
标题: Paul's Case --- great story ever [打印本页]

作者: Nemesis-G    时间: 2008-7-10 20:05
标题: Paul's Case --- great story ever
I spend my rest time to read this article, not only because it's my homework, but also because I was arracted by some of the short stories in this book. Some of them are funny and exciting, some of them are meaningful and sad, I liked both of these two kinds. So, even though I was sleepy, I wake myself by using cold towel and coffee, and spend a whole hour to read this: "Paul's Case", by Willa Cather. Now I am all though, I finished this 20 page story, which is a really long one as short story, and now I should tell what in my mind. Unlike "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson and "Just Lather, That's all" by Hernando Tellez, which are stories filled with nervousness; or "The Guest" by Albert Camus and "The Destructors" by Graham Greene, which are stories that fulfilled with heavy tone and symbol, "Paul's Case" was just unique. It has another kind of power that.....
Well, let's just go straight forward: It's nothing but a full load of diarrhoea bullshit!! The story line makes NO sense, because it's too damn long and too damn seperated that it's almost impossible to organize! Basically it's a kid called Paul ---- That's fair enough because his name was in the title ---- travelled through several cities for no reason at all, he was somehow the least welcomed guy in his school, and for some reason this guy loved to run like hell as if his ass is on fire. Well I guess I will hate him too because you ought to be quiet while walking through corridor between classrooms in order not to disturb the others! For some damn reason even teachers hate him too, and his father was called to school for a talk. During the conversation, this guy smiled like an idiot, and as soon as he left the office, he started that crazy running again!What an asshole! For some reason he attempted a concert or drama like thing and he love the actress like hell, he even stalked her to her hotel untill he was stopped by the door guard. After these nasty things were done, he looks innocent again, since he was "poor" and "cold", his boot was "leaking water". So, what's the point? Here is a bastard who stalk people and love to bang his feet on the floor, will anyone feel sorry for him because he was cold and poor? Imagine Hitler in shabby clothes and standing in snow with barefeet and selling matches, will you cry if he freeze to death in the end of the damn story?! What were they thinking?!
Let's back to the shitty story. Paul started to travel all around, and of course for no damn reason. This guy has the best trip plan ever, he just randomly come here and go there, without any clue of what to do, and even after he arrived his target city, he remains doing nothing but showing an idiot face. He went through a huge round then came back to his start point, trip over. He didn't seems learnt any thing useful, and as reader I didn't learn any thing but shit either. After all, the ending just pathetic. For some damn reason this guy crashed by some heavy shit, and I have no damn clue that if he crash on that thing on purpose of just accident. Well, maybe he died, maybe not. If he died, then just rest in peace and don't bang hell's floor like crazy; if he lived, he'd better hope the reader of his story won't come and use whatever they got to beat the shit outta him.

In the end, I apologize for being foul.

[ 本帖最后由 Nemesis-G 于 2008-7-10 20:14 编辑 ]
作者: 大肚肚    时间: 2008-7-11 00:44
作者: 棉花糖糖    时间: 2008-7-11 08:02
i wonder why too...
作者: SSV    时间: 2008-7-11 12:41
缘分啊,正好,我现在正在那American Lit,周末正要读这个,一共19页,还要写个Precis,到时候我再和你讨论.

[ 本帖最后由 SSV 于 2008-7-13 13:19 编辑 ]
作者: hiddern70    时间: 2008-7-11 15:44
作者: Nemesis-G    时间: 2008-7-11 21:09
作者: SSV    时间: 2008-7-13 13:18
Paul 是为了追求自己的梦想,才会偷钱,也是因为失去了梦想才决定自杀的.
有一话我很喜欢,"he knew now, more than ever, that money was everything, the wall that stood between all he loathed and all he wanted."

作者: Nemesis-G    时间: 2008-7-14 09:00
标题: 回复 8# 的帖子
好厉害- -
作者: SSV    时间: 2008-7-14 10:24
原帖由 哀の迷雾 于 2008-7-14 09:11 发表

话说那本书是叫Paul's Case?

右手为拳, 左手为掌,以拳击打手掌,嘴里不自觉的说出"damn it!".
作者: it_182ste    时间: 2008-7-14 10:47
damn it!特别适合电影里拆炸弹时说...现实生活中或许可以在考试时选一题畸形的选择题时说...
作者: it_182ste    时间: 2008-7-14 11:18
he was somehow the least welcomed guy in his school, and for some reason this guy loved to run like hell as if his ass is on fire


作者: Nemesis-G    时间: 2008-7-14 13:30
原帖由 哀の迷雾 于 2008-7-14 09:11 发表

话说那本书是叫Paul's Case?

啊?啊?NG还以为是你看懂了那Paul'S Case的意思……
作者: Nemesis-G    时间: 2008-7-14 13:35
原帖由 it_182ste 于 2008-7-14 11:18 发表
he was somehow the least welcomed guy in his school, and for some reason this guy loved to run like hell as if his ass is on fire


看NG的介绍..真的觉得那个家伙 ...

其实那家伙确实是Idiot……老师的解说是这人有"mental problem"
作者: 赫兰    时间: 2008-7-16 11:43
mentally retarded ppl are treats to society... we should learn to love them...

makes no sense 我只是要来当好孩子...= =

[ 本帖最后由 赫兰 于 2008-7-16 11:44 编辑 ]
作者: linlinyingying    时间: 2008-7-16 14:48
作者: 4everluv    时间: 2008-7-21 10:45
hahahahaha NG....我突然觉得你很可爱的

作者: Nemesis-G    时间: 2008-7-23 03:04
作者: it_182ste    时间: 2008-7-24 21:07
原帖由 Nemesis-G 于 2008-7-14 13:35 发表

其实那家伙确实是Idiot……老师的解说是这人有"mental problem"

不过其实何必说有mental problem呢
直接说那家伙是mental就好了- -|||

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