TheHolyLancer 发表于 2005-9-3 06:09:32

hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

Hello i'm new here and sicne i'm running a english version of windows xp and vista i would like to know how to get up a pingyin input (smartABC? perhaps?) up and running (at least in the 32bit version of my xp anyways.....

BTW where could i purchuse conan DVDs in canada? i have only got ep 1-124 (to 魔术爱好者杀人事件 (copied from the file name)) and i would likee to know where to buy these dvds or where do i download eps in packages (eg 100-200 or 200-300?)

streaming the thing (meaning pay then download at at real location, not someone's site making $$ off of these eps, is okay too i guess)

Thanks in advance.

洗衣机 发表于 2005-9-3 08:07:07

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

why not use chinese version ones.......
i don't buy conan DVDs...i download them.....on chinese sites....

TheHolyLancer 发表于 2005-9-3 09:45:20

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

why not use chinese version ones.......
i don't buy conan DVDs...i download them.....on chinese sites....

heh i can't find anything that is workingor could update to sp2, becides i'm not that fluent in chinese now...., and could ya pm me the site names? i hope its a few big packages so i don't need to click dl clickey that often

可爱柯南 发表于 2005-9-3 12:36:05

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

my windows is eng verison 2~~but i can still type chinese~~~><~seriously i dont kno abt that~.....sry.....

if u wanna download conan~u can use BT or EM or wutever- -~....and this site also provides conan cartoon~~~but i think they r all Chinese though...........

where do u live anyways~~?

TheHolyLancer 发表于 2005-9-3 13:43:13

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

my windows is eng verison 2~~but i can still type chinese~~~><~seriously i dont kno abt that~.....sry.....

if u wanna download conan~u can use BT or EM or wutever- -~....and this site also provides conan cartoon~~~but i think they r all Chinese though...........

where do u live anyways~~?

heh about where i live i can only say that i live in ontario, and i have got a few routers working for me so try not to ip track...

BTW i dled eps 400 (the title catched my eye lol) and founded about this site (i am chinese after all ya know, i only immigrated to canada when i was 10 so i couls till read it. I would like to know where i could download these, from this site or form other sites, if possible. I would love if they are in rm or rmvb format so they are not huge (god damned M$ shit soo forking big....), but i guess beggers are not chosers....

BTW i did install east asian support so i could read, but not write, perhaps its time to break out window 2000.....

倒影年华 发表于 2005-9-3 14:02:34

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...


St.Anime 发表于 2005-9-3 14:03:42

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

I think you can find the input programs by searching in any search engines...after all that's how I got my input at school= = just type in "chinese input program" and see what you'll get..

Um..I use to download conan off emule..but since I'm no longer interested(*hides*)...haven't touched emule for month..although BitComet/BT is now used more often, if you would like to go to and type in conan or even the chinese 柯南, you'll be able to find something there= =

可爱柯南 发表于 2005-9-3 14:05:17

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

- -~...dont worry~im not tryin 2 check ur IP or sumthing~just wondering...cuz if we r not living in the same city, i can't tell u where 2 buy DVDs~ u kno wut is BT?'s a download software~i'am sure there r lots of conan u can download by usin BT~.......

可爱柯南 发表于 2005-9-3 14:07:19

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

I think you can find the input programs by searching in any search engines...after all that's how I got my input at school= = just type in "chinese input program" and see what you'll get..

Um..I use to download conan off emule..but since I'm no longer interested(*hides*)...haven't touched emule for month..although BitComet/BT is now used more often, if you would like to go to and type in conan or even the chinese 柯南, you'll be able to find something there= =

geeeeeeeez..........................try 2 install chinese input programs at skool??.........never thought abt that b4= =~~.................
i always type pinyin~hahahah~

St.Anime 发表于 2005-9-3 14:09:19

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

geeeeeeeez..........................try 2 install chinese input programs at skool??.........never thought abt that b4= =~~.................
i always type pinyin~hahahah~
althought I only got 南极星(T___T) but it's close enough...

可爱柯南 发表于 2005-9-3 14:20:07

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

but the teacher willremove it ..............................................

St.Anime 发表于 2005-9-3 14:28:30

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

but the teacher will remove it ..............................................
We each have 10MB of storage in our own directory^___^ so it's no big deal~~~~%&203

TheHolyLancer 发表于 2005-9-3 14:51:35

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

We each have 10MB of storage in our own directory^___^ so it's no big deal~~~~%&203

ouch man we get 200mb and that is not enough for me...

personally i use a 80GB removeable stroage.... it have to be plugged to a USB 2.0 port though as that if not it will be slow as hell....

now i just goto try and find out if my school's computer will reconize it as a normal harddrive (some good computers with good motherboard and bios could) so i could even boot my own windows off of it ^^

and yes i know BT jsut need the .torrent files, personally i perfer ABC for its advanced functions :)

and lets say i live in northern ontario..... i would order online because i would think that there are no such stores around here and that ordering online was the only way to go

i will go search for them in google, BTW i do have a copy or nothern star (南极星) but i hate its friggin task bar.... guess that is why i dislike QQ too....

becided i perfer to start up my own free VoIP server so i could actually talk with the other person anyways :)

TheHolyLancer 发表于 2005-9-3 15:40:57

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

o wow!! i found one torrent with all 1-408 eps O.o!!! crip man... 32 GB.... thank god for 180GB SATA HDD...... time to break out them dual layered DVDs.... or wait a year for blu-ray to hit north america...........

BTW if ya want it email me heh

Nemesis-G 发表于 2005-9-4 08:16:35

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

Careful man,be careful.
Some times I spent lots of time to download thing like this,and I found that quality is just like a piece of s...
Wish you good luck

PS:Would you please correct it for me?I think my english is poor....

凌雪哀 发表于 2005-9-4 10:48:15

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...


TheHolyLancer 发表于 2005-9-4 13:01:00

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

heh well the quality is a problem, but hey its better than nothing...BTW my grammer and spelling is not that good as well, so you are much better off joining a real english forum and try there, perhaps even a forum that is dedicated to the language of english :)

I can't find movie 7 chs (voice over or subed) anywhere... whassup? i only have got the jap A version... i typed in chinese too.... i know that detetive conan is spelled differently in chinese and i though that i would be chinese somehow... (BTW i dunno if this have to do with anything, but this is suppose to be a dvd rip, so could there be embedded subtitle or different voice tracks some where in the files? too bad this is not a .iso or some thing, or else i would have been sure that the subtitle or different voice tracks would be here.....)

TheHolyLancer 发表于 2005-9-4 13:05:56

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

ops..... about the movie number 7 thing.... i think i sorta overlooked that it was already in one of the archives....... i guess 30 some gb worth of stuff have got lots of thing in it.... including this.... lol..............

Nemesis-G 发表于 2005-9-4 13:24:08

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

Best way is buy DVDs.......

可爱柯南 发表于 2005-9-4 13:34:57

回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...

i think u can check it when u use BT 2 download......they should have the information abt the eps and the files they have~~~
it's good 2 see u find 1 so quickly~lol~

my skool's different though...............cuz we cannot download or keep anything besides our work 4 the class...................

u kno wut....Ontario is rich and B.C's POOR!!!!!!-V-~
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