hlshcd 发表于 2011-5-22 03:37:41


本帖最后由 hlshcd 于 2011-5-22 03:48 编辑


从删改的幅度和程度上看,动画工作人员是相当负责的,没有偷懒因为大家无所谓英文就把73大叔的台词照搬过来。也许他们也是为了以后的case closed 做准备,避免不必要的尴尬。总而言之,动画制作人员这样严谨的精神很值得赞赏。73大叔画漫画由于时间和他个人本身的原因,英文的疏漏在所难免。难怪其本人在采访中也承认画伦敦篇最大的难度是在英文。我发此贴,不是说73大叔的英文如何, 本人英文也一般,只是希望此贴能够抛砖引玉,大家一同讨论进步,期待英语帝。片中没有英文字幕,所以听来英文台词不一定完全正确,有错或补充的请大家指出哈~

FILE 743 VS TV 616


漫画:Thank you for finding her
动画:Thank you so much for finding her

加了so much,而且声优说的时候还特意重读这两词,个人觉得这里加了so much更加通顺了,毕竟富婆是邀请他们去伦敦,住宿往来机票全包……怎么得都得有个50w日元吧~所以感谢的要是不明显的话,就有点不顺了~

漫画: How admirable!
            I'm fond of crime novels. Though I'd like to hear stories, I'll take a flight to home,soon....
            Wouldn't you mind if I invite you to my house in London,please?
            Oh,You would come!
动画:  Really? How admirable!
            I'm fond of crime novels myself,and I love to hear stories, but I have a flight to catch.
            Such a shame, I know....May I invite you to my home in London?
            Oh, you accepted? Then when can you visit?


漫画:Can I have a seat?
动画:Can I take the seat?

have a seat 是请坐,seat 这个场景下是特指的the……第一种表述错误了……take the seat 坐那个椅子。。

漫画:No kidding! I'm sure Holmes is here.
          What kind of case?
          See?You lied to me~
          Save your time,or a person will be killed.
          Nobody can't stop this but holmes
           My sister is almost starting a match.I have to fly there.
动画:You lied to me ! I know Holmes is here.
         What kind of investigation?
         See? You're lying~
         Set the trouble, someone would be killed  if we don't do something right away
         and nobody can stop it but Holmes.
         Oh, no! Look at the time!
         My sister's match is about to start. I have to get back.


漫画:Holmes is out for investigation.
           He would..
           Can I listen to you?
动画:I'm sorry,but Mr.Holmes is out on investigation.
           Well,He is....
           Can I give you some help?

漫画: Murdered,a person will be,somewhere in London
          If it never make sense,leave it to Holmes
动画:A person is about to be murdered,somewhere in London,right before your eyes
          If it doesn't make sense,go to holmes

A person will be murdered somewhere in London
正确的 If it never makes sense.....

FILE 744 VS TV 616

漫画:Hey,I've got you.
           Don't leave by yourself
           I've been looking for you.
动画:Oh,there you are!
           Don't go running off by yourself
            I've been looking for you.


蓝色狂想 发表于 2011-5-22 07:28:00



b.p.bravo 发表于 2011-5-22 09:19:54

b.p.bravo 发表于 2011-5-22 09:23:33

魔探心一 发表于 2011-5-22 09:25:56


茅台酒 发表于 2011-5-22 11:02:08


南极之魂 发表于 2011-5-22 15:25:17

漫画中的那句“Nobody can't stop this but Holmes”太搞笑了,73居然犯了这样的错误

EVIT 发表于 2011-5-22 16:49:38

有英国腔真的还蛮惊喜的 制作组明显负责多了 比早先的NY篇大幅改编为日语 这次气氛营造的不错

slivovit 发表于 2011-5-22 21:25:34


柯南这孩子忒实在了,人家说请他去伦敦,当时就“that's great"。

Ingrid.Vineyard 发表于 2011-5-23 06:22:03


金圭子 发表于 2011-5-23 10:11:21


新兰の时光 发表于 2011-5-23 13:54:00


小小兰兰 发表于 2011-5-24 06:30:15

哇! 好细心啊! 我当时只是感觉不太一样, 没想到这么多不一样啊。。。。我觉得还是动画版的英语好一点。。。

juliachen92321 发表于 2011-5-25 13:33:24

inter_190820 发表于 2011-5-25 14:13:01


注册好难 发表于 2011-5-25 23:35:44


bettywine 发表于 2011-5-27 23:12:04


如来傻佛 发表于 2011-5-28 07:44:22


dreamless琤琤 发表于 2011-5-28 18:06:57

当初看漫画时我是直接看的中文翻译 一开始扫了几眼英文实在是太...所以果断看中文
这回的配音还算给力了 虽然英文没英国口音而且语调也还有点怪怪的 但起码吐字是正确的了...颇有点仓木麻衣唱英文歌的感觉
个人觉得需要最大改动的是那个谜题 看英文完全不make sense...和原本的意思差的挺远的...

hlshcd 发表于 2011-5-29 15:28:17

本帖最后由 hlshcd 于 2011-5-29 15:54 编辑

FILE 744&745 VS TV617

8. 兰和格拉斯小姐初次会面时说的话
漫画:Is love hurting you?
          You can't ask him a cue, then.
          He isn't an expert in that field.
          Who is he?
          It is he
动画:Love hurts,doesn't it?
          You can't ask him an advice, then.
           He is NOT an expert in that field, I'm afraid.
             He! At back!

蘭ちゃん可不是在破案捏……人家是意乱情迷要advice不是要cue~~~isn't一般都是回答缩略用,is NOT 感觉比较多,为了强调NOT,一般都会在否定句把NOT说出来缩略掉he is变成he's not blah blah blah……恩……然后就是没有用备受争议的It is he……用了He!At back!

    I thought he was still around here because he hasn’t called (call 这里应该是及物动词……觉得应该后面有个代词,比如me啥的……),but he isn't (估计73的意思是他以为他以前在那儿,但是现在事实不在,但是这时候觉得依然是wasn't,时态统一和相比现在依然是过去)。这个留给大家探讨……

10. 富婆和蘭ちゃん
   蘭ちゃん说了一句相当相当正式的话:May I be excused?然后又接了句非常不正式的说法,I'll call my company.
这话有两个问题,一个是语境的问题,既然是excuse,就会有have to的表达,所以应该是,I'll have to 。。。。另一个问题 call my company,如果73的意思是叫伙伴、找伙伴……正如兰做的那样,英语中叫伙伴,找伙伴不是call my company, 应该是 look for my company。

参考 call做动词在牛津词典中的英英释义
[*]1 [with object] cry out  to (someone) in order to summon them or attract their attention:she heard Terry calling her[no object] :I distinctly heard you call
[*]cry out  (a word or words):he heard an insistent voice calling his nameMeredith was  already calling out a greeting
[*][no object] (of an animal, especially a bird) make  its characteristic cry:the mother bird was  calling from the twig
[*]shout out  or chant (the steps and figures ) to people performing a square dance or country dance.
[*]telephone (a person or telephone number):could I call you back?
[*]summon (an emergency service , taxi, etc.) by telephone:if you are  suspicious, call the police
[*]bring (a witness) into court to give evidence.
[*][with object and infinitive] archaic inspire or urge (someone) to do  something:I am  called to preach the Gospel
[*]fix  a date or time  for (a meeting, strike, or election).
[*]Bridgemake  (a particular bid) during the auction.
[*][no object] guess the outcome of tossing a coin:‘You call,’ he said. ‘Heads or tails?’
[*]predict the result of (a future event, especially an election or a vote):in the Midlands the race  remains too  close to call
[*]Cricket(of an umpire) no-ball (a bowler) for throwing.
[*]Computingcause the execution of (a subroutine).
[*]2 [with object and complement] give  (an infant or animal) a specified name:they called their daughter Hannah
[*] (be called) have  a specified name:her companion was called Ethelhe has  written a book called The Secret Life of Wombats
[*]address or refer to (someone) by a specified name, title, etc.:please call me Lucy
[*]refer to or consider (someone or something) as being:he's the only person I would call a friend
[*](of an umpire or other  official in a game) pronounce (a ball, stroke , etc.) to be  the thing  specified:the linesman called the ball wide
[*]3 [no object, with adverbial of place] chiefly British (of a person) pay a brief visit:I've got  to call at the bank to get  some cashhe had  promised Celia he would call in at the clinic
[*] (call for) stop  to collect (someone) at the place where they are  living or working:I'll call for you around seven
[*] (call at) (of a train or coach) stop  at (a specified station or stations) on a particular route:the 8.15 service  to Paddington, calling at Reading

漫画:Now, can I ask your successful adventures?
          Since I learned you are a famous detective in Japan,
          I've brought a party of friends tonight.
          Now, would you start your story?ok?
          That's Baritsu which Holmes overcame Prof. Moriarty with.
          Mastering baritsu fells you are a great detective
动画:Now, can I ask you about your successful adventures?
           As you can see,
           I've brought a party of friends tonight since I learned you are a famous detective in Japan,
           Now,start your story, ok?
          That's Baritsu which Holmes performed on Prof. Moriarty when he fell.
           Mastering baritsu means you are a brilliant detective.

P.S  蘭ちゃん的洗衣机非常具有震撼力,应该跟路飞的霸气有得一拼……应该是本年度最震撼的洗衣机……不知道剧场版那句


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查看完整版本: 73的英文续:伦敦篇动画与漫画中的英文异同,动画组对大叔英文修正整理,欢迎探讨~