厄,东方面孔的巫师,原来也看柯南吗。。。 m1 (120)k 真相只有一个
柯南迷遍布ACG 还是看英文吧~~说不定只是翻译的问题 哈哈 要是真的就好了~~~~~~~~~~~ 十多年了,柯迷早已遍布天下了…… Owing to my lack of tolerance for those who would use magic towards their own nefarious ends, many have assumed that I am averse to the practice of the magical arts on a philosophical level. Nothing could be farther from the truth. My quarrel is with those sorcerers who dismiss the ancient traditions and teachings – teachings that have been honed over millennia in order to preserve respect for authority and the rule of law.
Nothing could be farther from the truth! 应该是nothing could be further from the truth吧~~~
貌似是英语里面的谚语性质~~nothing could be further from the truth。
直译没有什么比这里真理更远的了,也就是真理永存的意思~~不过翻译成真相只有一个也无可厚非~m1 (44)k 所以说啊……大概不是柯南粉的作品
不过我是超喜欢玩“大菠萝”,玩了N年的2了,每天仍以捡到暗金装备为乐 貌似這裡是磕男論壇m1 (46)k