4everluv 发表于 2006-9-15 07:02:22

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

Good morning Mel and Candy~~~~~
my birthday is the day before yesterday....
sorry about i missed ur bday... i have 2 projects and two tests coming up....so, im almost dead now......
i was worried about it these days, got those gross canker stuff in my mouth..... Those are....OUCH!!!:014: :014: :014:

4everluv 发表于 2006-9-15 12:49:33

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

i hope NG&G are both fine aft reading that PM

Nemesis-G 发表于 2006-9-15 22:05:01

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

Thanks Mel,really feeling better....
I'm just fed up with these.Let's forget those things.

4everluv 发表于 2006-9-16 04:50:50

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

Thanks Mel,really feeling better....
I'm just fed up with these.Let's forget those things.
yep, besides those nasty ppl and things, how's NG's week~?

4everluv 发表于 2006-9-16 04:56:17

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

Some guy shoot 20 people in Montreal last night...
i saw that too... was it in a high school? thats kinda scary....

4everluv 发表于 2006-9-16 05:00:33

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

it can always happen elsewheres, gun shot events in canada are so common.....
its common here too in US, since most of the families have a gun... it's scary.. i heard once the cause of this kinda events is like some girl dumped a guy, and he was angry, thas y he shot the girl....
thas....:028: stupid~!

Ange1ica 发表于 2006-9-16 05:56:08

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

a guy likes the girl, so he shot her when she wanted to break up with him.... that's not stupid or something....(technically it is) but u have to think ppl all have some moments like that....(their mind just isnt working well to tell them what's wrong or not..)
^^ just be careful when u dump a guy in school Mel^^

Ange1ica 发表于 2006-9-16 05:56:39

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

im so tired... im going to sleep now~~~

Nemesis-G 发表于 2006-9-16 07:39:32

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

yep, besides those nasty ppl and things, how's NG's week~?Well,normal,nothing special except Friday's whole PE class...

i saw that too... was it in a high school? thats kinda scary....

High school?I thought it was a college....

4everluv 发表于 2006-9-16 09:56:20

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

Well,normal,nothing special except Friday's whole PE class...

High school?I thought it was a college....
maybe, i dont know for sure..... o well, it's another weekend...yeah...lots of hws..yeah.....:040:
PE class...? i havent had PE since N years ago, and the last PE i had was yoga.. what do u do in PE class?

4everluv 发表于 2006-9-16 09:57:50

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

just be careful when u dump a guy in school Mel...
:029: thx for the advice, panda...

Nemesis-G 发表于 2006-9-16 10:05:03

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

maybe, i dont know for sure..... o well, it's another weekend...yeah...lots of hws..yeah.....:040:
PE class...? i havent had PE since N years ago, an...
散打- -
I had been kicked for nearly a whole class.....
You need two ppl wo train,one holding the shield,and the other just kick you shield for practise.Girls'training was different from the boys',and I thought that training is not powerful at all so I joined Boys' Group.Because I was a new comer so I had to hold the shield first....
Then,those guys just kick and kick.....I just defense and defense- -
untill 3 minnutes to class over,it was finally my turn to kick the shield.......:028:

4everluv 发表于 2006-9-16 10:07:39

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

wow, that's cool~
u actually think that u r more powerful that other girls..? wow, then u must be....
im jealous now ^^

Nemesis-G 发表于 2006-9-16 10:11:57

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

Well,actually I just want to be more powerful....I have to protect myself or no one can protect me isn't?

4everluv 发表于 2006-9-16 10:16:48

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

mmmmmm, yes i guess so...
sigh, so if the ppl of the world is defined as predator or prey... I think i will definitely be the prey , which waiting to be eaten....

4everluv 发表于 2006-9-16 10:19:50

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

how do u and candy know japanese that well??? me mel have no idea what's going on in the JCR

Nemesis-G 发表于 2006-9-16 10:25:21

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

mmmmmm, yes i guess so...
sigh, so if the ppl of the world is defined as predator or prey... I think i will definitely be the prey , which waiting to ...Well let's show them something that girls are not weak at all.Never.

how do u and candy know japanese that well??? me mel have no idea what's going on in the JCR

Well,I learn it myself~~

Ala,I have to leave now..my classmate is waiting....wish to chat with you again tonight~~

4everluv 发表于 2006-9-16 10:27:08

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

yes sure, have fun in whatever u r going to do~^^

SoloSurViVOR 发表于 2006-9-17 00:18:06

SoloSurViVOR 发表于 2006-9-17 00:27:25

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