浅草 发表于 2005-4-20 13:26:04

原创]<<Angels & Demons >>Gravity全英文~~~

part 3%&223 %&223

Been a long road to follow, been
there and gone tomorrow

He followed his dream, found the way home

She followed him, worried about him

Followed, just followed

When night fell on the city

The moon rose

He wore a mask

He acted

She stared at him

And followed him as usual

But she couldn’t touch him

Followed, just followed

He ran so fast, far away from her view

Only for making her not worry

He didn’t want her be in danger

Everything becomes a blur when you travel beyond a certain speed

He had zero gravity in the sky

She could only see an indistinct shadow in the sky

It put her into the shade

She didn’t notice her feet

She fell down for the gravity from the sky

That moment

She was afraid of her own shadow

That moment

He stopped

Turned back to her side

Saved her at the end

It's not nature that she wasn’t surprised when she pulled off his mask

She knew it long time before

Merely didn’t say… …

That moment

She said

‘No matter how don’t let me down, don’t leave me any more ’

That moment

He said

‘I will’ he gave her a big smile, ‘I’m not kidding, although my name is Kid’

She hugged him

That moment

She felt the gravity of him all… …
%&017 %&017 %&017 %&017 %&017
累额~~~%&088 全文在同人区~~短篇集~~%&195

执念 发表于 2005-4-21 10:29:59

回复: 原创]<<Angels & Demons >>Gravity全英

Angels & Demons偶没看过,也不太清楚你文章的前后文是什么,MS是快哀吧,能用英语创造意境真的了不起啊。

It's not nature that she wasn’t surprised when she pulled off his mask

‘No matter how don’t let me down, don’t leave me any more ’


浅草 发表于 2005-4-21 13:12:38

回复: 原创]<<Angels & Demons >>Gravity全英


毛毛虫的蓝色 发表于 2005-4-21 13:19:37

回复: 原创]<<Angels & Demons >>Gravity全英



浅草 发表于 2005-4-21 13:21:21

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血色珊瑚樱 发表于 2005-4-21 18:29:08

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浅草 发表于 2005-4-22 12:10:19

回复: 原创]<<Angels & Demons >>Gravity全英


%&236 %&236 偶直接写英文饿~~~~么有中文饿~~~要写么~~偶去翻译一下~~~~~那个~~文章里应该有错误的说~~就是改不来饿~~~偶又不感拿去请老师改~~那位太恐怖了~~~~~%&044

千代羽 发表于 2005-4-25 03:49:47

回复: 原创]<<Angels & Demons >>Gravity全英

<Angels & Demons>最近在丹麦热销呢,不过同学说没有<The Da Vinci Code>好看。

浅草 发表于 2005-4-27 18:35:24

回复: 原创]&lt;&lt;Angels &amp; Demons &gt;&gt;Gravity全英

<Angels & Demons>最近在丹麦热销呢,不过同学说没有<The Da Vinci Code>好看。
赞同~~~~~~~~~~~~~%&065 %&065
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