4everluv 发表于 2008-6-23 01:19:00

i still didnt see the croatia-turkey game..= =

and dudu, it was u who were trying to add me on xiaonei , wasnt it? i was like.. whos that boy...lolllll

大肚肚 发表于 2008-6-23 05:42:41

yep yep yep
i thought i added "dudu" after my name there...

Spain won~Congrats Cesc~

Nemesis-G 发表于 2008-6-23 07:36:33

Didn't see you for a long time Mel, full power on the exams now?

4everluv 发表于 2008-6-24 15:02:35

>>>is dudu really ur nickname? how cute lolz. yea, ive added u and left ur a wall post already

>>>NG, i was done with my exams on may 8th, busying on graduation stuff and post-grad things.. now im in shanghai =) ahhh, computer is slow.. i wish i can just steal someone's wireless. but no one around seems to be generous enough to share...m1 (39)k

hiddern70 发表于 2008-6-24 15:06:54

原帖由 Nemesis-G 于 2008-6-22 22:42 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif

Tomorrow will be the last one...
Sigh, I'm in deep S now, really.
Me too...hehehe
working on summer work right now.....m1 (48)k

大肚肚 发表于 2008-6-25 02:06:54

回复 9715# 的帖子

dudu's my nick name....not my formal English name though~

fairy_lollipop 发表于 2008-6-25 05:06:14

One of my friend's real name is Dudu!! (I have to say she is evil....really scary!!)

大肚肚 发表于 2008-6-25 08:37:28

- -0
It's a "she"...

棉花糖糖 发表于 2008-6-25 09:24:30

i know another dudu too~ and its a she ^^

大肚肚 发表于 2008-6-25 11:23:26

I know another dudu, and it's a "he"..
Eduardo lol

hiddern70 发表于 2008-6-25 12:43:17

So,the topic for now is dudu's name????m1 (36)k

SSV 发表于 2008-6-25 16:16:05

Hi 70, how have you been?

hiddern70 发表于 2008-6-25 22:33:09

原帖由 SSV 于 2008-6-25 16:16 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
Hi 70, how have you been?
Despite the torture of summer classes, I'm fine.
What about you, solo?

fairy_lollipop 发表于 2008-6-26 05:04:52

Lsat day of Gr.8*TEARS* I have to say bye to every single classmate today... So sad!! I don't wanna leave!!!

大肚肚 发表于 2008-6-26 10:41:37

Grade 8 means graduation?

Ange1ica 发表于 2008-6-26 23:42:51

原帖由 大肚肚 于 2008-6-25 21:41 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
Grade 8 means graduation?

yes, middle school grad. then HS = Gr9-12

aahaha dudu i love ur eyes in the pciture..lol, for some reason, i adore them =)

[ 本帖最后由 Ange1ica 于 2008-6-26 10:44 编辑 ]

大肚肚 发表于 2008-6-27 09:11:46

- -0
My eyes...are just like - -

Ange1ica 发表于 2008-6-27 13:44:08

回复 9728# 的帖子

yep - -

lol...so u r in a boarding school in canada?

大肚肚 发表于 2008-6-27 13:52:40

no..just a normal public secondary school

赫兰 发表于 2008-6-27 14:56:03

hello everyone><

water water water water... *sinks*
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