发表于 2004-4-15 16:59:46
GIZA是BEING的子公司,BEING 有又许多的子公司,所以,GIZA的艺人就是属于BEING公司的,BEING公司的艺人又简称BEING 系艺人,下面是BEING系艺人的一些分布:
GIZA studio
Being Groupが、関西に在住したままトータルに音楽制作活動を行えるよう、98年9月に大阪・北堀江にレコード会社”GIZA studio”を設立。
所属アーティストとしては倉木麻衣、愛内里菜、GARNET CROW、小松未歩、上原あずみが所属する関西発のレーベルです。
そこで!今回、関西に中枢拠点のある名門レーベル「GIZA studio」と、「ツーカーホン関西」が強力タッグを組み、「fm osaka」がフォローするというスーパープロジェクトが始動。ストリートアーティストではなく、本物のアーティストを関西で発掘、育成し、大阪の音楽文化を世界へ向けて発信していきます。
GIZA USA is a branch of the Osaka, Japan-based music studio, GIZA Studio. GIZA Studio is actually part of a conglomerate of music companies known as The Being Group. The companies in this group cover everything there is in the making of music from recording, publishing, and marketing, to video shooting , photography, design, and mass-media producing. The Being Group includes Rooms Records, J-Disc, Mods House, Zain records, B-Gram Records and many other independent labels and companies. Although several artists in this group have released records in America already, GIZA USA is the first company branch actually based on U.S. soil. GIZA Studio and The Being Group hope to promote it's many bands through this new company to U.S. audiences. This web-site is designed to introduce you to the many artists at GIZA, and to announce U.S. releases by the company. Although not all the music presented on this site is sung in English, all band profiles and news reports will be written in English and updated regularly.
The GIZA USA label works with distribution networks in the U.S. to deliver it's products to fans all over the world. Artists on the GIZA Studio label who's products were previously unavailable outside of Japan will release albums in English on this new label. These new records will be available to fans all over the world!
The GIZA USA web site is perfect for those who want to check out the many sounds of Japanese popular music, or the many new, alternative sounds represented on the GIZA label. You will find the melodies and rhythm to be a refreshing change from standard pop sound, and may even be surprised by the quality and range of the music presented here.
Please enjoy your trip through the website, and feel free to contact us with any comments, questions or opinions.
GIZA Studio was established on September 1st, 1998, in the so-called "America Town" of Shinsaibashi, Osaka, Japan. It is a recording company and record label within the music industry conglomerate, The Being Group, for operations in the Kansai Area (Kobe, Osaka, Kyoto, Nara) of Japan . This "group" controls all phases of the recording process, including recording, publishing, marketing, design, etc. GIZA Studio focuses on the creative process of music making, recruiting artists, songwriters, and engineers mostly from the Osaka area to work at one of the several studios it uses in Shinsaibashi (Osaka). Design, cinematography, photography, and video-editing are handled by the sister-comapany, Mod's House, and all distribution and sales are handled by the J-Disc Osaka branch. Both of these companies are also located in Shinsaibashi. Furthermore, these companies also opened the dance-club / live house "Grand Cafe", as well as the rock 'n roll oriented "ROCK ROCK" live house; creating two mainstays of the hot Shinsaibashi club scene today. With all of these facilities at hand, the company is free to pursue any creative adventure it's talented staff and artists such as Mai Kuraki, Garnet Crow, Rina Aiuchi, Miho Komatsu, Soul Crusaders, Rumania Montevideo, New Cinema Tokage, Wag, Yoko Black Stone, and 4D-Jam can think up. The shining star of GIZA Studio is, without a doubt, Mai Kuraki, also known as Mai-K. After debuting in America with the song "Baby I Like", her Japanese debut "Love, Day After Tomorrow" was released on December 8th, 1999, and shot to the top of the Japanese charts. On April 10th of the year 2000, she held two spots in the top ten with that first single, and her second, "Stay by my Side" which helped to make her the break-out success story of the year in the Japanese music business . Another big name for Giza is Miho Komatsu, the recipient of the 12th annual "Japan Gold Disc New Artist of the Year" award in 1998. There are also the UK, guitar-pop-style bands, Wag, New Cinema Tokage and Rumania Montevideo.
Within Giza are several indies labels that search for and promote local talent from Osaka. Bands like Cocotto for instance are on the Garage Indies Zapping Association label. Garnet Crow and Jason Zodiac are on the Tent House label. And the Blue-Z label has released two compilation albums of the blues scene in Osaka and the rest of Japan, "J-Blues Battle volume 1 and 2."
At the GIZA Studio official internet home page (www.giza.co.jp ) and the GIZA USA home page you will find links to all the artists GIZA represents, as well as links to various private homepages, and official fan clubs. There are also media clips of all the products GIZA has to offer.
The Being Music Production Company was founded by the composer Daikou Nagato in 1978. Starting with the debuts of artists like Loudness, Mariah, Hamada Mari, and Boowy, this company was been producing, recording, designing, and promoting artists since it's conception, and became the base of what was to become The Being Group empire.
Nowadays, The Being Group runs 3 different record labels and several other related businesses in Tokyo. Artists like B'z, Kindou Fusanosuke, Loudness, and Dimension are on Rooms Records. ZARD, Oguro Maki, and Wands are on B-gram Records. T-Bolan, Utoku Keiko, and Feel So Bad are on Zain Records, which also works with record labels from abroad to promote western music in Japan. Recording for these record labels is done at ten different studios in the Higashi-Roppongi area of Tokyo. These studios and all the companies that do the mastering, audio-visual, advertising, management, and sales are owned by The Being Group for the production of their Tokyo-based artists.
One such company is B.M.F.C., which is basically the music engineering department for the Being group, but also consists of song arrangers and track-makers. Another is the CS Broadcasting Company, which broadcasts on the Japanese satellite "Sky Perfect TV" system, MFTV channel 272. With the CF Music Factory, these two companies make all the promotional videos for the artists as well as various music television programs. These companies also supply shows to various local, public broadcasting companies, which are then broadcasted on normal airways for all to enjoy. There is also the Be-Planning Company that does the CD Jacket and spot advertising designing.
有种想建立BEING同盟会的冲动....因为太喜欢敬子JJ了.....>_< |