Very Nice
ZANGDU xike xike! 原帖由 大肚肚 于 2008-4-18 13:32 发表
ZANGDU xike xike!
how can i type this red heart = =0? (l)
in front of your name Free Ti bet? Free my ASS!! 原帖由 Nemesis-G 于 2008-4-22 13:20 发表
Free Ti bet? Free my ASS!!
Everyone has the right to express his feeling. However, only a few can turn their thoughts into action and only the strong will get what they want. I suppose most people would only hear what they want to hear, see what they believe to be.
Everyone's brainwashed. 原帖由 angerulz 于 2008-4-22 20:23 发表
I suppose most people would only hear what they want to hear, see what they believe to be.
Everyone's brainwashed.
Not exactly. If someone's been brainwashed, he would only hear what I want him to hear, and believe in what I want him to believe, 'cause I'm the one who "brainwashed" him. That's true, but I didn't mean the technical term of someone being brainwashed.
I meant, they've been "brainwashed" into believing a certain aspect of ... the situation, if you like to call it. tmr is the exam haha i studied unbelievable What a city of F-L-G scums, and what a room filled with so called fre-edom fighters which were brainwashed by some maniac.
However, they acted just like the thief from an old Chinese idiom.
And honorable Da-Lai, I suddenly find that you are really fugly, just as fugly as those scum work for you,and those scum believed in you
[ 本帖最后由 Nemesis-G 于 2008-4-24 13:19 编辑 ] im sooo occcupied ahhhh, i cannnnnnnnnnttttttt wait til schools over!!!!! 原帖由 Nemesis-G 于 2008-4-24 13:12 发表
What a city of F-L-G scums, and what a room filled with so called fre-edom fighters which were brainwashed by some maniac.
However, they acted just like the thief from an old Chinese idiom.
And honora ...
here i feel we have too many mainland people for ZD to operate their scummy little plans
in our school or in our community if we'd ever see a ZD or a F-LG, we'd scare their little a*ses so bad... 原帖由 大肚肚 于 2008-4-24 22:52 发表
here i feel we have too many mainland people for ZD to operate their scummy little plans
in our school or in our community if we'd ever see a ZD or a F-LG, we'd scare their little a*ses so bad...
Wow, Burnaby is such a good place....
One thing about Vancouver sucks is because of the F-L-G bastards 原帖由 angerulz 于 2008-4-23 18:49 发表
That's true, but I didn't mean the technical term of someone being brainwashed.
I meant, they've been "brainwashed" into believing a certain aspect of ... the situation, if you like to call it.
I think the people who grew up together tend to think in a similar fashion. It seems that some people just don't appreciate the differences in others cultures and religions. It's not like everyone on this planet has to be a Christian in order to live... Back from classes....
Is anyone here?
Just show up Alright~Since Hiddern is I'm not here LOL I have aquestion?
Is in the here must speak or use English to communion?
And cann't speak or use chinese? well this is the ENGLISH
we use chinese in every single post other than this Dudu got the point