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本版已经有人猜测是结婚……忽然想起了朱迪…… |
我记得参军是个拿绿卡的捷径,而且可以跳过绿卡直接拿国籍。但这样又和秀一说的,拿到了绿卡矛盾了。 |
本帖最后由 哀如浮云 于 2016-9-17 21:51 编辑 绿卡的话我觉得常规的话有这么几条途径,概率由高到低排: 1. 父母亲为美国国籍(绿卡无排期,先拿绿卡,后拿国籍) 2. 优秀人才:指那些在科学、艺术、教育、商业、或体育五大领域中具有特殊才能的人,差不多三个月就能拿到绿卡 (我觉得情报局啥操作一下,整理下档案,还是挺有希望的) 3. 投资移民:当时应该在50万-100万美金左右,基本投了钱就能拿绿卡,无排期 4. 父母亲为绿卡(绿卡有排期,先拿绿卡,后拿国籍) 5. 结婚 6. 绿卡抽签 以上是我了解的常规的拿到绿卡的方式, 后来我又研究了一下其他可能性,发现可能性确实挺多的,不过排期我就不了了解了: 1. 父母亲或自己是国际组织成员: “There is a provision of immigration law that allows certain long-term international organization employees and their eligible family members to apply for special immigrant status and become permanent residents of the U.S. (get a Green Card) as long as their organization remains recognized.” 长期的国际组织成员和他们的家庭成员能够申请绿卡 “You may be eligible to receive a Green Card as an International Organization employee or qualified family member if you meet one of the following conditions: an unmarried son or daughter of a current of former officer or employee of a designated international organization“ 国际组织成员的未婚子女也可以申请绿卡,但过去7年要有一半时间呆在美国, 5到21岁之间要有加起来七年以上在美国,并且在25岁前申请 2. 证人和消息提供人可以由律师处申请绿卡 “An S nonimmigrant is an individual who has assisted a law enforcement agency as a witness or informant. A law enforcement agency may submit an application for permanent residence (a green card) on behalf of a witness or informant when the individual has completed the terms and conditions of his or her S classification. ” 但是不是很清楚这个证人和消息提供人是怎么定义的 3. 被美国公民/绿卡持有者家暴的子女(我觉得完全可以有啊!看看被领妈打的秀一.......) “Child: You may file for yourself if you are an abused child under 21, unmarried and have been abused by your U.S. citizen or permanent resident parent. Your children may also be included on your petition. You may also file for yourself as a child after age 21 but before age 25 if you can demonstrate that the abuse was the main reason for the delay in filing." 如果父母为美国公民或绿卡持有者,21岁之前可以申请,21-25岁仍被家暴也可以申请但需要理由 4. 美国公民的遗孀 “Widows or widowers who were married to U.S. citizens at the time of the citizen’s death may apply for a green card. Until October 28, 2009, you had to have been married to the deceased citizen for at least two years at the time of the deceased citizen’s death, in order to immigrate as the widow(er) of a citizen. Congress removed this requirement, effective October 28, 2009.” 与美国公民结婚两年以上,配偶死亡,但遗孀能申请绿卡。2009年这个法案失效了,但是根据柯南的时间线还是可能的。 5. 车祸受害人(感觉打开了新世界的大门,这样都能拿绿卡....) “The T nonimmigrant status (also known as the T visa) provides immigration protection to victims of severe forms of human trafficking. The T visa also allows victims to remain in the United States and assist federal authorities in the investigation and prosecution of human trafficking cases. ” 车祸受害了以后能够拿T签证留在美国接受调查,拿了T签证以后3年都留在美国接受调查,离开美国就生活困难 6. 参军(不过我确实没有看懂到底是直接公民还是先绿卡再公民,有两个条目不一样的文件...) “Special provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to expedite the application and naturalization process for current members of the U.S. armed forces and recently discharged servicemembers. ” 这是说直接给公民身份的,但是拿了身份后5年还需在军队服役,否则身份撤销。 “Certain individuals who served (or are serving) honorably on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces after October 15, 1978 and who, after original lawful enlistment outside the United States, served for a certain period of time through a treaty or agreement that was in effect on October 1, 1991, are authorized to get a green card (permanent residence).” 好像是在美国境外服役,需要至少服役了6年。 7. 其他还有好多什么阿富汗伊拉克向导、宗教组织成员阿什么的.... 我觉得如果接受了领妹是MI6这个脑洞的话,我觉得什么绿卡国籍过程都有可能啊,假身份多多,档案文件直接改一下,申请啥都可以.... |
简直科普贴,信息量太大。感谢楼主和楼上的资料整理及分析 杰出人才(EB-1类)的话其实跟秀一差得十万八千里: EB -1A 科学、艺术、教育、商业、或体育领域里具有特殊能力,得到广泛认可,取得很高成就,并且享有国家级或国际性的声誉与成就,其成就和贡献在该领域达到顶峰。 申请者大多是奥运会奖牌获得者、艺术界大腕儿或演艺界明星之流,总之至少在行业内有名声,秀一这种被追杀之人的孩子不可能有名声。 EB-1B 某特定的科学或学术领域中,具有一定的个人成就,享有一定的国际性知名度的教授或研究人员。 这种通常胡子一大把或地中海发型 EB-1C 在过去的三年中,受益人必须在美国雇主的海外机构(如母公司、子公司或者分公司)工作过至少一年,而且他/她必须在美国从事经理/管理工作。 喔,介于秀一父母并不在company工作就算了吧lol 所谓政治庇护似乎是个可操作性较高的选项,轻则涉及计划生育,重则宗教迫害,都可以通过移民律师申请。作为被追杀的MI6成员子女,秀一选择政治庇护的理由似乎更加充分。 |
感觉被楼主科普了一下美国的政策,然后,一脸懵逼状:秀一是谁?(滚………) |
可惜james的声优去世了 |
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