wangyuankai 发表于 2007-3-18 21:19:44


Study shows why exercise boosts brainpower
By: Reuters Health
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Exercise boosts brainpower by building new brain cells in a brain region linked with memory and memory loss, U.S. researchers reported on Monday.
Tests on mice showed they grew new brain cells in a brain region called the dentate gyrus, a part of the hippocampus that is known to be affected in the age-related memory decline that begins around age 30 for most humans.

The researchers used magnetic resonance imaging scans to help document the process in mice -- and then used MRIs to look at the brains of people before and after exercise.

They found the same patterns, which suggests that people also grow new brain cells when they exercise.

"No previous research has systematically examined the different regions of the hippocampus and identified which region is most affected by exercise," Dr. Scott Small, a neurologist at Columbia University Medical Center in New York who led the study, said in a statement.

Writing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers said they first tested mice.

Brain expert Fred Gage, of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, CA, had shown that exercise can cause the development of new brain cells in the mouse equivalent of the dentate gyrus.

The teams worked together to find a way to measure this using MRI, by tracking cerebral blood volume.

"Once these findings were established in mice, we were interested in determining how exercise affects the hippocampal cerebral blood volume maps of humans," they wrote.

They of course could not dissect the brains of people to see if new neurons grew, but they could use MRI to have a peek.

They recruited 11 healthy adults and made them undergo a three-month aerobic exercise regimen.

They did MRIs of their brains before and after. They also measured the fitness of each volunteer by measuring oxygen volume before and after the training program.

Exercise generated blood flow to the dentate gyrus of the people, and the more fit a person got, the more blood flow the MRI detected, the researchers found.

"The remarkable similarities between the exercise-induced cerebral blood volume changes in the hippocampal formation of mice and humans suggest that the effect is mediated by similar mechanisms," they wrote.

"Our next step is to identify the exercise regimen that is most beneficial to improve cognition and reduce normal memory loss, so that physicians may be able to prescribe specific types of exercise to improve memory," Small said.

Last Updated: 2007-03-13 9:01:19 -0400 (Reuters Health)

Study shows why exercise boosts brainpower

By: Reuters Health

作者: 路透社健康类稿件
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Exercise boosts brainpower by building new brain cells in a brain region linked with memory and memory loss, U.S. researchers reported on Monday.


Tests on mice showed they grew new brain cells in a brain region called the dentate gyrus, a part of the hippocampus that is known to be affected in the age-related memory decline that begins around age 30 for most humans.

The researchers used magnetic resonance imaging scans to help document the process in mice -- and then used MRIs to look at the brains of people before and after exercise.

They found the same patterns, which suggests that people also grow new brain cells when they exercise.

"No previous research has systematically examined the different regions of the hippocampus and identified which region is most affected by exercise," Dr. Scott Small, a neurologist at Columbia University Medical Center in New York who led the study, said in a statement.

“此前没有研究对海马体的不同区域进行系统的检查,以鉴别哪一区域受运动的影响最大,”领导这项研究的Scott Smal在一项声明中称。他是纽约哥伦比亚大学医学中心的神经学专家。

Writing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers said they first tested mice.

Brain expert Fred Gage, of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, CA, had shown that exercise can cause the development of new brain cells in the mouse equivalent of the dentate gyrus.
加州La Jolla市的Salk 研究院(Salk Institute)的脑科专家Fred Gage,已经表明锻炼可使小鼠身上相当于齿状回的地方生成新的脑细胞。

The teams worked together to find a way to measure this using MRI, by tracking cerebral blood volume.

"Once these findings were established in mice, we were interested in determining how exercise affects the hippocampal cerebral blood volume maps of humans," they wrote.

They of course could not dissect the brains of people to see if new neurons grew, but they could use MRI to have a peek.

They recruited 11 healthy adults and made them undergo a three-month aerobic exercise regimen.

They did MRIs of their brains before and after. They also measured the fitness of each volunteer by measuring oxygen volume before and after the training program.
他们对受试者锻炼前后的大脑进行了核磁共振成像扫描。 他们还通对测定每位志愿者在训练前后的血氧含量对其健康状态进行了衡量。

Exercise generated blood flow to the dentate gyrus of the people, and the more fit a person got, the more blood flow the MRI detected, the researchers found.

"The remarkable similarities between the exercise-induced cerebral blood volume changes in the hippocampal formation of mice and humans suggest that the effect is mediated by similar mechanisms," they wrote.

"Our next step is to identify the exercise regimen that is most beneficial to improve cognition and reduce normal memory loss, so that physicians may be able to prescribe specific types of exercise to improve memory," Small said.







纽约哥伦比亚大学医学中心和加州La Jolla市的Salk 研究院(Salk Institute)的两个研究小组共同合作以找到一种方法,使用核磁共振成像来追踪大脑的血流量来对这种情况(指脑内生成新的脑细胞)进行测量。




他们对受试者锻炼前后的大脑进行了核磁共振成像扫描。 他们还通对测定每位志愿者在训练前后的血氧含量对其健康状态进行了衡量。



bestword 发表于 2007-3-30 00:53:45

回复: [2007.3.18][转贴][APTX青山病院]最新研究显示锻炼如何提高脑功能


wangyuankai 发表于 2007-3-30 17:40:18

回复: [2007.3.18][转贴][APTX青山病院]最新研究显示锻炼如何提高脑功能





新兰毛毛 发表于 2007-3-30 18:34:09

回复: [2007.3.18][转贴][APTX青山病院]最新研究显示锻炼如何提高脑功能


bestword 发表于 2007-3-31 19:29:10

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