金钱 柯币
人气 ℃
发表于 2004-3-27 17:45:16
最初由 TL 发布
In March 1917, Tsar Nicolas II abdicated the Throne of Russian Empire. The Provisional government took power. Tsar and his family were deported from St. Petersburg to Siberia. In July 1918 Nicolas, his wife Empress Alexandra Feodrovna, and their five children were executed (look 'Execution'). Problem with remains is still not resolve.
Some part of Imperial Family was saved.
In 1924, rescued Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich pronounced himself as Russian Emperor. The rest of the Imperial family was highly disap- appointed. Maria Feodorovna, the Dowager Empress, mother of the last Tsar Nicolas II did not believe, that her son's family is dead. She wrote that the only God will show the new Tsar.
The question, who will rule Russia as a new Tsar, is very actual now. Let's look at this problem from nonregular point of view. The matter is that there is no such dynasty as 'Romanovs', since the death of Elizabeth I, the daughter of Peter the Great at 1761.
Carl Peter Ulrich Goldstein-Gottorp, her nephew, succeeded the Throne of the Russian Empire and the name 'Romanovs'. The Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich was the cousin of Nicolas II.
We are not discussing why he did not have any rights for Russian Throne. His descendants - son, granddaughter and grand-grand-son continue to fight.Other brunches of Imperial family, which sailed in 1918 from troubled Russia on board H.I.M. ship " Marlboro", offered pretenders too. The most active of them is Nicolas Romanovich Romanov, who lives in Switzerland. He is a grand-grand-grandson of Nicolas I. There are a lot of grand-grand-grand-sons of Nicolas I, who at the same time is much closer to Nicolas II. They are descendants of his sister Ksenia and her husband Alexander Mikhailovich, grandson of Nicolas I Nicolay Romanovich insists that he is a good pretender, and other pretenders are bad. Why?
Nobody understands. In our opinion, Nicolay Romanovich Romanov possesses the same sort of rights as descendants of Grand Duke Kirill.
We have to note that no one from so called Romanovs followed the Rules, issued by the Russian Emperor Pavel I for Imperial marriages. All the marri-ages for today are morganatic, or nonorthodox.
As for Russia, the monarchy is the best form of ruling, much better, than Presidency, firstly- by time in the business, secondly - it is not necessary to steel money from the country, because Monarch is supported up to the end of his life. Orthodox Church is very important for Russia too. Russian people need some sort religious guidance and restrictions.
Let's talk about Russian mind. It's something very special.
We propose: Uncle Vasya and Marya-handywoman will produce a son, and all Russian people will help to provide good education and good breeding to him in order to grow a very good Tsar. Or this is another proposal: to take one of Russian oligarchs who stole from Russian people large amount of money, and who is so tired of doing business of stealing, that he would retire and go to grow cabbage at some place far from civilization. He would marry in genuine Russian Princess. They would produce a son and breed him properly. With the time, son will grow; father will teach him how to prevent future plundering in Russia, because father knows well all ways to steal and all places where to steal.
呼,复制了一部分 = =
(摘自 http://www.russianroyalty.com/tsar.html)
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