回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
Best way is buy DVDs.......not really.................
it's hard 2 find a place 2 buy those over here.....so~
and lets say i live in northern ontario..... i would order online because i would think that there are no such stores around here and that ordering online was the only way to go
im sure there r some websites do that~and depends on wut language version do u want......chinese one's better i think~dont really kno ~:P~
for conan, do u watch Chinese version or Eng version?~
回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
not really.................it's hard 2 find a place 2 buy those over here.....so~
i found 1 in metrotown....its easy to find...
and also u can get them in richmond centre...for sure u kno that HMV
for comic books, you kan find them in 百家店....im not quite sure abt the name,its on NO.3 rd in richmond...
but,do think of the price......||||
thats why we always prefer downloading...
Ontario is rich and B.C's POOR!!!!!!-V-~
e x a c t l y...
anyways...its not that cold here.....
回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
em~i found 1 in metrotown....its easy to find...
and also u can get them in richmond centre...for sure u kno that HMV
for comic books, you kan find them in 百家店....im not quite sure abt the name,its on NO.3 rd in richmond...
but,do think of the price......||||
thats why we always prefer downloading...
but the ep r old ........internet download is faster of course...........
回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
but the ep r old ........internet download is faster of course...........
borrow is much much more faster than all of that~i need to wait like a full 24hour to download a movie or anything like that~
so i usully borrow the cds from my classmates~~~ (and they downloaded from internet.....)
回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
well um my school don't allow it, but once you are on your own HDD...... (its a hole in the policy that people who knows computers expolit (even with their own 128mb flash stick, but mine is a portable HDD), and since i'm in a small city where soya sauce is very diffcult to find and PIIIs are considered **up to date** i think there is not a store for such things....well as for what version i'd like to watch... i wouldn't care, just so that i would get more eps :P because i'm more or so fluent in both languages there isn't a roadblock there.
Now i've ran into the problem of the seeder of the torrent is not there... therefore ther is no one with the complete file.... i'm hoping that its only temp down and that the thing will be up again..... but.... i'm beginning to look at other "mega collections"
and yes i perfer download because 1) its free 2) speed 3) no need to pick up parcel 4) no need to get a credit card
回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
holy crap... all english here.... it's been forever since somebody spoke english here~~~Now i've ran into the problem of the seeder of the torrent is not there... therefore ther is no one with the complete file.... i'm hoping that its only temp down and that the thing will be up again..... but.... i'm beginning to look at other "mega collections"
that's exactly why i stopped using BT, once i got stuck when the file was 99% downloaded..... -________-
that feeling is not pretty....
回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
holy crap... all english here.... it's been forever since somebody spoke english here~~~that's exactly why i stopped using BT, once i got stuck when the file was 99% downloaded..... -________-
that feeling is not pretty....
heh its okay if its 99% for movies... i think if the kind of file is right or with the right tools there is a way to fix em, now if its a game iso then its no good...
回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
chinese input= i downloaded njstar @ www.njstar.com they hav free trials...hardly anyone here speak english anymore (me= in tears)
回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
why? this IS after all the forum for people who are immigrated right? Am i in the wrong forum again? lol...well i guess me not able to get chinese input up have been a bonuse to this forum (or negative, depending on which viewpoint you are looking at this at)
BTW i tried northern star and it dosen't even let me download... couls someone give me the url for dling the thing? when i click on dl it just goes to the left (navagation) frame part of the webpage.... could this have been effected by me running firefox? If so then their html need to be fixed...
回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
this IS after all the forum for people who are immigrated right?not all of us...international students r also inclued,i guess...
回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
is your system windows XP? if it is, you should find the chinese input in "date, time,language, and regional option", just give a try. But perhaps, i think it's betta 2 type english in this one for some reason .*LOL. did Canada really get a lot english version of D_Conan ? US is only had like 30 eps or so. in chinese website u might find difficulties to get english version (or sub) of D_Conan. but y don't u try some JP web? It might be easier to find it in ENglish sub, i guess.回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
ummmm, never mind. JP is hard to understand if u never have learned it like me. LOL回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
but still.. u can least give a try. Someone said something like never give up the hopes be4, rite?回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
lolz agree^^u'll find a way somehow.... my computer's xp too, hard to understand english conan though.
回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
hehe well i can still play chinese conao as that they are overlayed onto the picture so i don't need anything extra (the decoder treat it as like any other picture, not like input language, where each symbol is a number and if ya have the wrong number its forked up..) and i don't really care for the language... as long as i could understand it, i wouldn't care even if its brain wave emitted ones (the ultimate commucation method lol).i wonder if the new windows (windows vista) i got have better support for this... then again its still beta....回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
heh its okay if its 99% for movies... i think if the kind of file is right or with the right tools there is a way to fix em, now if its a game iso then its no good...-0- that was a way to fix it ? omg......... how come nobody ever told me that before.....
回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
-0- that was a way to fix it ? omg......... how come nobody ever told me that before.....If you have media player classic..etc, you can open the file using this program even if it's not completely done...
回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
If you have media player classic..etc, you can open the file using this program even if it's not completely done...T________T tears.........
回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
why don't you google it yourself instead of asking other ppl? ...try to learn it thru gooogle回复: hello, newbie here and can't get chinese input up...
meh too lazy, becides since that i was hoping that someone would have smart ABC (my treanslation) and would be able to upload to me,and here is the site with media player classic and the codecs for them (click on here, i noticed that this site don't clearly mark links......)