回复: The lord of all cartoon books!
hohoho,可爱的英语 - -P回复: The lord of all cartoon books!
where was your head portrait copied from?I have seen it.But I do not know where.......Because of there were lots of suggests and complaints. i have made some change... and i will be more careful mext time...And my head portrait is come from StarCraft, Protoss kind, the High Templar.
回复: The lord of all cartoons!
我英语还凑合~挪威语……再下就束手无策了……%&072回复: The lord of all cartoon books!
First, in English, when people talk about comics on TV they say anime rather than cartoon. Cartoon is more looks like stuffs such as Disney.agree with the 13th floor,he or she must be a middle school student or a freshmen .
Second, in my experience, high school is a better calling
Don't you have the Chinese input so have to write in English, do you?
I think this should be posted in overseas alliance.
回复: The lord of all cartoons!
%&051 真不该进来,,,看英语看的我头疼这两天。。。oh,my god。。。。
Re: The lord of all cartoons!
海外的版主请帮忙锁了- -||||
抱歉啊抱歉- -
回复: The lord of all cartoons!
%&186欢迎楼主啊^^好多新人^^ %&122 %&065
回复: The lord of all cartoons!
哦哦~兰注意是老贴^^回复: The lord of all cartoon books!
First, in English, when people talk about comics on TV they say anime rather than cartoon. Cartoon is more looks like stuffs such as Disney.Second, in my experience, high school is a better calling
Don't you have the Chinese input so have to write in English, do you?
I think this should be posted in overseas alliance.
回复: The lord of all cartoon books!
Because of there were lots of suggests and complaints. i have made some change... and i will be more careful mext time...And my head portrait is come from StarCraft, Protoss kind, the High Templar.
你为什么不说中文呢?只是SHOW 你的英语而已吗?
回复: The lord of all cartoons!