回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
lol, well i wonder what eps is the jap version up to now? the chs ver is up to 414.回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
No idea...Anyway are you a boy or a girl? = =;;;
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
boy, now why would a gril intresteted in OCing computers? btw why is my sig on on?回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
grrr sig testing.....回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
..................偶发现不学好英语的坏处了..........................||||||回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
lol... well if ya immigrant to an english speaking country like canada then you'd pick it up pretty quick :)回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
lol... well if ya immigrant to an english speaking country like canada then you'd pick it up pretty quick :)Really?.................I don't think so................
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
Well... five years would be good enough I guess... But yeah you have to come at an early age...It gets harder...= =
To Lancer: what's OC?
Sorry but the only thing I can think of is OurConan... another forum...><
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
well i learn by beingsocialiable, not cooped up doing hw all day and trying to worry about your english, about how it is bad, i hve 5 years of experince here and i can tell you that many chinese who worry about all this and try to study the hard way (reading books, cds, dvds,ect...) have absoutly no better pronounceation than me (although i need some work in my spelling and grammer division) i learned by interacting with my friends, teachers. and that all includes going to birthday parties, or dances (i 'don't dance personally, for one thing, i can't) or else sleepovers at a friend house (sword fight included, almost broke a few things as well :P) so this way, i'm constally doing something english, there is a down side to this method is that i do not have the spelling and grammer side of this fun equation as strong as my pronouncation and word sense (which word goes best with what other word, why somthing is grammical correct but it sounds really bad when you say it, etc...) and another one is that i have forgotten most of my chinese, not that i did any good in my language class back in china, but I still lost some there.if you don't have time for these, try some nice conversation with your teachers or friends every day, perhaps during lunch time, find something commmon thsat you both like that is constantly updated (computers, gaming, world news, etc...) so there will never any time where the topic runs dry.
i'm not a langustic, so all this advice same from a normal person, not someone who spends time on actually getting the perfact mark in their language class.
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
彻底疯掉.......回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
i should include something in my post like: warning! massive amount of headace will be caused if you enter this thread with little english experince and little cyberspace english experince, however *insert weird ad here* will help your english, go get it%&071
in a internet full ads, lets add one more and get more driniage of $$ for the weak minded and lots headaches for the rest of us%&149
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
well i learn by being socialiable, not cooped up doing hw all day and trying to worry about your english, about how it is bad, i hve 5 years of experince here and i can tell you that many chinese who worry about all this and try to study the hard way (reading books, cds, dvds,ect...) have absoutly no better pronounceation than me (although i need some work in my spelling and grammer division) i learned by interacting with my friends, teachers. and that all includes going to birthday parties, or dances (i 'don't dance personally, for one thing, i can't) or else sleepovers at a friend house (sword fight included, almost broke a few things as well :P) so this way, i'm constally doing something english, there is a down side to this method is that i do not have the spelling and grammer side of this fun equation as strong as my pronouncation and word sense (which word goes best with what other word, why somthing is grammical correct but it sounds really bad when you say it, etc...) and another one is that i have forgotten most of my chinese, not that i did any good in my language class back in china, but I still lost some there.if you don't have time for these, try some nice conversation with your teachers or friends every day, perhaps during lunch time, find something commmon thsat you both like that is constantly updated (computers, gaming, world news, etc...) so there will never any time where the topic runs dry.
i'm not a langustic, so all this advice same from a normal person, not someone who spends time on actually getting the perfact mark in their language class.
Wow... I actually read every single word...
Well... You do have some good advices...
It's really important that you talk in a language because it's actually the most effective kind of practice.
Listening to CDs or watching videos are good ways to learn when you cannot concentrate otherwise because of their low efficiency.
I don't have much to add. Personally I went through the learn-like-a-nerd process myself. The result is not too well I guess. At least not as well as I hoped. I'm doing well in my English course, but that's about it.
Different people learn things differently. And I believe Lancer and I are exactly the opposite in this area. I care more about my marks, so I pay more attention to grammar and spelling (that's what the course is about). Of course I am suffering the side-effects (such as not capable of communicating orally and simply cannot understand the locals). But I guess those things won't kill me.
So yeah... For now, only marks matter.
↑I am a hopeless nerd... I am a hopeless nerd... I don't know why but I am a hopeless nerd... %&182 %&182
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
i should include something in my post like: warning! massive amount of headace will be caused if you enter this thread with little english experince and little cyberspace english experince, however *insert weird ad here* will help your english, go get it%&205
I think the title we have now is enough to scare away the weak-willed spirits by itself.
No weird ads please... They really are headaches to the rest of us...%&212
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
No idea...Anyway are you a boy or a girl? = =;;;
Thank u thank u , That question was to the point, Ive been thinking Lancer is a girl all these times... hehe...
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
↑I am a hopeless nerd... I am a hopeless nerd... I don't know why but I am a hopeless nerd... %&182 %&182
Poor girl~~~ Y r u callin' urself a hopeless nerd?
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
Well... five years would be good enough I guess... But yeah you have to come at an early age...Two years might be enough, if u r isolated byenglish-speaking ppl%&109
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
grrrrr why do i soound like a girl%&035%&035%&035%&056%&056%&098%&098? BTW (i got like 30 on that test lol... so i dunno why u ppl think i'm a girl... unless of course that test is BS.....)and well if ur isolated from ur parents is one way to learn eng i guess lol, i mean that means you won't be able to communicate with someone, and that is the one thing about this, most ppl's parents cannot speak good english, so at home the faimly speaks chinese and i'm luckey enough that my mother have a open minded mind that allows me not to worry constanly about marks she wants me to learn knowledge, learn how to study fast and effcient, and leard wisdom (how to use the knowledge in a way that is benficial, and when to use it), now my dad is the traditional chinese person, its all marks marks marks for him, he used to hit me when i'm like 5, now the tide have turned %&149 i'm about a 109 KG titan and well he is about half of me..... so i have the chance to expand my horizens, instead of spending time entirely on marks, marks and more marks..... but i have to give him credit for changing after we came to Canada though, he rearly came after me because of marks and began to understand my way more %&177.
now all i goto ask that why are the icons so big?....
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
%&205I think the title we have now is enough to scare away the weak-willed spirits by itself.
No weird ads please... They really are headaches to the rest of us...%&212
lol the ad is there to make headace ya know :P
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
Thank u thank u , That question was to the point, Ive been thinking Lancer is a girl all these times... hehe...Same here... I actually thought it was a girl... Until I saw his score (40) on the gender test...= =
Poor girl~~~ Y r u callin' urself a hopeless nerd?
Oh... that... I am a nerd though... = =
All I care about is my mark... So I guess that makes me a nerd... %&041
Two years might be enough, if u r isolated by english-speaking ppl%&109
Well... yes... But in order to use the language as fluently as the natives you need to work really hard in those two years... Or maybe I just took so long because I'm not a language person... It's possible...= =