ave. 4.5 hours of sleep a day... 原帖由 4everluv 于 2008-2-21 13:50 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
ADD OIL... that sounds so cutem1 (27)k
ave. 4.5 hours of sleep a day...
ave. 2 hours of sleep a day Yep Add Oil, it's a kind of popular Chinglish in my school^_^
Add Oil, Oil fried ghost, Salty and wet,etc XDDD 原帖由 Nemesis-G 于 2008-2-21 11:52 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
Thanks Hiddern, ace might not possible,I just hope that I can get a 70% or higher.....
Take your best shot on it, I believe you can do well.m1 (32)k Everybody canspeak English well expect me .......
I'm not good at English (cry......) m1 (49)k
But I'm only a thiteen-year-oldgirl......m1 (45)k
I'm ready to go to school now ,BYE~m1 (46)k (饿~N多错误吧… 原帖由 雪糕の旋律 于 2008-2-21 22:10 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
Everybody canspeak English well expect me .......
I'm not good at English (cry......) m1 (49)k
But I'm only a thiteen-year-oldgirl......m1 (45)k
I'm ready to go to school now ,BYE~m1 (46)k ( ...
“speak well"
i think ur english isnt too bad. a lot of native speakers like to say speak good... or did good... but it's wrong.. Do you know why we learn english ?If you know the answer ,please tell me the reasion.Thank you! 原帖由 4everluv 于 2008-2-22 12:15 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
“speak well"
i think ur english isnt too bad. a lot of native speakers like to say speak good... or did good... but it's wrong..
Thankes.m1 (45)k
I know my English is not good now ,but I will practice it to make it better.m1 (48)k (请问有语法错误吗?…)
I'm sorrry that I can't understand the last stendce's mine…(单词貌似拼错啦 …ORZm1 (49)k think nobody's here now...
Oil fried ghost?? what is that 原帖由 棉花糖糖 于 2008-2-22 23:21 发表
think nobody's here now...
Oil fried ghost?? what is that
Practice always makes you better, if you have confidence in yourself that's even more important. 原帖由 雪糕の旋律 于 2008-2-22 18:38 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
Thankes.m1 (45)k
I know my English is not good now ,but I will practice it to make it better.m1 (48)k (请问有语法错误吗?…)
I'm sorrry that I can't understand the last stendce's mine…(单词貌似拼错啦 ...
It's OK.
It's not easy to learn a forign language, especially for people who are not native speaker.
Just so more practice, and you will be fine ^^ actually have no idea what doesthe chinese version mean neither =v= Thanks for everyone'shelp!~m1 (45)k (- -鼓励不会拼…)
回复 9391# 的帖子
encouragement Eduardo's ankle is completely broken after a stupid horrendous pointless dirty challenge from Birmingham's Martin Taylor.Praying for the man nicknamed Dudu in Arsenal.
Sometimes the world is utterly unfair. Confirmation
Eduardo suffered a triple leg break where his two broken bones were perpendicular to each other and his left foot seemed hanging on his leg by a thread, as photos have shown. It may be career threatening and definitely one of the most sickening, horrendous injury in English football history. 原帖由 棉花糖糖 于 2008-2-22 21:52 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
actually have no idea what doesthe chinese version mean neither =v=
same here.......m1 (81)k Oh yeah....
I came back alive..... of course u would..how did u do ? My English 11 test sucks.....