早暮思安 发表于 2005-5-21 13:13:58

回复: [原创]perfect alone 12.24finished 两周年的...


挑眉毛~- -


orz orz为我人品祈祷

panzerVI 发表于 2005-5-21 13:25:36

回复: [原创]perfect alone 12.24finished 两周年的...

啊~是啊听说这个的死状是比较特立独行的~呵呵~据说这个也可以通过飞沫传播(然貌似还是据说- -),传染能力也低于SARS~~至今也还没弄死多少人啊(众:你这是在遗憾么?)~所以要找到个病人来摸摸抱抱啃啃的难度还有点大……


早暮思安 发表于 2005-5-21 13:39:19

回复: [原创]perfect alone 12.24finished 两周年的...


埃博拉出血热是人类所知的几种最致命的疾病中的一种,临床研究表明,一旦感染此病,死亡率将高达50%- 90%。埃博拉病毒通过感染者的血液、体液、精液等传播, 潜伏期约为3周。埃博拉病毒的初期症状为突然发烧、全身无力、肌肉疼痛、头痛和喉咙痛。接着,感染者会呕吐、腹 泻、肾脏和肝脏功能受损,最后内脏器官和皮肤都会出血。



Aquavit 发表于 2005-5-22 23:28:38

回复: [原创]perfect alone 12.24finished 两周年的...






Aquavit 发表于 2005-5-23 18:15:45

回复: [原创]perfect alone 12.24finished 两周年的...

Ebola Virus
Dres P. (1978) Bull,W.H.O.56,245
Ellis D.S.et al(1978) Brit.J.exp.Path.59,584
Report of W.H.O.Internat Study Team(1978)Bull.W.H.O.56,247 and 271

An classified RNA morphologically indistinguishable from MARBURG VIRUS, but immunologically different. The name comes from a small river in Zaire near which the virus was firs isolated. Causes a severe and often fatal haemorrhagiv fever. An epidemic involving at least 750 case and 400 deaths occurred in the Sudan and Zaire in 1976. Incubation and extensive internal bleeding. Recovery is slow. The disease was less severe in the Sudan than in Zaire, and the virus isolated from Sudanese patients produced a lower mortality rate in rhesu monkeys than did virus from patients in Zaire. In other charateristics the viruses were indistinguishable. Immune plasma may be of therapentic value. Transmission requires very close contact with body fluids. Rodents may be the reservoir of infection. Isolated in the laboratory by inoculation of patients' sera into guinea pigs or VERO CELLS.
Marburg fever virus

An as yet unclassified RNA virus which may belong to the family RNABDOUITIDAE but is morphologically not typical and serologically unrelated to other species in the familly. Causes a severe and often fatal disease in man. Onset sudden with fever, head and limb pains, bradycardin, diavrhoea,vomiting and confused aggressive mental state. Cardiac and renal failure with haemorrhages decelop. First reported in 1967 when 31 cases, 7 fatal, occurred in Germany and Yugoslavia, all traced to contact with tissue from a batch of African green monkeys Cecopithicus aethiops, trapped in Uganda.
First secondary cases occurred in hospital workers due to contact with blood from patients, and one case in which the virus was sexually transmitted 83 days after the initial illness. The virus apears to persist in the body for 2-9 months. A second outbreak occurred in 1975 involving one primary case, a man who hitch-hiked through Rhodisia, and two women who nursed him. The virus causes a uniformly fatal infection in guinea pigs and monkeys, and can be propagated in a variety of cell cultures such as VERO, RHK-21 and HELA. Diganosis by EM of blood, or by inoculation of VERO CELLS which decelop eosinophilic inclusions and antigen demonstrable by immunofluorescence. Virus is ether-sensitive and inactivated in 30 min at 56 degree. It has an onter ENVELOPE and is formed by budding through the cell membrane. There are two structural forms:filamentious and circular. Both have an overall diameter of 70-100nm and contain an internal helix 40nm in diameter. Some filaments may be serveral microns long. Natural reservoir unknown but probably not aprimate. The case in Rhodesia had been handling insects and spiders. Ebola virus is morpologically similar but immunologically different.
SYN: green monkey virus, Marburger Affenkrankheit virus, vervet monkey disease virus.
VERO cells(CCL 81)

A heteroploid cell bine derived from the kndney of a normal African green monkey Cercopithecus aethiops.Used widely in virus replication studies and plague assays. Useful for assay of SIMIAN VIRUS 40, PARAINFLUENZA VIRUS TYPE5, MEASLES, ARBOVIRUSES, REOVIRUSES, SIMIAN APENOVIRUS and HUMAN POLIOVIRUS. Susceptible to GERMISION, GETAH, GUAROA,KOKOBERA,MODOC, MURUTUSU,NDUMU, PARAMARIBO, PIXUNA, PONGOLA, ROSS RIVER, SEMLIKI FOREST and TACARIBE arboviruses, but not to APEU, CARAPARU, MADRID, NEPUYO, OSSA or STRATFORD.

(all form my notebook of virus~~For you,maybe useful^^)

早暮思安 发表于 2005-5-27 21:48:40

回复: [原创]perfect alone 12.24finished 两周年的...


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