create a parity to be clear on rhythm same patterns same length
tiger, tiger, burning bright
in the forests of the night
what immortal hand or eye
could frame thy fearful symmetry
in what distant deeps or skies
burnt the fire of shine eyes?
on what wings dare he aspire?
what the hand, dare seize the ifre?
and what shoulder, and what are
could twist the sinews of thy heart?
and when thy heart began to beat
what dread hand? and what dread feet?
what the hammer? what the chain
in what furmace was thy brain?
what the anvil? what dread grasp
dare its deadly terroes clasp?
when the stars threw down their spears
and watered heaven with their tears?
did he smile his work t osee?
did he who made the lamb make thee?
tiger tiger burning bright
in the forests of the night
what immortal hand of eye
dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
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不需要什么意义的吧~~~ - -要不这个tiger, tiger, burning bright实在是...
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总之要写吧。。。。。偶就素写不出来- -PS:新头不错啊~
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编啊~~~ 呃.... 这个?"people eat fish.
fish eat fish.
eat people fish
eat fish people!"
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eat fish people!"
%&197 这句感觉怪怪的- -0
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大姐。。。。。。要写的只少和这个差不多长吧。。。。。。。。= =回复: [求助]E文好的进。。。关于写小诗。。。。。||||
%&197 这句感觉怪怪的- -0%&112E搞么~~~
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大姐。。。。。。要写的只少和这个差不多长吧。。。。。。。。= =喂~~~ 我现在连个贺文都写不出来, 你还希望什么啊...
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。。。SL写贺文!挤牙膏也得挤一片!你去年那篇不错呢>.>这首诗么……我没着。。。您来个 star, star, shining from afar 好了。。。
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那个tiger是自己写的吗?= =|||觉得最后用thy fearful might比较好。。。>.<
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喷水! eat fish people....BF咱 PF死你了。。。。咱的淑女形像啊。。。。回复: [求助]E文好的进。。。关于写小诗。。。。。||||
BF竟然要写这种东东,太可怕了~~~~~~回复: [求助]E文好的进。。。关于写小诗。。。。。||||
嗷嗷。。。突然发现。。。parity是什么啊?= =|||
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。。。SL写贺文!挤牙膏也得挤一片!你去年那篇不错呢>.>这首诗么……我没着。。。您来个 star, star, shining from afar 好了。。。
所以今年机会给别人嘛….. 而且..而且… (小声) 我懒嘛~~~
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喷水! eat fish people....BF咱 PF死你了。。。。咱的淑女形像啊。。。。^______^你的淑女形象? 哪里哪里?回复: [求助]E文好的进。。。关于写小诗。。。。。||||
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回复: [求助]E文好的进。。。关于写小诗。。。。。||||
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不好意思~~ 没帮上忙~~~~
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我没有….. T_____T冤枉~~~ 我真的没看到啊……