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IB有什么好的?上了ib的人的人可以说是“have no life”问问璇就知道了,她和我在同一个mandarin和history class
(这样就能见到咱们海外的同胞了,呵呵%&008 )
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%&063恩,说到ib,咱简直是晕啊,明年上10年级,咱是准备上全ib,但咱怕苦的说%&055 ,后天咱还得去那学校溜达溜达,看不顺眼就8去,不过代价可能是被咱妈生吞活剥的说%&164回复: 大家进来帮我化解下情绪>_<
...那我来说说IB的好处吧……虽然至今还毫无感觉……应该说……习惯就好>.>回复: 大家进来帮我化解下情绪>_<
我举双手双脚赞成rosiiii~啦!ib是又好处的,如果你学得好了,大学第一年的credit就会给你了~~但是如果你学不好,不要说credit了,连好大学都上不了~~~说不定12年级还要重上一遍~~所以说是有风险的~~不过是可以试一下的,11年级如果适应不了,12年级就drop~~也不会有什么影响的。毕竟是很好的经验嘛!回复: 大家进来帮我化解下情绪>_<
啊啊啊啊羡慕ING。。。PS:上IB的人怎么会have no life涅?%&142
她们也没有给人socially inept的感觉啊。。。= =|||
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回复: 大家进来帮我化解下情绪>_<
小情啊,科目下滑米什么,咱永远都8会下滑,因为咱已经到底了,滑不下去了回复: 大家进来帮我化解下情绪>_<
To Mengxi:经典名言~~~收藏收藏~~崇拜崇拜~~
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激动ing. N.C,亲~~P.S:叫咱溪或梦...要8然咱觉滴别扭
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Your Stagnant SelfLet's face it!
You don't always experience your life as absolutely thriving!
Or even close to it!
How do I, a Tutor, know that?
Because I know you're human just like me, that's how.
So let's cut to the chase, stop denying, and think for a moment about your
Times of Stagnantion
when you're marking time and merely existing
waiting and bored
unexcited and unchallenged
sick of yourself
sick of your unproductive routine
when your life is devoted to little other than
your somewhat miserable self
when your life
frankly, is
just not a happening thing.
You are
emphatically not
in danger of irreversible personal collapse
if you sometimes feel this way!
In fact
as a Tutor I know that being clear about
makes all the clearer your awareness of
So relax
just let yourself become aware
of yourself
at these humanly inescapable times of
pointless anger
aimless dissatisfaction.
These moments happen to everyone
who has the courage
to recognize
When you think about your moments of
I want you to work out a devastating portrait!
I want you to have fun with it!
I want you to conjure up
a definitive image
deadly accurate and possibly
(but just around the edges).
Perhaps replete with the
smug, sweet, sleazy satisfaction
that so often accompanies
stagnant living.
Loosen up!
Air the image out!
Let it stand
clear in all its vapid splendor,
The very essence of how stagnation occurs:
Stagnation Personified!
Not a pretty sight from the standpoint of
Recognize the experience!
Everyone encounters moments of stagnation in their living.
Often, these are moments
of secure surrender to productive habit!
The humor in such moments is often found in the absurdity
of their self-contradiction
wanting to win at the game of life
without playing it fully
wanting to stand still without
being left behind
looking for a compelling new experience
without the experience
of anxiety.
it might be true that even when stagnating
you are more vital than others are
when thriving.
This is of no interest.
I only care how you regard yourself in your own
states of stagnation.
So let's count as times of stagnation
times when the companionship of boredom and tolerable frustration
count for more than the possibilities of growth
for more than
finding the delight and experiencing the power
of being yourself,
playing the hand you were dealt
to the fullest!
Times of stagnation
times of
empty triumphs
resignation to the predictable
acquiesence to the available and unsatisfying.
On the plus side
times of stagnation can provide an opportunity to think about
what thriving might be worth!
念给的,说得满有道理的。人谁都有一时半会儿不开心的时候,想开点,别太紧张,别给自己那么多压力,过两天就好了。楼主大人good luck^^^^^^飘走
回复: 大家进来帮我化解下情绪>_<
哇赛,楼上的人还真是厉害,一大片英文让我看的晕了~楼主,关心你的人很多哦~~不要气馁!回复: 大家进来帮我化解下情绪>_<
Your Stagnant SelfLet's face it!
You don't always experience your life as absolutely thriving!
Or even close to it!
How do I, a Tutor, know that?
Because I know you're human just like me, that's how.
So let's cut to the chase, stop denying, and think for a moment about your
Times of Stagnantion
when you're marking time and merely existing
waiting and bored
unexcited and unchallenged
sick of yourself
sick of your unproductive routine
when your life is devoted to little other than
your somewhat miserable self
when your life
frankly, is
just not a happening thing.
You are
emphatically not
in danger of irreversible personal collapse
if you sometimes feel this way!
In fact
as a Tutor I know that being clear about
makes all the clearer your awareness of
So relax
just let yourself become aware
of yourself
at these humanly inescapable times of
pointless anger
aimless dissatisfaction.
These moments happen to everyone
who has the courage
to recognize
When you think about your moments of
I want you to work out a devastating portrait!
I want you to have fun with it!
I want you to conjure up
a definitive image
deadly accurate and possibly
(but just around the edges).
Perhaps replete with the
smug, sweet, sleazy satisfaction
that so often accompanies
stagnant living.
Loosen up!
Air the image out!
Let it stand
clear in all its vapid splendor,
The very essence of how stagnation occurs:
Stagnation Personified!
Not a pretty sight from the standpoint of
Recognize the experience!
Everyone encounters moments of stagnation in their living.
Often, these are moments
of secure surrender to productive habit!
The humor in such moments is often found in the absurdity
of their self-contradiction
wanting to win at the game of life
without playing it fully
wanting to stand still without
being left behind
looking for a compelling new experience
without the experience
of anxiety.
it might be true that even when stagnating
you are more vital than others are
when thriving.
This is of no interest.
I only care how you regard yourself in your own
states of stagnation.
So let's count as times of stagnation
times when the companionship of boredom and tolerable frustration
count for more than the possibilities of growth
for more than
finding the delight and experiencing the power
of being yourself,
playing the hand you were dealt
to the fullest!
Times of stagnation
times of
empty triumphs
resignation to the predictable
acquiesence to the available and unsatisfying.
On the plus side
times of stagnation can provide an opportunity to think about
what thriving might be worth!
念给的,说得满有道理的。人谁都有一时半会儿不开心的时候,想开点,别太紧张,别给自己那么多压力,过两天就好了。楼主大人good luck^^^^^^飘走
i'll save that...