烂茶叶 发表于 2004-12-30 18:59:41


美国国会将立新法规定p2p下载版权文件属非法,美国电影联合会MPAA已开始全球扫荡edonkey和bt服务器,在美国主要针对bt网站,在欧洲主要针对ed。著名的shareconnector.com及release4u等网站已被关闭。位于斯洛文尼亚的supernova.org(全球最大的 bt发布站)正在遭到警方调查。以下是遭到关闭的网站:
Shareconnector (ed2k)
- Releases4U (ed2k)
- Youceff (BT)
- FinReactor (BT)
- AntiReactor (ed2k)
- Phoenix Torrents (BT)
- Dvdrcore.org (BT)
- Suprnova.org (BT)
- Torrentbits (BT)
- TVTorrents.net (BT)
AnimeReactor (ed2k)
- AC3-Guru (ed2k)
中国骡一号服务器(注:就是我们一直推荐您使用的 Chinese eDonkey Server NO.1)也在此时进行维护,估计是得到了消息,也可能是巧合。总之,小心为妙。如果你留意一下,会发现你的骡子的服务器列表里(server list)新多了几个奇怪的服务器全部名为tribe,据称可能是美国电影公司的侦察服务器,对上传文件进行监控,如果你觉得不舒服可以删掉。以下转自 emule-projector.net:
The Motion Picture Association of America is expected to announce new legal actions against operators of peer-to-peer filesharing networks tomorrow. In the US, action is expected to be filed against operators of BitTorrent tracker servers; in Europe, against parties responsible for the hosting of eDonkey servers. The MPAA has not confirmed or denied that these actions are forthcoming, but have announced that a press conference will be held tomorrow to launch a "significant expansion of the global fight against movie piracy."
Wlhile P2P networks themselves are still legal despite industry efforts to shut them down, indexing servers that help users locate and download pirated content are not.
The fact that the defunct Napster ran such servers, while Grokster and Streamcast Networks, defendants in the Supreme Court case, do not, was cited by lower courts as a key reason why Napster was ruled illegal but the newer networks weren't. Developers of BitTorrent and eDonkey don't run their own indexing servers. However, many individuals and groups involved in online piracy do, and they're expected to be the targets of the new legal crackdowns .

"If it can be demonstrated they lent substantial assistance to copyright infringement and had knowledge of what they were doing, it's a strong case that fits in line with Napster," explained Michael S. Elkin, head of the entertainment and media group at law firm Thelen, Reid & Priest. Several sources close to the MPAA confirmed the planned actions, although reps for the group weren't talking before today's press conference in Washington, DC.


立即删除您eMule中服务器列表中名为 tribe 的服务器,因为您的eMule会定期检查您服务器列表中的服务器有效性,因此就会连接这些 tribe 服务器;同时您发布的文件Hash(可能包括您的User Hash)会被递交到这些监视eMule用的tribe服务器上。



TL 发表于 2004-12-30 19:55:57

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shaodog 发表于 2004-12-30 23:11:22

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只要经常更新ip filter就行了

coolxll 发表于 2004-12-31 18:35:45

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建议道EM发布区 也发一下

kodg 发表于 2004-12-31 22:52:02

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shaodog 发表于 2005-1-1 12:43:53

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