回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
shakespeare is okay except for the fact that i can't understand unless i read it over and overi like modern english better
回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
Yeah, I meant it when I said that he is a good writer...(grammatical mistake)He was a good writer even though I can't understand the language he uses...
I mean...He's supposed to be writing plays rite? And if you watch someone act it out it's awesome...
That's the whole point...Plays are good when the audience enjoys it...not students...= =|||
PS:we REALY shouldn't be talking about Shakespeare here...>.<
Mel, please forgive me...(I know I started the whole thing...T-T)
回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
so wat are we supposed to be talking abouthalloween was not fun
but ppl really scared me
but i got lotsa chocolate hahahahhahahahha
回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
OMG, mecbeth~~, i just finished the play, and got a fair mark on the test, but whatever, i just hate the whole thing...SHAKESPEARES--my biggest enemy ever, he should be quite pleasant that he is dead..
回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
lol, mecbeth is better than Much Ado About Nothing... it really was about nothing... no point at all... except for fooling around回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
hohoho, happy to find out no one like macbeth~~well, if u guys think about it, all those sciences are more fussy~~
especially bio, so many terminologies we have to memorize~
btw, i'm so gonna screw up on the bio and math test tomolo, rely on my luck only, lol
回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
qing er: 's okay^^ the whole point of this is i give u a topic so u know where to start, so people can just get off topic logically (-_-### i don't get what i'm waying either....don't bother to ask)...my friend got the "complete work of Shakespeares".... really annoying thought.....the whole book's bigger than at lease 3 dictionaries... $ 300.....what are she thinking.....
回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
...she's cray then...nina, you know... I'm kinda regreting that I didn't take bio this year>_>
回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
oh...Mell~~~*kiss* good to know that you don't mind XDWe are still doing Macbeth... and our final exam is on that thing... T-T
Wuahhhhh~~~ *sob sob*
I got this paper about Lady Macbeth... need help on it... T-T
What do you think about her? Is she really evil? I mean yeah she did talk Macbeth into murdering the King but she regreted it later on... And she starts seeing blood on her hands... It implies that she still has her conscious, rite? Cuz if she were truly evil than she wouldn't feel a thing... >.<
So lost... >.<
PS: hey this is for everyone...you guys can call me HH from now on... I think it's better than qing er...= =|||
only two letters... XD
btw HH has nothing to do with my real name or anything like that... @_@
回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
...HH?>.> anyways, about that question... what if you say that no one is really "evil"? Lady Mecbeth, like every other person in this world, is power thirsty, and the position of power is merely few steps away from her, so the sensible thing to do is to grab it.She is only being a normal person... maybe a normal person without much of a self control...回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
i'd say she's like the 4th witch.... the 3 witches give macbeth a false prophecy leading him to his fall, and the 4th witch, lady macbeth, takes him into it... before the murder, her ambitions are stronger than macbeth's, and after the murder, her feeling of remorse and guilt is stronger than macbeth's... she couldn't predict wat she'll be like after the murder..回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
Thanks guys...XDI'm looking for the evidence from the play right now... >.<
I don't really like lady Macbeth but somehow I feel sorry for her...
PS: Me want manga... Me want manga...T-T
I downloaded Naruto...but I can't read it today...too much hwk...>.<
回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
HH。。。。。。ok^^回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
-__- good luck in macbeth HH...I had to write about it last year too - -LM (short form for Lady Macbeth) is just a stereotype that women being evil (such as Adam and Eve, with Eve not resisting the temptations from the serpent and persuading Adam to eat the apple)...down with Shakespeare -__-
回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
my macbeth comic is due tomorrowim still on act 4 =u=
gotta work on it tonight
回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
A lot of things we say actually comes from shakesphere~I finished Macbeth ages ago~
We are doing the lord of the flies~
anyone doing that???
回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
lord of the flies is boring..... i'm doing short story la~~回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
Shakespeare~~~ we just learn about himhe made up words, and that's all i know
回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
A lot of things we say actually comes from shakesphere~I finished Macbeth ages ago~
We are doing the lord of the flies~
anyone doing that???oh...I finished that already...
Are you doing a presentation or essay?
回复: [禁水]English Chatroom
hollyween forever??i think you can chang topic into Xmas
nothing else can say!long before now ,i saw a news about hollyween,that's to say children got so mang things in hollyween,i think that's why all people like hollyween!
mask~~seet~~laught~~~light~~~pumpking light~and so on
how wonderful it is ~
how i wish we would have such a kind of festival.