Amy_xuru 发表于 2004-10-24 04:04:24

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

Amy~~~~~~*kiss kiss*%&145 %&145

I was going to say "cloth washer"...but it doesn't sound right...%&088 %&088

PS: I almost typed washington instead of washing machine...%&209
%&063   washington...........

赫兰 发表于 2004-10-24 07:17:31

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

wear a long white coat...... put on dark red lipstick~~~~ don't tie your hair.......oh yeah, black nailpolish~

that's gonna be something to see~~~ ^_____^
how did u know?!

u can read my mind......scary

情er: thanks^^

Amy_xuru 发表于 2004-10-24 07:32:53

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom


灰原あい 发表于 2004-10-24 13:14:37

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

Passing by~~haven't come for a long time

Halloween.....hmm...probably just giving candy to childrenwho knocks ur door...-_-..too old to "trick or treat"....

Amy probably is psychic.....^^...

无情 发表于 2004-10-25 01:07:52

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

情er: thanks^^
You are welcome...%&239

Amy_xuru 发表于 2004-10-25 05:10:41

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

Passing by~~haven't come for a long time

Halloween.....hmm...probably just giving candy to childrenwho knocks ur door...-_-..too old to "trick or treat"....

Amy probably is psychic.....^^...
%&036   not a chance....

无情 发表于 2004-10-26 04:26:24

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

How come this post is all the down at the bottom? >___________<

Guess most people are afraid of getting caught over-irrigating...= =|||

PS:Amy~~~~*kiss kiss* Are you going to trick-or-treat?

等你 发表于 2004-10-27 19:16:29

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

up up~~

christmas is coming~~~~~

方哀 发表于 2004-10-27 19:40:20

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

It is very cold today and yesterday is very terrible too.

I have a sore throat and lost my appetite,i don't feel like eating....
I think i have got the flu..... = =|||

无情 发表于 2004-10-28 01:03:07

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

oh...already got my flu.shot...

PS: drink more water than...= =|||

That should help...

灰原あい 发表于 2004-10-28 07:03:21

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

I think is easy to get a cold these days...I got a cold like...2 days ago...sad..-_-

It's cold outside and warm in the classroom..-_-....
and..why would they still open the air condition when its this cold....@_@

Christmas?....two more months...-_-....

方哀 发表于 2004-10-28 21:08:57

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

today...i go to see the doctor , in the hospital i had to be given me an injection........

赫兰 发表于 2004-10-29 01:29:51

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

being a total git today....

gym ride. they peek in our room!!

they evern went outside to look into our windows!!

listening to every word they say...

Mel= the git^^

无情 发表于 2004-10-29 07:57:08

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

I think is easy to get a cold these days...I got a cold like...2 days ago...sad..-_-

It's cold outside and warm in the classroom..-_-....
and..why would they still open the air condition when its this cold....@_@

Christmas?....two more months...-_-....
The stores are putting up christmas trees right after the Halloween...%&205 %&205

So eager to get our money...%&070 %&070

That's why I usually get tired of the christmas songs before 25th...= =|||

Amy_xuru 发表于 2004-10-29 08:25:40

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

How come this post is all the down at the bottom? >___________<

Guess most people are afraid of getting caught over-irrigating...= =|||

PS:Amy~~~~*kiss kiss* Are you going to trick-or-treat?
what do you think~~~%&216i think i'm 3 years older than you....

Amy_xuru 发表于 2004-10-29 08:27:37

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

today...i go to see the doctor , in the hospital i had to be given me an injection........
hope you to get better soon
but a reminder, most of those flu injections doesn't work....

无情 发表于 2004-10-29 08:29:15

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

guess not then...= =|||

PS: does anyone want to chat about the literacy test?

无情 发表于 2004-10-29 08:30:43

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

hope you to get better soon
but a reminder, most of those flu injections doesn't work....WUAAAHHHHH...stop scaring me...%&088 %&088 %&088

冰夜 发表于 2004-10-30 08:54:25

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

...........u won't believe what did i get from HALLOWEEN today......
i got 110% in my chem test because of one bonus mark added from the halloween "door makes up".
and trust me, that's the highest mark anyone ever getting in my chem AP class...*happy!!!
did anyone else dress up at costume day? me wanna no~~~

无情 发表于 2004-10-30 09:05:22

回复: [禁水]English Chatroom

Wow...110%??!!!In chemistry???!!! Congrats...

Good job...

PS:no costume for me...
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