Term 2 Mathematics Group Project – Statistical Poster Project title:Online social activities’ effects on internet identity Hiwe are a team of TA 2A students conducting a survey for our Mathematicsproject. In this project, our aim is to find out if online social activities doaffect our internet identity. Please help us complete the survey. Thank youvery much.
1. Which of the following age group do youbelong to?
below 15
(B) from 16 to 18 (C) from 19 to 21 (D) from22 to 30 (E) 31 and above
(If (E), skip toquestion 3)
2. Doboth your parents work?
(A) yes (B) only one (C) none ofthem work
3. Howmany siblings do you have?
Please specify: 0
4. Howoften do you see your family members in a week?
3-5 days
1-2 days
Sometimes never
Never at all
5. Howmany days a week on average do you use the internet to socialize? Please statethe number of days: 3
6. Howmany hours do you usually spent using the internet on those days? Please statethe number of hours: 6
7. List down the top five things you doonline and the time you spend on each every week? Example: gaming orresearching
8. When did you start socializing online?Please state the year: 2001
9. Did you use your real name in theusername of your first online account?
(A) yes (B) no
10. Which of the following do you fake mostof the time when you are required to provide your personal information? (Youmay choose more than 1 option)
(A) name
(B) gender
(C) age
(D) Occupation
(E) others:____________
11. How many online nicknames do you usefrequently?
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3
(E) more than 3, pleasespecify: ________
12. Do you use different gender when youregister for a new account?
(A) always usethe real gender
(B) most of the timeuse the real gender
(C) random
(D) most of the time use the fakegender
(E) always use the fake gender
13. Why do you want to use fake identities?
(A) neveruse
(B) just for fun (C) Toprotect my privacy
(D) others (pleasespecify): _________________________________________________
14. Do you believe the personal identitiesof others during online chatting?
(A) no
(B) yes
(C) depends on the situation
15. Among all your usernames on theInternet, what is the fraction of names that are not your real name?
Please specify:
16. How often will you change your nicknameon the Internet?
(A) Very often
(C) Sometimes
(D) Seldom
(E) Never
17. Do you introduce yourself with yourreal name when in an online forum discussion?
(A) yes (B) no
18. Do you own a gaming account?
(A) yes (B) no (If no, skip to question 21)
19. How many different online games do you play?
Pleasespecify:TOO MUCH =。=|||
20. Howmany gaming accounts do you have on each game?
Pleasespecify:1 OR 2
21. How many hangouts have you visited eversince you started socializing online? Please specify the number: 3
Please specify the number of nicknames youuse so far on the hangouts:雪の殇 =。=|||
22. Do you participate in online forums? Ifso, where: 45S。。
23. Will you use symbols and numbers inyour account username for better security?
(A) yes (B) no
24. Have you ever revealed fakeinformation about yourself to other people on the Internet?
(A) yes (B) no
25. Have you visited others’ blogs and seenother bloggers reveal their personal information online?
(A) yes (B) no
26. Have you ever used your real namewhen signing up for a new account?
A. yes
B. No
C. sometimes
D. only when sign for an officialaccount
E. other, please specify__________
27. How many blogs do you have?
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3
(E) more than 3
(If (A), skip to question 30)
28. How often do you write on your blog?
A. Less than 4 times a month
B. 1~2 times aweek
C.3~4 times a week
D. more than4 times a week
29. Have you ever revealed your own orfriends’ real name in your blog?
A. yes
B. No
C. I use fake names mostof the time D. I use fake names sometimes
30. Did you fake any information that sofar in this survey?
a) YES!!!
(B) Most of it
(C) Some of it
(D) NO! |