lady sentence%&128%&117 I would do that too if I were her (omit the lady part,for I'm no lady)...= =|||
You really shouldn't run around telling people (especially your teachers) that you are
bad at something and NOT metioning you are determined to change it...= =|||
Gives them a bad impression...you wouldn't want that, right? (please say no...%&238)
You can keep that part as you like but add I am determined to improve my English,
especially my writing skills so I would not be a disgrace to XXXXX school.
Maybe not a DISGRACE (duh.they can see it's not your writing...different styles...)
But...something like that...
%&167 Some tips...
1) Compliment the school...(just don't overdo it...)
one or two sentences will be enough...otherwise...%&153
2) Be confident...if you are not good at something,add I will work hard to improve at
the end of the sentence...First impression is important...
You goal is to get enrolled,so you must act (write, in this case) as if they are doing
something STUPID and EVIL if they do not let you in.
3) Let a trusted adult (teacher/guardians) read it and give you some feedback.
You can't be totally off and say you are THE SUPERGENIUS when you are just this average kid...
Lying is not good...but you can just remember 2 weaknesses and forget the other 10 when writing your application...
Well,as long as they didn't ask "Do you suck at spelling?" you don't have to tell them
"I suck at spelling."
%&032 Example
"OH MY GOSH,you mean I didn't mention that I suck at spelling when writing my
application? Ooops!"
(But I'm already in the school,you can't just kick me out can you?)
It's ok if this happens later on during the year.
"Look at your application! You said you are great at spelling,and now I get a
four-year-old's diary handed in as an essay???!!!!"(a mad teacher,with hair on fire)
"....."(a big Ooops can't save you now...)
Lying...is a bad bad bad thing to do...
回复: 偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
really impressive %&060
回复: 偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
回复: 偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
%&117 I would do that too if I were her (omit the lady part,for I'm no lady)...= =|||You really shouldn't run around telling people (especially your teachers) that you are
bad at something and NOT metioning you are determined to change it...= =|||
Gives them a bad impression...you wouldn't want that, right? (please say no...%&238)
You can keep that part as you like but add I am determined to improve my English,
especially my writing skills so I would not be a disgrace to XXXXX school.
Maybe not a DISGRACE (duh.they can see it's not your writing...different styles...)
But...something like that...
%&167 Some tips...
1) Compliment the school...(just don't overdo it...)
one or two sentences will be enough...otherwise...%&153
2) Be confident...if you are not good at something,add I will work hard to improve at
the end of the sentence...First impression is important...
You goal is to get enrolled,so you must act (write, in this case) as if they are doing
something STUPID and EVIL if they do not let you in.
3) Let a trusted adult (teacher/guardians) read it and give you some feedback.
You can't be totally off and say you are THE SUPERGENIUS when you are just this average kid...
Lying is not good...but you can just remember 2 weaknesses and forget the other 10 when writing your application...
Well,as long as they didn't ask "Do you suck at spelling?" you don't have to tell them
"I suck at spelling."
%&032 Example
"OH MY GOSH,you mean I didn't mention that I suck at spelling when writing my
application? Ooops!"
(But I'm already in the school,you can't just kick me out can you?)
It's ok if this happens later on during the year.
"Look at your application! You said you are great at spelling,and now I get a
four-year-old's diary handed in as an essay???!!!!"(a mad teacher,with hair on fire)
"....."(a big Ooops can't save you now...)
Lying...is a bad bad bad thing to do...
回复: 偶也需要建議 要寫一封五專的study plan
沒錯 發完鐵之後才注意到寫錯了