{La Campanella Cafè} 2/16更新:大理石蛋糕
La Campanella - Italian, meaning "bell"Music written by Liszt
La Campanella Cafè,一个梦想
Merry Christmas,Shir.
Let us complete our dream.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- La Campanella Cafè -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
La Campanella,是她的名字。其实,这是间位居隐秘,却极受欢迎的复合式咖啡屋。
店铺正中央有一块突出的舞台,上头搁放着一家纯白无瑕的三角钢琴。显现出 La Campanella 不凡的气质......
http://storage.msn.com/x1pFUxp6NG29bUWeS_ODdf92Ua7KqlYCMuO04zGMgdTMSsUbd4Wc9sv_zSvoWe4b-o5q0YJXXC-gskxz8rot6mSYMUl8SjW3WZwbxvoGYEx0FM7xg2Mqv6duv8fBTRnPtNOkKqQvgsPIsAeTuCiUfcdFA{PicModifiedBy 叶子}
宣传大使:琅琊 {Yan}
Tiramisu {提拉米苏}
Millefeuille/Napoleon Cake {千层酥/拿破仑蛋糕}
Lemon Cheese Cake {柠檬芝士蛋糕}
Manhatten Cheese Cake {曼哈顿芝士蛋糕}
Angel Cake {天使蛋糕}
Chocolate Layer Cake {巧克力蛋糕}
Baked Alaska {阿拉斯加冰淇淋蛋糕}
Marble Cake {大理石蛋糕}
Lamingtons {澳大利亚风味的椰子蛋糕}
German Bundt Cake {德国口味的杏仁蛋糕}
Orange Coffee Cake {咖啡橙蛋糕}
Pinapple Upside Down Cake {菠萝咖啡蛋糕}
Cheese Soufflè {芝士蛋糕,很软的一种}
Chocolate Soufflè {巧克力蛋糕,很软很软}
Log Biscuit Cake {灌木饼干蛋糕}
Mocha Boston Pie {摩卡咖啡波士顿派}
Pumpkin Cream Pie {南瓜奶油吐司派}
Vinalla Pie {香草派}
Cheese Scones {芝士卷饼}
Tuna Pinwheel Roll {吞拿鱼风车卷}
Jam Crescent {果酱卷}
Cappuccino Muffin {卡布奇诺松饼}
Banana Nut Muffin {香蕉坚果松饼}
Blueberry Muffin {蓝莓松饼}
Jelly Roll {果酱卷-可种口味}
Cinnimon Roll {肉桂卷}
Ginger Bread Cookies {姜味香饼}
Double Chocolate Cookies {双重巧克力饼干}
Cappuccino Biscotti {卡布奇诺饼干}
Lady Finger {手指饼干}
747 Cookies {747 饼干}
Scottish Short Bread {苏格兰酥饼}
Mocha Mousse {摩卡慕斯}
Pizza {比萨饼 - 各种口味}
Focaccia Bread {一种意大利面饼}
Jasmine Tea Bread {茉莉茶香包}
{饮品类 - 热饮}
Caffè Corretto {意大利浓咖啡 (espresso)}
Caffè Vienna {维也纳咖啡}
Caffè Mochaccino {摩卡奇诺咖啡}
Caffè Cappuccino {卡布奇诺咖啡}
Caffè Cappuccino di Coconut {椰香卡布奇诺}
Caffè Melange {梅兰锡咖啡}
Caffè Mocha {摩卡咖啡}
Caffè Mocha Mint {摩卡薄荷咖啡}
Caffè Naporitanno {那不勒斯咖啡}
Caffè Russo {俄式咖啡}
Caffè Indiano {印第安咖啡}
Caffè Turco {土耳其咖啡}
English Tea {英式红茶}
Rose Red Tea {玫瑰红茶}
Green Tea {绿茶}
{饮品类 - 冷饮}
Iced Coffee {各类冰咖啡}
Iced Tea {各类冰茶}
Pasta {各类意大利面}
Soup {各类汤品}
Salads {各类沙拉}
Sandwiches {各类三明治}
回复: {La Campanella Cafè}
Lemon Cheese Cake {柠檬芝士蛋糕}http://img492.imageshack.us/img492/911/dscn12604lp.jpg
Cream Cheess 250mL
sugar 40mL
sour cream 110mL
egg yolk 2 @ room temp
lemon juice 1 tbs
lemon zest from 1/2 a lemon
ram 1tbs
egg whites 2 @ room temp
icing sugar 110mL
1. preheat oven to 325*F
2. beat cream cheese until liquid form(就像cream butter时一样~)。
Mix in sugar 40mL and sour cream until smooth
3. Mix in egg yolk, lemon juice and lemon zest.
4. Beat egg white in another bowl until bubbles form with electric mixer.
Beat in sugar in 3 times, and continue beating until stiff peak stage.
5. Add beaten egg whites to cream cheese mixture little at a time, and mix until egg whites cannot be seen.
6. Pour filling into pie plate (with the crust inside), smooth the top.
7. Bake for 30-45 min.
Egg Tart {蛋塔} Jan 4,06
陷:全蛋 4個
蛋黃 2個
糖 120克
牛奶 1又1/2杯
塔皮:A 低筋麵粉 200克
奶油 100克
糖 2大匙(2tablespoon)
B 蛋 1個
[*]在塔皮邊緣塗上蛋黃即可烤焙 烘焙:
{Angel's Cake} 天使蛋糕
6 egg whites
6 egg yolk
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup milk
1cup flour
1/4 teasp baking powder
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 teasp vanilla extract
1 teasp cream of tartar
1. mix egg yolk with sugar and milk
2. sieve together flour and baking powder
3. add flour mixture to the egg yolk mixture
4. add in vegetable oil and vanilla extract to egg yolk-flour mixture
5. beat egg whites with cream of tartar until stiff peak stage (见下图)
6. fold egg yolk-flour mixture into egg white.
7. bake at 350F for 30min~
打蛋的 tips~~
1. 一定要用electric mixer....
2. 一定要用最最最最高速...
3. 打蛋白的时候要注意里面一丝丝丝丝蛋黄都不要有....
(如果recipe要你打蛋黄的话.....good luck to you~~)
4. 可以把装蛋白的容器放到warm water bath里。水温不要太冷也别太热。20*C左右
5. 加一点 cream of tartar 可是更容易打
6. 一边打一边转装蛋白的容器
Chocolate Layer Cake {巧克力蛋糕}
Chocolate Layer Cake
65mL Shortening
250mL Brown Sugar
1 Large Egg(@ room temp)
3mL Vanilla
225mL Flour
2.5mL baking soda
1mL salt
4mL cream of tartar
65mL coco powder
75mL milk
100mL water
1. Preheat oven to 350F
2. grease line cake pan
3. cream shortening in large bowl and gradually add brown sugar
4. add egg and vanilla into creamed mixture and blend throughly
5. sieve flour, and sieve together dry ingredients in medium bowl
6. combine milk and water together in a cup
7. add flour mixture alternately with liquids to cream mixture and mix throughly after each addition.(flour,liquid,flour,liquid,flour,liquid,flour)
8. spread evenly into cake pan
9. bake for 30min
10. cool in pan for 5min
11. run knife along edge of pan and turn on to a cooling rack
12. serve warm or
12. place in frige for at least 2 hours before putting on icing
Chocolate Butter Icing
50mL Butter
50mL unsweeted chocolate (1.5 chocolate square melted)
375mL icing sugar
30mL cream
5mL vanilla
few grains of salt
1 frozen cake
1. Cream butter in medium bowl with electric mixer
2. Melt chocolate square by placing them in custard cup with surrounding water in saurce pan
3. stir chocolate when it starts to melt
4. stir icing sugar in pie plate
5. mix melted chocolate in melted butter
6. add 250mL icing sugar to beat in mixture and blend well
7. stir in cream, vanilla and salt slowly
9. beat until light and fluffy
10. cover with damp cloth until to spread
11. line plate with four wax papers
12. brush loose ends off, place 1 piece of cake upside donw onto wax paper
13. place a thin layer of icing to seal in clumps
14. spread the rest of the cake with icing~
Marble Cake {大理石蛋糕}
flour 450mL
baking powder 2.5 teaspoon
salt a few pinches
unsalted butter 90mL (softened at room temp.)
sugar 125mL
egg 2
milk 3 tablespoon
cocoa 1/2 table spoon (melted in hot water)
hot water 1 1/2 table spoon
1. preheat oven to 180*C. Grease Cake Pan
2. cream butter, add sugar, egg and milk. mix well after each addition
3. add flour mixture to cream mixture in three additions.
4. shape half of batter into small balls and place
into cake pan leaving some space in between.
5. add melted cocoa in the other half of batter and mix well.
shape this half of batter into small balls and place
into the pan in the left over spaces.
6. bake of 30 min. cool on rack.
{La Campanella Cafè} - {饮品:冷/热}
{La Campanella Cafè} - {主食}
回复: {La Campanella Cafè}
叶子, La Companella 只有我们吗?累趴。。。不过!无论如何, 有梦想的感觉,真好是不是?
今晚不用睡了 == RO装不好--
sasa开始乱唱歌了, 左邻右里今晚受罪了。。。。
回复: {La Campanella Cafè}
La Campanella 当然还有其他人啦~~等着你拉他(她)们入伙呢~~
回复: {La Campanella Cafè}
看到CAFE……咱吧咖啡泡烂了T T
回复: {La Campanella Cafè}
Napoleon Cake很好奇这是长什么样的。。。
回复: {La Campanella Cafè}
哇哇哇~~~ 支持下^^吃的都支持下^^ 建议在前面 店长店员来个照片SHOW啊^^回复: {La Campanella Cafè}
叶子小姐,你和我LP准备几时去睡?我要用电脑!回复: {La Campanella Cafè}
俺是La Campanella Cafe里头的宣传大使,现在前来报到!!!多多指教@@回复: {La Campanella Cafè}
宣传大使,你把我刚做好的头糟蹋了..快摘下来 - -回复: {La Campanella Cafè}
不要说得这么恐怖好不好,怎么可以把头摘下来,我靠脸蛋宣传的~~~回复: {La Campanella Cafè}
回复: {La Campanella Cafè}
既然是同僚,那还客气啥犁!!!回复: {La Campanella Cafè}
回复: {La Campanella Cafè}
今天早上,四点多,电脑前,我们三个差点被我老姨夫瞪穿几个洞 >_<
然后被拖去睡觉 -_-|||