回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2开始更新,偶
回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2开始更新,偶
说道魔法 我对赫敏说的 那个让东西飘起来的那个魔法 印象比较深
另 :
这次一定仔细看英文的%&205 %&205 %&205
回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2开始更新,偶
放心一直都会先放中文再放英文的哈,中间不会超过1个小时- -0回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2开始更新,偶
放心一直都会先放中文再放英文的哈,中间不会超过1个小时- -0偶发现自己的英文阅读能力提高了
回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2开始更新,偶
-V- 咱也发现鸟~不过都是写论文害的……咱停水~
回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2开始更新,偶
-V- 咱也发现鸟~不过都是写论文害的……咱停水~
今天MS是世界水日 要节约水资源哈%&066
回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2开始更新,偶
有权限的请把56-59给清了……回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2开始更新,偶
回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2开始更新,偶
回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2开始更新,偶
0_0您起点比我早 - -
咱会尽量的- -
谢谢enki和$哈- -
回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2开始更新,偶
不错 ,加油~我喜欢啊~楼主挺强的~中英~~~回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2开始更新,偶
0_0您起点比我早 - -
咱会尽量的- -
谢谢enki和$哈- -
回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2开始更新,偶
蛮好蛮好 两个我都喜欢(h,c) IIS CH2CHAPTER 2 ——不一般的麻瓜
CHAPTER 2 —— An Unusual Muggle
He woke up, it was already midnight on someday. Everything returns back to peace, and he could even hear birds or cricket or----something----was crowing lowly.
Sometimes you know, It doesn't make any sense to you if you fall asleep accidentally. When Shinichi Kudou recovered, he didn't even know what place's he at, maybe in heaven with his parents?
"No, I'm still breathing..." He thought, but didn't dare to open his eyes. He felt that father was still working on his detective novels, and mother was cooking happily. Sometimes there're arguments, but still a nice and warm family. However all these were just his dream.
Shinichi got up, it was a dark night, but he could still see his garden's tidy just like old time, and there were neither changes nor difference except the owner's left. The recorder, which ran out of the batteries, was right beside his feet. He walked on the street in a trance(the door's locked, and the window's reinforced rather baffling), was only thinking about how to investigate Bellatrix Lestrange and send her to the police. But this scientific-boy, who had not belived in any "weird stuff", didn't know that Lestrange is definitely uncontrollable for those police.
A plantive whine caused his nostalgia again. He was crying, and he had never, or seldom, cried before. But he didn't notice the extincting street lamp and the horror rushing towards him. At that moment, happiness or welfare were all gone. He could feel that he was surrounded by horror, and began falling, falling, falling...
Shinichi was awakened, he saw a silver flash followed by a deer-shape animal rushed towards the coldness. The heat of summer returned again, and he saw someone walking away.
"Wait up!" He shouted to the back.
"You Muggle kid who knows nothing are supposed to go to your sleepy bed at once! This is TOO dangerous out here!" The back said, sounded like a 17 or 18-year-old young man.
Muggle? Shinichi responded:"I know something! I know Bellatrix Lestrange!"
That man stopped----maybe 10 seconds or 10 minutes or 10 hours or ten years later he turned back, walking towards shinichi.
Under the light of lamps, they saw each others, clearly.
"You're a Squib?"
"What's a Squib?"
"You're a Muggle?"
"What's a Muggle?"
"It means you ain't a wizard."
"What's----er, I'm not a wizard."
Shinichi watched this man carefully: This man in cloak has got a round face, but not really fat. His short hair is fairly neat, and set his eyes of to brightness. But wizard and magic? No, there ain't any on the earth, it would just be...some tricks. He thought.
"You said you ain't a wizard but you know that Bellatrix Lestrange?"
"Yes, two days before she--"
"Er, yes, she used some weird tricks, there wasn't any wounds, wasn't any--"
"That's Avada Kedavra Curse," he lowed down his voice. "A killing Dark Charm."
"Charms?" Shinichi mentioned his question finally. "There ain't any charms on the earth! Nothing but perfect inference and science! Wizards and witches are just fairy tales!"
The opponent said nothing, took out a long wooden stick from his pocket----
"Expelliarmus!" he cried. Shinichi was hit by a jet of red light and took a few steps backward. But the recorder in his hand flew away right beside the opponent's feet.
"Diffindo!" he pointed the stick at the recorder. The junior saw the recorder broke into pieces surprisingly.
"NO!" this time, the boy cried out. "Ther is the evidence of Lestrange's murder in there!"
"Oh, is it?" the man said to himself:"Reparo." Suddenly the recorder sticked together again, and it seemed nothing's different from before.
Shinichi felt he was in the outer space----what the hell is going on with him? He felt so ignorant, and first time in his life, he confused. Unmindfully, he stepped one of his foot on another, and was hoping all these are faked.
"You don't need to do that." the stranger interrupted him. "Magic exists, only you Muggles--non-magical people--could and would not find it. I just want to tell you, your parents were killed under the same Curse--"
"What do you mean 'same'? Who else?"
"Er...some unfortunate Muggles. Anyway, I've got lots of businesses to do, including find that Lestrange and kill her. Remember, she still has some pals and also a boss called Lord Voldemort, don't do anything stupid. Bedtime." he looked at his artifice symbolicly.
"And, who on earth are--" our junior hadn't finished----"Stupefy!" another jet of red light hit him. Then got asleep again on the ground.
"So, how do ya wanna handle this kid?" after the "Crack" sound, a young woman appeared at his side.
"Take him home as our child?" another woman said, with a taunting tone.
"Hey you, bad time for talking about THAT." one more male appeared.
"Keep you eyes on him. This kid is an unusual Muggle." the "wizard" with the cloak said. "And yep, you three take care, that Lestrange murdered somewhere around here, and--"
"And Dementors."
"And Snape."
"And Death Eaters."
"Not bad, the most important one is: Lord Voldemort is nearby."
-to be continued-
好了,中英都解决了,对话风格较接近ROWLING的原作,个人认为 - -0
回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2更新完毕)
回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2更新完毕)
结束了,下面就是要看看我们可怜的工藤同学怎么去调查那帮怪人,看不懂的当然要自己推理~回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2更新完毕)
结束了,下面就是要看看我们可怜的工藤同学怎么去调查那帮怪人,看不懂的当然要自己推理~DD啊 怎么不放到第一页 放这 不好找啊 %&173
回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2完了)
更新后通常都是在最后几楼的。回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2完了)
这回更新的较多-V-越看越像是只把原著中的人物换个名字- -0
回复: [我不想挖的坑][幻想类][HP+??]我在斯莱特林/I'm in Slytherin(CH2完了)