English Chat Room
English Chat Room Reopens%&012%&016%&020
One single rule
So ppl, let's get going!
o ~~~~li~~~~not again.....how many times did you re-open this......
i feel reaaaally dawm today...
not for the 55 and 67 i got in ENglish
but the broke with bf...
how come? the bf in real life?回复:
最初由 Amy_xuru 发布o ~~~~li~~~~
not again.....how many times did you re-open this......
i feel reaaaally dawm today...
not for the 55 and 67 i got in ENglish
but the broke with bf...
Cheer up~~~~men aren't worth your tears~
and the ones who are dun make u cry~~~~
Thank heavens~
I've finally finished all my holiday assignments~~~~
But now I only have one more day till school reopens...
so unfair~~~~all becoz of that teacher!!!!!!!!
I've got addicted to books all of a sudden||||||
gonna read Buffy the Vampire Slayer now...
Has anyone read "Flowers for Algenon" be4?
It's so depressing in the end....
o ~~~~li~~~~not again.....how many times did you re-open this......
heihei ^^\\\\
not to many times
planing to reopen another 50 times
starting a historical figure project for Mandarin Class today
aiai my Mandarin teacheris so guy......
最初由 rosinia 发布how come? the bf in real life?
depressed...i don't know what to do...
最初由 KUDONOYO 发布it's alright...
I suppose the bloke who abandon Amy must thoroughly a fool...
%&001 %&001 %&001
he is ~~~~
最初由 koolsherry85 发布Cheer up~~~~men aren't worth your tears~
and the ones who are dun make u cry~~~~
maybe...i'm not crying~~~~
it's ok...i'll get over it....
最初由 小江 发布heihei ^^\\\\
not to many times
planing to reopen another 50 times
starting a historical figure project for Mandarin Class today
aiai my Mandarin teacheris so guy......
50 times.....
this is not really a good topic....
最初由 Amy_xuru 发布en....
depressed...i don't know what to do...
how about finding a new bf who's not a fool.
最初由 rosinia 发布how about finding a new bf who's not a fool.
hands up for that...
最初由 KUDONOYO 发布actually,I don't know if there's any boy wise
enough to understand what we girls think...
well....i guess my ex-bf is pretty wise...
最初由 rosinia 发布how about finding a new bf who's not a fool.
you guys think you can help me....?
what do you want help with? Find a new boy friend ? If so don't fine me coz I don't have one myself and I am terrible at meeting new people and communicating with them! If help you with other things under the condition that I can....hehehehe.....
it's a good idea to open another 50 times of this english chat room, so that people in the oversea section or any other sections can come in and communicate with the others or to get some serious news, information or even gossips..... hahahahha....
Nice one Jiang.....
最初由 Amy_xuru 发布you guys think you can help me....?
does that mean you want a long distance relationship?
what do you think, MS?do you think that i want a long distance relationship?
I only know if I help you, you'll probably end up with someone living in Vancouver|||回复:
-0-.................how about someone online~~