发表于 2010-8-15 12:42:50
PS Hiddern, I'm gonna warn you that C12 of Rainy Night, From the Darkside of the Heart is very bloody.....more bloody than all old cases
发表于 2010-8-15 12:47:34
PS Hiddern, I'm gonna warn you that C12 of Rainy Night, From the Darkside of the Heart is very blood ...
Nemesis-G 发表于 2010-8-15 12:42 static/image/common/back.gifhmm....I see.
thanks for warnning XD
发表于 2010-8-15 12:54:39
Guess that's because I did not kill for a long time...
发表于 2010-8-15 13:04:53
Guess that's because I did not kill for a long time...
Nemesis-G 发表于 2010-8-15 12:54 static/image/common/back.gifthat make sense.
since the last time was not an successive one
发表于 2010-8-15 13:09:24
本帖最后由 Nemesis-G 于 2010-8-15 13:12 编辑
that make sense.
since the last time was not an successive one
hiddern70 发表于 2010-8-15 13:04 static/image/common/back.gif
Actually that was rather successive....well, Phantom was not pleased because the victim touched her~
发表于 2010-8-15 13:12:28
Nemesis-G 发表于 2010-8-15 13:09 static/image/common/back.gifthat's right, and because of that, Raynor and his groups can finally get some clue on this killer
发表于 2010-8-15 13:15:29
We'll wait~
Nemesis-G 发表于 2010-8-14 23:40 static/image/common/back.gifi wanna see a picture of you!!!
发表于 2010-8-15 13:16:34
Hmm...You got an interesting view here Hiddern!
Pleeeeeeease explain your thought to me ><
发表于 2010-8-15 13:18:05
i wanna see a picture of you!!!
4everluv 发表于 2010-8-15 13:15 static/image/common/back.gif
Um...Can you add an "r" after the word "you"...?
发表于 2010-8-15 13:19:27
rather。。。 you adn your barefoot :P
发表于 2010-8-15 13:20:56
....I'll give up my favourite sandals!
发表于 2010-8-15 13:23:28
nothing stops me from wanting ur pic now(-9-)
发表于 2010-8-15 13:25:11
Later, later ><
发表于 2010-8-15 13:28:09
well, as I remenber, the last chapter that I read from your novel indicates the rayner's group found one of the footprint from the killer's sandle ( which was under the eaves and was not flushed by the rain water)
Wow that was kinda old....That was a loooong time ago and more than 3 chapters were added on after that
发表于 2010-8-15 13:31:49
ugh i should say i wont delete it unless u show me photo.... not a strong threat but thats all i can come up with so far..
发表于 2010-8-15 13:33:04
I will show it later ><
Feet only ><
发表于 2010-8-15 13:33:21
Wow that was kinda old....That was a loooong time ago and more than 3 chapters were added on after...
Nemesis-G 发表于 2010-8-15 13:28 static/image/common/back.gifhaha, it is.
as far as I can remenber, that was the key improves from Rayner's group.
and after that was the romance scene
发表于 2010-8-15 13:35:35
I will show it later ><
Feet only >
Nemesis-G 发表于 2010-8-15 00:33 static/image/common/back.gif
(-33-)foot ...only.....
发表于 2010-8-15 13:36:19
haha, it is.
as far as I can remenber, that was the key improves from Rayner's group.
and after tha ...
hiddern70 发表于 2010-8-15 13:33 static/image/common/back.gif
The romance scene that matches the description would be C8
So you will have 6 chapters to catch up then~
发表于 2010-8-15 13:37:13
foot ...only.....
4everluv 发表于 2010-8-15 13:35 static/image/common/back.gif
I don't know what to say...