回复: !!!是该结束的时候了!!!
很好希望以后和孩子一起看:018: 我看差不多就要结束了(-14-) 我现在只看主线剧情,其余无视!(-33-) 73可以用工滕的身分繼續畫啊!!!!
這樣也不錯~哈哈 主要是很久没出什么经典的案子了,只有主线可以吸引人。 死人都死了那么多了,现在已经开始不死了,改叫重伤 顶~~~ 仁者见仁,智者见智.. No. I don't want it ended. There are many ways to continue it, depending on whether they can find new clues.
For the relationship between Conan and two girls, I think it's not necessory to say that only at the end. Possibly 73 can give us more details of Conan's living with each of them. Then he can find the features of them. Actually in Conan TV, these parts are not enough: it only shows us many events, and Conan rescues them. However, maybe it can show HOW, for example, ai behaves when she lives with Conan (I think they CAN live together for some days). Similar ideas can be found in the story "Six Days and Seven Nights". In conclusion, I don't think Conan is a story for children. It should be for young people. 如果柯南的剧情能够再安排地紧凑一点,前后集的关联再强一些,那么我想要看柯南的朋友们还会继续支持下去。问题就是在于,现在的内容似乎是有些脱节,只是偶尔将关键内容串联起来。。。 说实话
我也希望柯南可以善始善终,急流勇退 话说谁能有那么多新意。。。。完全不重样滴FILE???
谁能??? 原来伪柯迷占很大一部分比例呵。。。。 73这么多年都不知道赚了多少钱了,怎么还赚不够啊~~~~~(-33-) 别太责怪73老师啦.....毕竟在逐渐商业化的动漫界73老师坚持负责 为我们fans提供这么优秀的作品 真心真意地做好漫画(-33-)