红の叶 发表于 2004-4-27 16:32:11

[转贴]第8弹观后感——英文版/作者:Calger459 (6楼添加中文翻译)

The new Detective Conan movie! ^_^

When I got out of the movie theater today it was pouring rain. Thank goodness there's a mall there so I could go buy rain gear -_-;; I really miss my car.

But I got to see the new Meintante Conan movie, yay!! For those of you who like the show and want a review, go This year's Conan movie has the been the best one I've seen (even though I didn't have the luxury of subtitles this time) 'cause we actually get to see Kaitou Kid for longer than two frames. And among the DC fans, there was much rejoicing. Fans: Yaaaaay...

Warning: Spoilers ahead! I'm gonna summarize the plot and add my thoughts (such as they are). If you'd rather wait to download the movie or get it from Hong Kong, turn back now. You've been warned ;)

This one's title is Magician of the Silver Sky. Coolness. The movie opens with Conan bursting out onto a rooftop. He's been chasing this guy, who reveals himself to be Kid. We then flash to the opening credits which are a quick recap of how Shinichi became Conan and who the main characters are. Then we go back in time to the Mouri Detective Agency. Mouri's interviewing these people who turn out to be stage actors in a musical drama set in Napoleonic France. The prima donna (that's what I call her because I can't remember her name, even though it was said a million times) of the production has this lovely Star Sapphire ring and they've received a note from Kid saying (I think; remember, no subtitles) that he's coming for it. It has one of his usual puzzles and his cute little chibified stamp at the bottom :)

The whole crew (Aibara and the little detective kids included, under Dr. Agasa's semi-watchful gaze) head to the theatre...er somewhere. I'm a bit confused whether it was in Japan or Los Angeles. Anyway, everyone assembles for a pre-show chat and who appears but--Shinichi(!) LOL poor Conan nearly has a heart attack, the poor thing! He realizes in two seconds though that it's Kid in disguise. Ran is surprised to see Shinichi, but she doesn't react to his random appearance nearly as strongly as I would have expected (then again, maybe I've been reading to much angsty fanfiction *waves cheerily to Becky Tailweaver and Ysabet*). Hmmm. Everyone goes to the show and we get to see some of it; miss prima donna is wearing the ring. Mouri and the detective guy who's always after Kaitou Kid have been planted on stage. They're convinced Kid will appear at the end of the show to steal the ring. What only Conan and Ai realize is that the earlier note was only a Trump, a distraction...a distraction for what I'm not entirely sure. Conan watches Kid (disguised as Shinichi) throughout the performance, and when Kid leaves Conan bolts after him, leading to the scene on the rooftop from the beginning of the movie.

A quick conversation and a beautifully animated rooftop battle ensues: Conan's dart gun against Kid's card gun. Conan falls off the roof and Kid leaps after him on his hanglider. But Conan fell on purpose; he turns in midair and fires his gun at Kid, who narrowly avoids it. Conan opens his backpack, which has a parachute in it, and the two race each other through the night. Kid lands on a train, seemingly throwing away his glider and Conan drops down a few cars away. Kid is one step ahead though; he had his glider tied to him by a rope, and he makes his escape, leaving a very pissed Conan behind him.

Somehow Conan gets back in one piece and without being missed (I hate plotholes). The detectives are very confused over Kid's failure to appear. Hell, I'm confused over his failure to appear. Why and how was this a Trump? I want to wave a magic wand and be able to understand Japanese :P

Next scene is everyone at the airport waiting to go...somwhere. Maybe Hokkaido? Or are they in Hokkaido heading back to Tokyo? Or are they in Los Angeles going back to Japan? I'm so confused -_-;; For some reason everyone gets to fly with the actor people somewhere, detective kids included (why are they even in this movie? They're cute and all and they provide some humor moments--which of course were lost on me--but otherwise they're completely useless.) This felt like a good time for the murder to happen, and I wasn't disappointed! First though we got to see a really funny scene between Ran's mom and dad; I don't know why her mother was there, but the interaction between the quarreling husband and wife was priceless ^_^ Prima donna woman goes to the cockpit to talk to the pilots, whom she apparently knows, and get them to kiss her ring (what does she think she is, a real member of royalty? Sheesh.) She comes back and her assistant gives her and Mouri chocolate. Seconds later prima donna is screaming and writhing on the floor of the plane, obviously poisoned. She dies, there's a second of horror and then everyone goes about solving the mystery with calm demeanors as if it didn't matter that she was a semi-major character in the film up to this point. There wasn't even a tear shed! Honestly I didn't think the woman was that awful, but that's how murders on this show always are. They don't really go into the whole "grief" thing. In the end, a kid's cartoon is a kid's cartoon, ne?

But back to the point. So everyone's trying to figure out what killed her, Mouri nearly has a heart attack when he thinks it was from the chocolate (which he also ate) but obviously he's fine. It turns out it was a chemical reaction from the makeup provided by the prima donna's assistant who is, of course, the murderer. Here we have another very amusing moment when Conan tries to dart Mouri (to solve the mystery, 'cause Mouri's a moron and the worst detective ever) and, due to a few seconds of turbulence, shoots Ran's mom instead. Whoops. Conan doesn't have her voice in his bowtie and he accidentally makes her speak with Sonoko's voice (Ran's friend has been in this story too, she just wasn't of any real importance before now, unless you count her teasing Ran about Shinichi) before getting the right one. I was laughing ^_^ So the guilty party confesses, we get the usual Scooby Doo-style make-a-full-confession-then-break-down-into-tears scene and the murder's done with.

Remember the pilots, though? They've both been poisoned too; not fatally, but they definitely can't fly plane. Well...crap. Panic ensues; when the captain faints onto the controls he sends the plane into a nose-dive; Conan has to jump in to save everyone. One of the actors comes in to to take the other seat and they get busy radioing the airport tower to tell them what's happened; the other actor is, of course, Kid in disguise again. Conan's been looking for him the entire flight and the two strike a bit a temporary truce while they learn (or rather, attempt to learn) to fly a jumbo jet.

Riiiight. Well, this movie doesn't exactly get points for realistic plots. It gets points for fun character interaction and long scenes with Kaitou Kid. 'nuff said. They start their approach to the airport, but there's a very bad storm going on and a huge bolt of lightning temporarily knocks out the plane's systems; the autopilot's gone too. They end up having to abort the landing, but not before running one plane wing into the control tower, taking off one of the engines and causing a fuel leak. The fallen engine explodes Jon Woo-style (would that even happen? I was under the impression the gas was stored in the wings, not in the engine) and sets half the damn airport on fire when another gas tank and an entire plane explodes. Good one, Kaitou (who was at the controls), good one.

Needless to say, this is not a good situation. Our friends will simply have to land somewhere else; Conan finds a spot on a map (again, I'm not clear where, I think near Sapporo in Hokkaido) where they can land. It's a long highway near a bridge that looks just like the Golden Gate in San Francisco (I think there's a bridge like that in Sapporo, anyone know for sure?). I should mention now that earlier in the movie there was quick scene (maybe 3 minutes, tops) where the detective who's always after Kaitou Kid is searching for him at this house. Through the lit window he sees Kid's silhouette (yeah right, like Kid would just walk around his house in his work gear on a rainy day in a brightly lit room so anyone could see him easily? I wish this detective would get some brains. Thank goodness Kid has those in abundance!). That detective along with Megure (the guy at the police station who used to work with Mouri) are at this bridge, chasing after the Kid suspect who (dressed in Kid's outfit) is driving a car in a panic with about 50 police cars behind him. It's pretty funny ^_^ The reason why this is important will become clear in a minute.

Back to the plane. Ran comes into the cockpit and there's some conversation. Kid dips the plane below the clouds and their landing spot appears; but it's dark. No lights, no nothing, and it's still pouring rain. Kid suddenly decides to bail; he opens one of the doors in the cabin, talks Ran into sitting in the pilot's seat (I got really really confused at this scene because of the Japanese, btw, so pardon the slightly disjointed narrative), scares the hell out of Sonoko when he drops his disguise and appears as the Kid, and leaves on his hanglider. Okay, of all the people who I would have been somewhat reassured to see flying this machine, Kid was definitely at the top of the list. I mean, he flies all the time and he almost-kinda knew what he was doing. Why Ran of all people?!? Conan says he needs the toilet and gets Sononko to sit in the co-pilot's seat. From outside he tries to help a freaked-out Ran fly the plane by talking to her through her headset as Shinichi. She gets really pissed at him (um, as I would be) but in the end is reassured by his voice; she actually tells him she loves him.

Yes, you read that right. SHE ACTUALLY SAYS IT. With Sonoko there to witness it! "Shinichi, suki da yo." R&S fans rejoice! Conan is stunned speechless by this confession; it's a really touching moment, actually. Meanwhile, we find out why Kid took off; somehow, whether he planned all this or not (the whole ring motivation has been completely forgotten by this point, btw. I have no idea what Kid's real reasons for any of this were.) he's making the situation work in everyone's favor, as only Kid can do. The detectives have chased the poor false Kid up a fountain; it is, of course, the actor that Kid's been impersonating all this time. Poor guy -_-;; Kid appears on his glider to distract the cops; there's a hilarious double-take moment on part of the detectives and then the army of squad cars is chasing after Kid. He leads them to the landing spot and somehow the cops neatly arrange their cars make a perfect little landing field. Ooookaaaay...

Plot holes aside, I have to commend the art direction of the next several moments; it's great suspense, great use of plane sound effects, and you're cheering when Ran actually manages to land the plane without injuring or killing anyone. There's tremendous property damage of course, but who cares? Our heroes are okay :) So there's the end of the film; I have to say that by far the most interesting thing is how Kid was only a "villian" in this movie for about five seconds. This film is full of scenes of him saving people, reassuring people, and going out of his way to ensure their well-being. Very interesting. The epilogue scene after the end credits is Conan calling Ran on her cell as Shinichi, and she lightly teases him about some stuff. I'm dying to know what. I want to be fluent in Japanese, wah!!

I felt my 18 bucks was well-spent (yes, that's what it costs to see a movie in Japan. Ouch.) despite the general suspension of disbelief required. Then again, this is a show about detective who's been turned into a little kid. I can't be too critical, now can I? ;) Great film, the animation was awesome, Kid was awesome, I was cheering. This has been my one and only Conan report. Cheers, people! *huggles the load of Conan merchandise she bought at the theater* Yay for anime crap!!

I have to go dry off now. Pardon me :P

解密者 发表于 2004-4-27 16:45:55


My God

mooncafe 发表于 2004-4-27 17:57:06


I can't believe my eyes!!!
someone can help me!!!

sammy_w909009 发表于 2004-4-27 18:09:18

Jove~ 发表于 2004-4-27 18:26:54



红の叶 发表于 2004-4-27 18:42:56


好了,好了,早说过是英文版的么。算了,某叶来翻译一点吧。某叶原先不翻不全是因为偷懒,也是因为某叶的英语实在so so,不想害了大家。










兰对那个关键时候总不在身边的某人当然有抱怨了,然而——在最后——在生死一线——在迫降的瞬间——兰对电话里的新一说了 "Shinichi, suki da yo."(新一,我喜欢你)。




mooncafe 发表于 2004-4-27 18:45:13



sammy_w909009 发表于 2004-4-27 19:42:09

红の叶 发表于 2004-4-27 20:27:08


最初由 sammy_w909009 发布


天羽怪盗 发表于 2004-4-27 20:41:45



scorpion 发表于 2004-4-27 20:50:08



江户川 望 发表于 2004-4-27 21:32:50



summerly 发表于 2004-4-28 07:56:47






红の叶 发表于 2004-4-28 08:29:38




大家或者当这个是英文课外读物好了,呵呵~ %&008

最初由 summerly 发布

西西~ summerly 好啊

某叶也想见大家的,还想学杀人(8会的说,大家要教我喔~)。什么时候有小型的杀人聚会,某叶出来见见各位XDJM吧。%&003 %&003

summerly 发表于 2004-4-28 08:36:22



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查看完整版本: [转贴]第8弹观后感——英文版/作者:Calger459 (6楼添加中文翻译)