回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
grrrrr why do i soound like a girl%&035%&035%&035%&056%&056%&098%&098? BTW (i got like 30 on that test lol... so i dunno why u ppl think i'm a girl... unless of course that test is BS.....)and well if ur isolated from ur parents is one way to learn eng i guess lol, i mean that means you won't be able to communicate with someone, and that is the one thing about this, most ppl's parents cannot speak good english, so at home the faimly speaks chinese and i'm luckey enough that my mother have a open minded mind that allows me not to worry constanly about marks she wants me to learn knowledge, learn how to study fast and effcient, and leard wisdom (how to use the knowledge in a way that is benficial, and when to use it), now my dad is the traditional chinese person, its all marks marks marks for him, he used to hit me when i'm like 5, now the tide have turned %&149 i'm about a 109 KG titan and well he is about half of me..... so i have the chance to expand my horizens, instead of spending time entirely on marks, marks and more marks..... but i have to give him credit for changing after we came to Canada though, he rearly came after me because of marks and began to understand my way more %&177.
now all i goto ask that why are the icons so big?....
Well you sure are lucky to have such nice parents.
Mine brainwashed so well that I consider myself lucky to have a traditional environment and family rules... = =
I guess that's why I can stay happy about this... = =
btw the icons are just like that, right? They look the same to me anyways.
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
Dude, whats wrong with ya? Stop talking in English already!Well... I did say we can do alternating pages (ie 1 in Eng 1 in Chinese)
but Lancer forgot his pinyins... = =
This is his post... and it's in this forum...
Just trying to follow the trend here...%&053
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
and have anyone noticed his name? his name is one of the few here that have actual names that a local would have chosen..... SOLO SURVIVOUR (the last man standing, now in FPS (first person shooters) that is the best player in a game usually)..... so i wonder why is he so upset for someone obviously knows english, at least to some degree...ex. he shoots me, i go down, last player in deathmatch, he wins
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
Yeah... It's pretty obvious that SSV knows English... Pretty well too, I'd say.I mean... Dude, for one, then ya... don't think you can do unless you are very comfortable with the language...
Anyways... I really would like to chat in Chinese if the owner chooses to do so...
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
heh that too, i think that the word "dude" is not in the chinese dictionaries yet...回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
hey Lancer are you in Ontario?Just curious...
school computer it looks like...at least that's what I would do... = =
btw... Dude is in xdict(a translation software I think), but the meaning is somewhat off...
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
HolyLancer, you surely know how to talk/type in english....By the way, dude is in the english-chinese dictionary
A fellow; a chap.
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
well i guess it is in the dictonary, but i would think that the meaning is slightly off....and yes i'm in ontario heh, what do ya mean by:
theschool computer it looks like...at least that's what I would do... = =
btw... Dude is in xdict(a translation software I think), but the meaning is somewhat off...
and x dict's proper english name (when i install it onto my eng xp it says this): Powerword and xdict i belive is its chinese-english name, unless i'm completly off here
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
Actually, I'm having no idea about what u r talking about now... Make me feel stupid!!%&094%&094%&094%&094回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
i guess it is impolite to speak another language in which excludes other people into the converstation,meh thank god that this is e comm, i mean think about it, two jabbering in 1 lang and then ur on one side trying desperatly to understand what they ae saying while they are ignoring ya...
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
and yes i'm in ontario heh, what do ya mean by:
the school computer it looks like...at least that's what I would do... = =
btw... Dude is in xdict(a translation software I think), but the meaning is somewhat off...
and x dict's proper english name (when i install it onto my eng xp it says this): Powerword and xdict i belive is its chinese-english name, unless i'm completly off here
oh that... it looks like you are using the school computer, that's all... At least that's what I do on my lunch...= =
It's x dict? now it makes some sense... dict for dictionary, I presume?
金山词霸 is the chinese name...so yes, it is Powerword... you are not off at all...
Actually, I'm having no idea about what u r talking about now... Make me feel stupid!!%&094%&094%&094%&094
er... Melvi~~~ (Can I call you that? cuz Mel is for 赫兰 and I don't want to get confused...)
We were talking about the word dude and if it's in the chinese dictionary...
then I sort of moved on to where Lancer is (Ontario was my guess, and I was right).
I think that's all... just random chat going on... I'm sorry if you feel excluded...><
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
two jabbering in 1 lang and then ur on one side trying desperatly to understand what they ae saying while they are ignoring ya...I guess we are the two then... = =
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
lol i guess so, sorry melvina回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
o and what all the rankings on the side with ur avatar mean? like i no post #, but cash and property? and smart (rought translation) and w/e the other one is (can't translate that one, i know what it means but can't translate it)回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
ummmmmm....just a suggestion....
u guys want the english chatroom open again?
kiss kiss
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
hum? there was a eng chat room? welll i, for one, would like it, escipically if its something like ventrio (spelling....) where u use a mic to litterly chat with someone, ya need a server to host the server program and everyone would need to dl the client, the free version only allow like 8 clients connected to it though....回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
http://www.ventrilo.com/check it out, i use it for my gamining (FPS) and its killer in games that don't have voip built in
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
looking through...4 chat room i meant i open a topic just cor general chatting without the risk of u guys get busted for watering... cause some ppl cares alot about it...
well i don't think i can open one to use mic to chat... don't really know how... good idea to use msn lol, until i find a server lol
回复: Which is the most recent eps? and any news about future seasons?
lol, msn would work i guess,on the side : what does watering mean in this forum?