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4everluv的个人空间 https://bbs.aptx.cn/?67948 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


  • 突然想把每天的想法留在这里。眼泪会很委屈地在打转 还让爱我的人担心。这个城市,是我自己sacrifice的结果。要跳出来会有多难。妥协 就是要牺牲 回复
  • 我這是多久沒回來了... 回复
  • 放假了放假啦~~ 回复
  • 新申請了weibo..憑著twitter的感覺來用。。來加我吧! @Cecehaha海外的小Mel 回复
  • 還不如直接殺死我!!!!! 回复
  • best wishes to all my loves 回复
  • Merry Christmas 回复
  • They watchin, I know this! I'm rockin, I'm rolling!   I'm holding, I know it, you know it! 回复
  • country road, take me home 回复
  • c'est la vie 回复
  • who should I trust here? 回复
  • holding a grudge is letting someone live rent-free in your head...LOLOL so trueeeee 回复
  • 怎麼努力學習成績也上不來了,每天別的事情太多了。算了,上大學不是只要成績好的,當然,它依然是top priority就是。  回复
  • can we pretend that airplanes in the nightsky are like shooting stars, i could really use a wish right now.. 回复
  • school is so busy! 回复



這東西沒用過 能吃麼? 2010-12-18
我最不會寫東西了  今天本來開心 後來不開心 然後這一學期還算OK..醒過來許多,又迷糊了很久.. 討厭的人小人得志,喜歡的人沒走好運 還有wsss們- - ...


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Power 2016-1-3 14:30
hmmm actually i'm out of the states currently, on vacation haha! next, oh no this year i probably change my job and move to another place, just considering a research professorship in the southwest(new mexico), hope everything would be fine, hope we all have a joyful 2016!
Power 2015-12-31 22:43
it's quite a long time since i posted on ur wall last time....but let me have a try: H-A-P-P-Y N-E-W Y-E-A-R (imagine i stand at the center of madison square garden and shout it out with rapping
B.C. 2014-3-24 10:57
4everluv: 跑到你这里来了呢不知不觉打声招呼
danny毛毛 2011-5-29 09:47
4everluv: 額。。親愛的不知道怎麼回覆你..weibo我放棄了,看起來好需要技術噠哈哈哈我再去看看慢慢來...
然後恩,是要回去啦。。想到明年後年大後年都木有指望回去,好像 ...
yylxxch 2011-4-16 09:41
4everluv: hehehe 我也是N多年以前看過...不知道是哪裡的人物。。總之它和現在的心情差不多...
yylxxch 2011-4-15 23:25
Power 2011-4-1 13:58
4everluv : 這些虛擬是真實存在的。我覺得爲了我們自己喜歡的付出時間和精力沒有錯。我從來沒有後悔過在這裡的付出. 心有不甘就是你對這裡還有感情嘛。。。嘻嘻 我會經常回 ... 谢谢,你是最善良的人了。有你们这些能畅所欲言的听众真好,我不会感到自己是一个人,我会尽自己所能坚持下去的。你也要常回来啊,呵呵,大家都记得你,都期待着你。 ...
Power 2011-3-30 21:13
4everluv : 谢谢很温暖的话。我希望一切都还好。我也想你们... 我记得我有跟你说过我去实习了吧? 最后一周的时候老板给了我一个job offer..虽然还有一年才能毕业 但是想到 ... 呵呵,平平淡淡,我也不知道平淡是福,还是无聊,总之,暂时就这样的状态也还好,我也累了,慢慢厌倦这些了。呵呵,有时候想想,其实我何必为了一些虚拟的东西如此呢,也觉得自己不成熟,呵呵,也许就是心有不甘吧,我承认自己太固执了。 ... ...
Power 2011-3-30 03:38
weepclouds 2010-12-26 11:17
4everluv: 美美美人魚聖誕快樂
mel >< Merry X'mas!
weepclouds 2010-10-17 11:45
4everluv: kao shi a kao shi...T.T bei zhe mo si le!!
咋了??谁折磨你?你可以打英文的-w- 我这边回复中文就好了哈哈哈
weepclouds 2010-10-17 10:33
4everluv: mermaid  yun! how are you
=33= 蛮好的~mel妹妹最近在忙啥 ?
Nemesis-G 2010-10-17 04:12
4everluv: hahaha, exactly how i feel about these books now..

oh and the latter part of my last conversation.. you know what i'm referring to right? ;]
Of course! (dramatic turn plus dramatic sound)
Nemesis-G 2010-10-17 03:32
4everluv: LOL it'd be hard to comment and share your feelings if idk what youre talking about.. i wanna help you with your ranting!!! LOL

why everything is com ...
My reading materials are mostly Chinese based so this is expected....but hey, the point is you had fun. Even though you did not read them before, it is important that you have this feeling: wow, what a piece of crap that book is! Thus my goal is complete :)
Nemesis-G 2010-10-17 02:34
4everluv: aw lol i can but i dont wanna.. pshhh, there's love awaits you the ecr and ranting your books.. though i rly haven't read any of thbooks youwere talki ...
Well, if you read my rant, my suggestion is "don't read them" lol
Nemesis-G 2010-10-17 01:50
4everluv: this msg is the best thign i've received today :) thanks.. ya who cares.. there's enough drama going on. sigh, and i dont understand them and no desir ...
o I will just do what I am supposed to do and wanted to do.
Hell, I am not a deathrow prisoner waiting for the end, screw that. Only difference is I may not see certain part of the BBS later, but who is gonna stop me from ranting about books and chatting in ECR.

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