大家随便说~想上什么大学还有想去的faculty。如果现在有人正在报,能不能提供一点最新资讯什么的~还有关于奖学金的事~~最热门的program都有哪些,还有学什么专业以后比较好找工作??加拿大的大学排名是什么?那个大学最好?还有那个专业在那个大学最好?比如多大就是医学,waterloo就是computerscience.本人昨天报了UBC和UT,本人的最终目标是杀回多伦多,俗话说得好“好马不吃回头草”,但是本人就不是好马!怎么的?呵呵~btw,ubc application fee is $60 but UT is $165. Fees may vary according to the program u r applying to and the # of univ. u r applying.
下周五,dec 2,本人要去ubc参加campus tour,有谁想去赶紧上网报http://students.ubc.ca/welcome/visits.cfm?page=tours,大家可以一起去~
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MS很遥远的事情 - -UBC环境很好%&009 累了可以去海滩玩~
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喷,12年级,我都16年级了……回复: 讨论讨论报大学的有关事情(12年级的人不进就是对我奶妈不敬)
想去UT。。。But don't have what it takes...= =
btw I'm in gr11 now...
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I'm applying for UT... CompEngineering as first choice. same for UBC, but I think I'll go to UT. Last year, almost all the IB ppl who applied to UT and UBC got in... acctually, it's true for every year=___=I'm still thinking about waterloo and McGill... but well... I'm running short of money... lol^^
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ummm... KeAi posted something about university sites in canada a while ago and someone posted something about ranking long time ago... see if u can find it^^me gr.9 rite now= = so can't really help except that= =
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按照中国的来看,专业热门找工作未必方便,而冷门专业因为人少所以找工作反而方便的也不是没有,而且分数低也好考……外国不知道回复: 讨论讨论报大学的有关事情(12年级的人不进就是对我奶妈不敬)
我也会apply to UT。。。。。。UBC也会。。。。。。。。Queen's。。。还有waterloo~~~再来可能会报U Vic 或者 SFU~~~
我不知道抱什么faculty啊啊啊~science或者business?。。。。- -~~~
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lovely,你十六年级??那个学校允许学生留级留的这么严重?jkjk~~哈哈~你在那个学校阿?你的“专业论”很有道理唉~~to大肚肚,ubc环境是很好~去过一次而已,不过下周campus tour一定要好好考察考察~
snoopy,ut本人去过一共三个campus,一个是downtown st. george,一个是scarbourgh,还有一个是missisagua~missisagur离多伦多市中心很远但是有很多本人想上的专业~science一类的。st. george一共分7个college,冬天的时候很惨,每节课和每节课之间都要走几个block。。
to rosina,agree,ib大部分的人都能进ut和ubc~~希望我也幸运~
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ummm... KeAi posted something about university sites in canada a while ago and someone posted something about ranking long time ago... see if u can fi...我去哪里找这些帖子阿?
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直接找可爱吧 - -水母的意思是大四吗……没有16年的吧
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lovely,你十六年级??那个学校允许学生留级留的这么严重?jkjk~~哈哈~你在那个学校阿?你的“专业论”很有道理唉~~to大肚肚,ubc环境是很好~去过一次而已,不过下周campus tour一定要好好考察考察~
我们学校有专门leadership的课呢- -~我还take了。。。超累得~~一堆学校的活动要办。。。
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直接找可爱吧 - -水母的意思是大四吗……没有16年的吧
有- -我还听说过有21年连读的……
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UT's engineering science is the most popular program, which requires an entrance average about 90s. The other, like chemical engineering, computer engineering is all around 80-90. But the students who were accepted at UT last year, had an overall average of 90, which is quite high~~~~~Basically, it attracts all the science genius~~~~~UT is having a national information session right now in Canada, anyone who is interested can go online and check~~Calgary was on Wednesday~~~回复: 讨论讨论报大学的有关事情(12年级的人不进就是对我奶妈不敬)
I'm applying for UT... CompEngineering as first choice. same for UBC, but I think I'll go to UT. Last year, almost all the IB ppl who applied to UT an...UT does not accept IB credit or AP credits~That is what I heard in the information session~However, IB ppl have good marks, they really do not need to worry too much about marks....
UT has a financial assistance program, which helps student pay for the tuition. For example, if the tuition is 10000 at the frist year, and you only have 5000 from your parents and scholarship stuff, then that assistance program will give you the rest of the money. 45% of students last year used that program's money~~
Anyone has been in DEEP program???? That sounds so interesting...%&222
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Oh yeah... I want to learn more about DEEP... I'm really interested...The only thing I know is UT offers that course (or workshop?)... ><
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网站上有大学介绍然后 http://bbs.aptx.cn/viewthread.php?tid=98819
That really is not helpful...TOO much information and too many universities, even nobody has been heard of..Who will go to PEI university???? For tourism??
This is a ranking I found, World top 500 universities (1-100 are listed)
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Oh yeah... I want to learn more about DEEP... I'm really interested...The only thing I know is UT offers that course (or workshop?)... ><
DEEP stands for da Vinci Engineering Enrichment Program. This is a course for high school students, who are highly motivated and interested in engineering.Basically, it is a pre-university course. Students can try out the engineering field and get a sense what engineering acutally looks like....
Toronto student can take that courses through school semesters on weekends...They are really lucky......
For students from other provinces, there is summer session, so students can live on the campus...of course, and pay for everything.....%&208