that'd help too.. cuz it's on philosophy = = or be more exact, buddhism C'mon, tell me. I might not know it, but my BSing skill is great. why religion anyway? 原帖由 SSV 于 2009-7-23 01:17 发表
why religion anyway?
just a humanity requirement, and that was the only one in summer 2 session = =...
do you knwo the book miracle of mindfulness? we have a paper on it and then i dont really know how to write it.. i have some scrambled sentences,paragraphs jogging down but i cant really put its big ideas in ideal words = = im basically brain-dead, it was such an easy book though :( so you left w/o saying a word - - 原帖由 4everluv 于 2009-7-23 14:22 发表
just a humanity requirement, and that was the only one in summer 2 session = =...
do you knwo the book miracle of mindfulness? we have a paper on it and then i dont really know how to write it.. i...
No, I never read the book.
However, if there is a way for me to read it, I would read it just to give you an idea.
For me, buddhism is different than all the other religions. It's more about human to human interaction than human to god interaction, if you know what I mean. Harmony is a very big word in buddhism, I think. 原帖由 4everluv 于 2009-7-23 14:29 发表
so you left w/o saying a word - -
I didn't leave..... So where can I read it? = = shock idk...
maybe google book or wiki for a summary? i have all the idea, but i worked myself into confusion = =|||||
and omg that avatar of you... we just had a presentation on that in class 原帖由 4everluv 于 2009-7-23 14:37 发表
i have all the idea, but i worked myself into confusion = =|||||
and omg that avatar of you... we just had a presentation on that in class
六道轮回。sorry, I have to say this in Chinese.
[ 本帖最后由 SSV 于 2009-7-23 14:42 编辑 ] 原帖由 4everluv 于 2009-7-23 14:37 发表
i have all the idea, but i worked myself into confusion = =|||||
and omg that avatar of you... we just had a presentation on that in class
show me what you got
From what I understand, buddhism is about 3 kinds of harmony.
The harmony between your mind and you body.
The harmony between you and the nature.
The harmony between you and the people around you.
If the book is about buddhism, it's got to be talking about one or two or maybe three out of the 3 kinds.
[ 本帖最后由 SSV 于 2009-7-23 14:57 编辑 ] look, i totally worked myself into confusion... excuse the bad wording, there's no flowering in it= =
The word “.....things we are doing.
[ 本帖最后由 4everluv 于 2009-7-23 02:19 编辑 ] 原帖由 4everluv 于 2009-7-23 14:55 发表
look, i totally worked myself into confusion... excuse the bad wording, there's no flowering in it= =
The word “mindfulness” refers to be aware of one’s consciousness.To find out the pathway to ...
This is a summary. If the professor says he wants a summary, then that's fine. If he doesn't say, you should not write a summary.
Did you read floor 10271?
[ 本帖最后由 SSV 于 2009-7-23 15:03 编辑 ]
回复 10273# SSV 的帖子
i didnt think i wrote a summary = = . at least i wasn't recalling the stuff i read in the book. im so confused.. the book is about mind controling, be aware of the fact that we are doing things just that we are doing's "experiencing" without any judgements..= =ok.... im lost.. im not the enlightened one.. lol. I JUST WANNA SAY FML AT THE MOMENT
right now im just trying to modify this paragraph,but the more i change it the more confused i am..........................
[ 本帖最后由 4everluv 于 2009-7-23 02:10 编辑 ] you are confused because you didn't understand what you read. just when is the due date for this paper? 原帖由 4everluv 于 2009-7-23 15:08 发表
right now im just trying to modify this paragraph,but the more i change it the more confused i am..........................
what does the professor want from you, an analysis, a thesis paper? anything but a summary... could be on a major topic, or analysis sure...= = it's due.... soon - -||| Taking a deep breath will calm you down. This is a great way to control you mind as well as your temper. See, this is a harmony between your mind and your body.
身体与思想的和谐,身体与思想的调和,it's just like tai-chi.
[ 本帖最后由 SSV 于 2009-7-23 15:22 编辑 ] 原帖由 4everluv 于 2009-7-23 15:18 发表
anything but a summary... could be on a major topic, or analysis sure...= = it's due.... soon - -|||
I thought the same way as you one year ago, but after I took American Literature class, everything changed.
I tried to find an good example paper for you, but I couldn't, I guess I lost it.