http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medicalnews.php?newsid=65648The 'Pregnant Pause' For Eating Peanuts
Article Date: 21 Mar 2007 - 1:00 PDT
For nearly 10 years, women in the UK with a family history of atopy (asthma, eczema or hay fever), have been advised to avoid eating peanuts during pregnancy and breast-feeding. New research led by Dr Tara Dean and carried out at The David Hide Asthma and Allergy Research Centre on the Isle of Wight (UK) suggests, however, that there is much confusion about peanut-eating: is it mothers-to-be who misunderstand, or health professionals who do not correctly target and explain the messages?
In 1998 the Department of Health issued advice that "pregnant or breast-feeding women who are themselves atopic, or where another first-degree relative of the child is atopic, may wish to avoid eating peanuts and peanut products during pregnancy and lactation". To assess compliance with, and the effects of this recommendation, researchers questioned nearly 840 pregnant women about their diets, and 2 years later, nearly 660 children had skin prick tests to detect peanut sensitization.
"We were surprised to find that 65 per cent of mothers had avoided peanuts during pregnancy" said Carina Venter (allergy specialist dietitian and senior research fellow at the University of Portsmouth) who worked on project. Perhaps even more surprising, was that there was no difference between women with atopy (to whom the advice applied) and women without (to whom it did not). "Peanut avoidance appears to be perceived as a general dietary recommendation during pregnancy. First-time mothers were most receptive to the message, and were almost twice as likely as 'repeat' mothers to change their diets," said Carina.
When the children were 2 years of age, 13 children out of the nearly 660 children tested were found to be sensitized to peanuts (2 per cent of the sample). Eleven of the 13 sensitized children had a family history of atopy. Of the 13 sensitised children, 10 mothers stated that they had avoided peanuts during pregnancy. The advice on peanuts should be reviewed, conclude the researchers of this study. "No Peanuts" was being confused as universal guidance during pregnancy, and further, maternal peanut avoidance during pregnancy did not appear to be associated with subsequent peanut sensitization in infants.
-- The 1998 Department of Health advice was issued by the Chief Medical Officer. Calman K. (1998) Peanut Allergy. CMO's Update 19 August 1998, Vol 2. London
-- Dean T, Venter C, Grundy J, Clayton CB, Higgins B. (2007) Government advice on peanut avoidance during pregnancy - is it followed correctly and what is the impact on sensitization? Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 20, 95-99
-- The British Dietetic Association, founded in 1936, is the professional association for registered dietitians in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is the nation's largest organisation of food and nutrition professionals with nearly 6,000 members. About two-thirds of members are employed in the National Health Service. The remaining members work in education, industry, research, sport settings or freelance.
6. Registered dietitians hold the only legally-recognisable graduate qualification in nutrition and dietetics. They are experts in interpreting and translating the science of nutrition into practical ways of promoting nutritional well-being, disease treatment and the prevention of nutrition-related problems. Their advice is sound and based on current scientific evidence.
-- Registration, awarded by the Health Professionals Council, is an indication that a dietitian is fit to practise and is working within an agreed statement of conduct. For further details about The British Dietetic Association, please visit our websites: http://www.bda.uk.com, http://www.bdaweightwise.com, http://www.teenweightwise.com
The 'Pregnant Pause' For Eating Peanuts
For nearly 10 years, women in the UK with a family history of atopy (asthma, eczema or hay fever), have been advised to avoid eating peanuts during pregnancy and breast-feeding.
New research led by Dr Tara Dean and carried out at The David Hide Asthma and Allergy Research Centre on the Isle of Wight (UK) suggests, however, that there is much confusion about peanut-eating: is it mothers-to-be who misunderstand, or health professionals who do not correctly target and explain the messages?
在一个位于英国小岛的The David Hide 哮喘与过敏症研究中心里,Tara Dean 博士正牵头进行一项新研究。他认为尽管在吃花生方面有太多禁忌,但是无论是母亲还是健康 专家都很难正确解释和对待这件事。
In 1998 the Department of Health issued advice that "pregnant or breast-feeding women who are themselves atopic, or where another first-degree relative of the child is atopic, may wish to avoid eating peanuts and peanut products during pregnancy and lactation".
To assess compliance with, and the effects of this recommendation, researchers questioned nearly 840 pregnant women about their diets, and 2 years later, nearly 660 children had skin prick tests to detect peanut sensitization.
"We were surprised to find that 65 per cent of mothers had avoided peanuts during pregnancy" said Carina Venter (allergy specialist dietitian and senior research fellow at the University of Portsmouth) who worked on project. Perhaps even more surprising, was that there was no difference between women with atopy (to whom the advice applied) and women without (to whom it did not).
"Peanut avoidance appears to be perceived as a general dietary recommendation during pregnancy. First-time mothers were most receptive to the message, and were almost twice as likely as 'repeat' mothers to change their diets," said Carina.
When the children were 2 years of age, 13 children out of the nearly 660 children tested were found to be sensitized to peanuts (2 per cent of the sample). Eleven of the 13 sensitized children had a family history of atopy. Of the 13 sensitised children, 10 mothers stated that they had avoided peanuts during pregnancy.
the advice on peanuts should be reviewed, conclude the researchers of this study. "No Peanuts" was being confused as universal guidance during pregnancy, and further, maternal peanut avoidance during pregnancy did not appear to be associated with subsequent peanut sensitization in infants.
-- The 1998 Department of Health advice was issued by the Chief Medical Officer. Calman K. (1998) Peanut Allergy. CMO's Update 19 August 1998, Vol 2. London
-1998年卫生部医学办公室声明,Calman K. (1998)怀孕敏感症,CMO1998年8月19日更新,第二卷,伦敦。
-- Dean T, Venter C, Grundy J, Clayton CB, Higgins B. (2007) Government advice on peanut avoidance during pregnancy - is it followed correctly and what is the impact on sensitization? Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 20, 95-99
-- Dean T, Venter C, Grundy J, Clayton CB, Higgins B. (2007)怀孕中避免花生的官方建议-它是否被正确执行与敏感症的发生有什么关系?人类营养和饮食期刊
20, 95-99
-- The British Dietetic Association, founded in 1936, is the professional association for registered dietitians in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is the nation's largest organisation of food and nutrition professionals with nearly 6,000 members. About two-thirds of members are employed in the National Health Service. The remaining members work in education, industry, research, sport settings or freelance.
6. Registered dietitians hold the only legally-recognisable graduate qualification in nutrition and dietetics. They are experts in interpreting and translating the science of nutrition into practical ways of promoting nutritional well-being, disease treatment and the prevention of nutrition-related problems. Their advice is sound and based on current scientific evidence.
-- Registration, awarded by the Health Professionals Council, is an indication that a dietitian is fit to practise and is working within an agreed statement of conduct. For further details about The British Dietetic Association, please visit our websites: http://www.bda.uk.com, http://www.bdaweightwise.com, http://www.teenweightwise.com
http://www.bda.uk.com, http://www.bdaweightwise.com, http://www.teenweightwise.com
近十年来,美国那些患有特异性反应家族史的妇女(例如哮喘,湿疹,花粉症)都被建议在怀孕和哺乳期避免吃花生。在一个位于英国小岛的哮喘与过敏症研究中心里,Tara Dean 博士正牵头进行一项新的研究。博士认为尽管人们在对待吃花生方面有太多禁忌,但是无论是怀孕妇女还是健康专家都很难正确解释为什么要采取这些忌讳。
-1998年卫生部医学办公室声明,Calman K. (1998)怀孕敏感症,CMO1998年8月19日更新,第二卷,伦敦。
- Dean T, Venter C, Grundy J, Clayton CB, Higgins B. (2007)怀孕中避免花生的官方建议-它是否被正确执行与敏感症的发生有什么关系?人类营养和饮食期刊20, 95-99
英国David Hide气喘与过敏研究中心指出,在单一医学中心检测出孩童对花生过敏呈阳性反应的百分比,较1989年增加三倍。
本篇报告在过敏与临床免疫期刊(Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology)上发表,研究员指出,41名或3.3%接受测试的孩童对花生呈现阳性反应,而1989年的研究中,阳性反应的百分比为1.1%。