JackitShot 发表于 2009-7-28 09:28:45

4everluv 发表于 2009-7-28 10:19:07



JackitShot 发表于 2009-7-28 14:02:47

4everluv 发表于 2009-7-30 08:47:04

我的英文在這裡不是最好的。不過高手們都不知去哪了所以我希望抛磚引玉啦 改一段

In my dream, i was alone at home, the weather was neithersunny nor cloudy.[這兩句話沒啥聯繫,就用句號吧 B
ut i met【meet 印象里應該是對人吧? "encountered" perhaps?】 something horrible, when i went out of theportal, i find the stairway【不需要get】 very dark, can't see anything inside 【?你不是走到外面么?看你自己家很嚇人?】,iam so afraid, turned around and run back home.i somehow run so slow 】, asif someone have strong magic pull me,
much delay with my huge fear [?沒看懂],finallyi struggle to dash into my balcony 【你撞上了?】, then i jump over balcony,falltowards 【toward?】 the floor. however, i am still pulled by the horrible magic, istruggle to whirl my body and shake off dark power. i fall on the floorfrom 5 storied [這個要拼出來 "five-story"]apartment, Bang! i wake up with a cry and find myselfbathed in sweat......

怎麼說, 感覺這個是草稿的草稿,它很草。正因為它草,所以我才多提點意見哈: 改了一段發現你應該好好proofread一遍。。。。。形容夢境的時候應該使用過去時。有一些spelling應該多注意一下。有的意思表達的不准確。 我沒法想像你設定的情景。。。不過你再試著修改一下會好點。。

[ 本帖最后由 4everluv 于 2009-7-29 19:53 编辑 ]

柯佩奈叶子 发表于 2009-7-30 12:46:45

Frankly, the same nightmare have happened in my sleeprepeatedly, almost it[貌似应该it almost ?] occupied my all life, [这里是不是应该也要句号] i[ I 大写是必要的.无论是不是在句首] don't clear why this kindof my nightmare[也许可以用things或者其他词改一下?] never got [应该是gets吧 why引导的从句]ride of, but ican make a opinion certainly,maybe the dark thing is my gloomy mentation, not serious, i look like ahealthy and good manner gentleman,[这里可以句号一下] however, too many rules and complexmanner,so i lose some friends, [句号] there are differences in background andhabit of people, else we dislike each other,[句号] ican't bear the foolishand selfish deed of some people, idon't have strong power to changethem or the fact, the dark and horrible magic is my desired powerabsolutely.

感觉这篇文的用词需要注意 还有a/an 加不加s 连词也需要加强
还有最主要的问题是一段都是逗号 注意要用句号 转折或者表达另一种观点都要句号哦
放到word里面 如果单词拼错 会有红线显示
句子结构错误 会有绿线显示

[ 本帖最后由 柯佩奈叶子 于 2009-7-30 12:49 编辑 ]

狼王-KG 发表于 2009-7-30 14:36:28

第一行看下来。。。就来了一个感觉。。。LZ想要“一逗到底”?(-16-) (-16-) (-16-)

这是很严重的语病啊m1 (48)km1 (48)km1 (48)k

[ 本帖最后由 狼王-KG 于 2009-7-30 14:38 编辑 ]

SSV 发表于 2009-7-31 14:42:32


RinckShiiLing 发表于 2009-8-14 14:32:28

第一 句子中只能有一个动词的说 两个的话要用连接词吧 或者分号~~
第二 讲述过去发生的事情有表过去的事态 然后就是事态要尽量保持一致~~
第三 要高清楚那些是动词 那些是形容词才行 比如‘CLEAR’是形容词吧 所以你不可以说 i don't clear的
不过大致意思看懂了 我也是还在学英语的
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 英文好的童鞋可否有空来帮我修改 = =