
标题: 怎样写论文 Paper [打印本页]

作者: Lucky^    时间: 2007-3-10 17:43
标题: 怎样写论文 Paper
汗呀 ... 什么都8说了 大家好心帮忙:017: :029:
作者: Rache    时间: 2007-3-10 20:29
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper








作者: FinoAi    时间: 2007-3-11 02:11
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
不过有个地方看得不是很懂。What is "6m+" you mentioned in the third line?
作者: hiddern70    时间: 2007-3-11 04:41
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
“6m+” 是6个月以上的意思吗?

作者: Rache    时间: 2007-3-11 20:20
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper

well,just do it.

当然还有team work,这是一种have to并且相当不舒服的工作,当然我是说如果你像我一样喜欢一个人呆着.....anyway,即使是have to那我建议你做team的leader,假设你不用考虑预算经费或者责任的话。
作者: hiddern70    时间: 2007-3-13 03:41
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
嗯,首先要确定自己论文的论点 (thesis statement),然后就是通过查阅大量的材料来寻找相关的事例(evidence)来证明自己的论点,然后作个总结(conclusion),基本上就差不多了。
作者: Nina Chen    时间: 2007-3-14 13:53
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
你不说你写什么paper我们怎么帮啊。。。毕竟scientific paper 和 literature paper是很不一样的。。
本人已经脱离写english paper的苦海了~!哈哈
作者: rosinia    时间: 2007-3-15 04:49
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
lol, I have a 30 page tech report due in May... god >.> I think I'd rather write English paper...
作者: 四叶    时间: 2007-3-15 09:31
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
30 pages!! @@
that's crazy!

I finished my bio report last night...
worked' til 2 in the morning..... @@
so tired....
作者: rosinia    时间: 2007-3-16 06:55
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
now... 2am is not late for writing a paper... lots of ppl pulled all-nighters on these things><
作者: Rache    时间: 2007-3-16 23:20
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
.....我写过50+页......最后投稿时被改成了12页 - -lll

写PAPER的诀窍是养成一天至少写一段+写LAB NOTE的好习惯.....假设都堆到实验后.....工作量会很惊人吧......
作者: rosinia    时间: 2007-3-17 02:38
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
That's for scientific paper only though. You can't do that with either English paper or tech report.
作者: Rache    时间: 2007-3-17 20:04
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
Well, that's a part of my life, anyway~~a hobby and a habit, for science. Science = paper + experiments,(almost)



作者: Lucky^    时间: 2007-3-18 20:11
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
It's too difficult to finish a scientific paper.cos i m not good at doin' experiment actually.Is there any other kind of paper? About Art,history,geography ,economy or something else.I ll take tham for practisin'
Thx u guyz all! Helped me a lot .
作者: Rache    时间: 2007-3-18 22:54
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
well, actually i know nothing about history or economy~~ newspaper may help~~

My major is Molecular Biology and Partical Physics~~~~
作者: rosinia    时间: 2007-3-21 03:36
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
Well, for History, just pick a period you want to know about, read some general info, and then pick a topic.

After you've got your topic set (make it narrow, as narrow as possible. First it can be about a person or government's action and reaction toward an event, but when you write the paper, you have to narrow it down to one single opinion and one specific topic) and then dig into the library and start reading. Don't read the all the books, make use of the index, you'll probably only need to read 1 to 2 chapters in most books. But you have to find at least two book that's specific to your topic, you can only find deep disscussions in those.

Also research into historians that specializes in your topic, and try to find their books. You should be able to get them in university libraries.

And then you also need first hand documents, books are usually secondary. You need to find newspapers, documents etc. that were written or made during the event of your interest.

Then comes the analysis. You have to see why each person (be it the historian or the person who made the comments in the document) are saying what they say, look into their background, and their position of interest. Dig up all the proofs you can find that support your thesis.

Then is the writting. Group your thoughts into sections, and write them down. Remember to refer to the historian's views and make mention of opposing views and how you think they might make sense and how your argument is still better than theirs.

Remember to keep a log of all those ppl you are citing, and write them down in the bibliography, otherwise you are dead meat><
作者: hiddern70    时间: 2007-3-21 05:49
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
One more thing, don't forget about the format. (such as MLA, etc)
作者: 可爱柯南    时间: 2007-3-21 09:24
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper

也许我们才first year。。。说实话那些东西挺好写的。。
作者: 4everluv    时间: 2007-3-21 09:25
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
work cited 建议使用noodletools
作者: Rache    时间: 2007-3-21 23:29
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
作者: rosinia    时间: 2007-3-22 02:13
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
Well... about format: If your teacher/prof specified it, just follow the instruction.
English: MLA
History: Chicago
Science:...?No idea>< MLA?
other Engineering reports: ...choose whichever you like

and... Rache... that secretary is just WAY too nice T_T
作者: 可爱柯南    时间: 2007-3-22 10:14
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
science的话每个还不一样= =。。。
chemistry is ACS。。bio。。。 I forgot><~
作者: Terence    时间: 2007-4-12 09:23
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
[quote=可爱柯南]science的话每个还不一样= =。。。
chemistry is ACS。。bio。。。 I forgot><~[/quote]everyone's iq is quite different:009:
作者: shaodog    时间: 2007-4-18 16:37
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper






P。S。 好想有Core Dual 6600的CPU。。。。现在AMD3600+的CPU模拟一套结果要7*24h+。。。。。。
作者: Rache    时间: 2007-5-2 23:17
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper


通宵达旦地写 - -lll
作者: Lucky^    时间: 2007-5-3 18:42
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
作者: lslzlzw    时间: 2007-5-5 05:06
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
今年9月也要写personnal statement给大学了~~~期待!
作者: the_sun    时间: 2007-5-9 01:11
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper
我这有两篇自己还拿得出手的文章哦~有兴趣可以问我要……我今年去英国啦~   LSE给了个机会让我参加Entrance Exam 可惜偶没考上 (T_T)...  有兴趣可以mail我~  6月考试了……唉……
[email protected]   [email protected]
作者: shaodog    时间: 2007-5-21 14:36
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper


通宵达旦地写 - -lll[/QUOTE]
nature & science 是综合性的前沿报道



P。S。S。终于把初稿写完了。。。。。14 pages,感觉写的比较长。。。。不过要压缩起来估计还挺困难的,因为simulation的图实在多。。。投letters是没希望了。。。不管怎么样先扔给boss初审了。。。。。今天可以轻松点了
作者: shaodog    时间: 2007-5-21 14:40
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper

作者: Rache    时间: 2007-5-22 23:45
标题: 回复: 怎样写论文 Paper


如果发表了我会很震撼,毫无疑问,因为我听一个中国人说在中国发表NATURE/CELL LEVEL的PAPER会得到10万的奖励......


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