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(zt) who can help me check his mac



发表于 2005-7-17 01:59:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I call on people live in uk should be careful of some British savage, they like to peek people. Especially a man, in according to hie(or his cahoot's) words, his name is House or john??? and live in Stafford near wolverhmapton (according to his information online). And some Shenzhen polytechnic student collude some British peeper. As I konw one callet and his pimp son live in #X-706 (according to his words, but i can’t catch people), it's learned that one of his relation has ever seduced sb, but not accomplished, so he killed that gril.another callet is live in #9-XXX, jingmi village, futian district, Shenzhen, Guangdong province, P.r.China.and they also threaten me, we r bedlamites, who fear who,and they also threaten me to shift this word to me,there r some threatened evidence as follows:
Want to tell all the people in the world, especially live or study in uk, as I am persecuted by some British and Chinese brute. I have ever studied in uk for 1 year, as my original college (Shenzhen polytechnic) have relationship with university of wolverhampton in uk. Maybe some people think I’m beautiful, when I came to uk. Soon after I found that many British liked to notice me. I think it is hateful , but I can endure it yet. But after 1moth when I finished my English course in Compton campus, I moved to telford campus, before I moved there, I have already pried for some people about telford, they tell me telford is ok, but too quite. I prefer quite, and it convenient for my courses, so I decided to moved there. But when I moved there the 1st night, I found that some people are intentional to agitation me under my hall (some people was whistling, some people was pressing trumpet, some people was shouting louderly, some people was closing and opening the car gate loudly and heavily except weekend, and I can’t sleep. Further I found that they are so abnormal, as they peek me. As although I close my curtain, what ever I do, they can know and talk about it, e.g. I use my mobile phone, they say she use mobile phone…at first I think maybe it’s a coincidence, but once I changed my clothes, the people under my hall shouted so loudly. I haven’t evidence, and don’t know what should I do, so I just moved back to Compton campus. Before I left telford, I found that those savages is so rampant, they say: f##k yellow, I know u…, and make more noise than usual. I thing I can get rid of it, but when I moved back I found that they also follow and peek my in Compton campus. But it’s better than telford, as they annoy me lesser than telford. And as I haven’t any evidence, and I don’t want to let more people know that, so I just ignore and endure it, just tell a friend. after I finished my 1st courses, I moved again, and live with some of my friends, and of course, I found that soon after they peek me again. They not only peek me and talk about my privacy. But I can’t found any way to refrain it. And I hope I will not be pressed for crazy. When I spent my holiday, I want to improve my English level, so I install icq, and chat with some foreigner online. Once a man (Savage House) found me, and we chat together, first I found he is humor and seemed a good man, so I maybe chat with him more, but I haven’t notice that, and told him some people like to notice me, hope I will not be pressed for crazy by those savage, and he pretend a good man, he say don’t worry, u will not be crazy. And I think he is good, and can trust and chat with him. He invite me to meeting with him I didn’t go, luckily I haven’t go (otherwise …). I should point out that, meeting not predict anything for me, but maybe predict for him (want to ravish sb). Even though some people want to be girlfriend or boyfriend, they maybe don’t love each other. And I say if u want to see my real features, we can see through web camera. So we see online, and as I usually seldom see my web camera screen, and I chat with many people at the same time, so I haven’t notice my web camera screen, and after a while, I found that he haven’t replied my message, so I open my web camera screen, and I found that he has already put off his trousers, and exposure his manhood online, I’m so angry and ask him what r u doing, he reply me I want to rape u. I just say u r too rude, I don’t want to chat with u again. And close my chat window, and don’t want to chat with this erotomania, and so angry. And I forgot this thing, but after a few days, he find me again, at first he forgot who am I, maybe he do the same thing with too many people, so he forgot my name, but soon after, he remember who am I, and say I want to chat with him, I say I don’t want to chat with u again, don’t boring me again. And he continually boring me, and he threaten me I know where do u live (I remember I haven’t say where do I live concretely, I just involuntary mentioned a big area concretely. How can he know, now I know, he maybe one of the peeper), I will find and rape u, and I say, I don’t fear u , I will ready a knife to wait u, and just prohibit him to see me online and chat with me, and delete his name from my chat list. He just want to defraud me of my trust and think his false face can to seduce me. But he is wrong, I don’t like exposurer and see through his camouflage. Some people may think I’m too guard and carefulness, but it’s my liberty and rights. he want to be a pimp, let he do, I don’t care, it’s none of my business, but don’t force me to wench and trespass on. If u force me, I will pay u back with u coin.

these days, this people find me who call me himself as that house.
enclose: chat record
[email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email]
[19:33:59] .Squeeb. Immigrants, f##k YEA!!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:


[19:34:16]- .Squeeb 登入了。
[19:34:20] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

gay gay gay gay gay
[19:34:29] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

[19:34:52] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

[19:35:15] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

My name is HOUSE
[19:35:49] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

[19:37:00] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

[19:37:06] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

? ? ?
[19:37:08] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

? ? ?
[19:37:10] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

? ? ?
[19:37:23] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

gay? don't boring la
[19:37:33] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Try some ENGLISH
[19:37:39] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

[19:39:34] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Die Horribly Somewhere
[19:39:35] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

[19:39:51] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

it's none of ur business, pimp
[19:40:11] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

i will save this as a evidence
[19:40:12] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

[19:40:20] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Oh? And what do you plan to do with it
[19:40:50] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

catch the peeker, and u will die horrible
[19:40:59] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

What the f##k is a peeker!?
[19:41:11] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Oh and by the way.. Don't spam on the Multiplay forum's
[19:41:13] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

who fear who
[19:41:14] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

they are not for spamming
[19:41:15] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

[19:43:00] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I am House..
[19:43:02] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I am coming to get you!
[19:43:42] .Squeeb( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

There's nowhere you can hide!
[19:44:11] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

[19:44:25] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

no, it's none of ur business, i should maintain my rights, i don't want to chat with savage peeker, it's my rights , gay and pimp
[19:44:40] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Gay .. AAANDD pimp!?

[19:45:07] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

u should f##k ur mother, savage gay, pimp and peeper
[19:45:12] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I did f##k my mother
[19:45:17] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

How do you think I was born?
[19:45:25] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I am peeping you right now
[19:45:35] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I have hacked your computer
[19:45:41] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I can see you
[19:45:48] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Nice dark hair
[19:46:10] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

thank u give me this evidence
[19:46:19] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

You have a stupid smile.
[19:46:38] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

What's wrong? Do you not like my Mouth-words?
[19:47:04] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

brighter than u
[19:47:37] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

this, time, i will keep this as a evidence, be careful, pimp
[19:49:46] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

u should deliver urself to the police, maybe u can keep a whole ashes, pimp
[19:50:47] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

every british want u die
[19:51:01] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I know.. I eated every british
[19:51:04] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

then they die
[19:51:29] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I'm going to find you
[19:51:32] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

and tear you open
[19:51:33] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

in the middle
[19:51:34] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

and then feast
[19:51:38] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

on your livers
[19:51:58] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

then try, who fear who
[19:52:07] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

[19:52:12] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I can see you
[19:53:46] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

u will dream i kill u every night, u can't get a good sleep every night, ur god have already cast away u
[19:53:58] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Mmm .. I like it when I dream about you.
[19:54:36] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

hehe, hope u will not regret it
[19:54:52] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

You make me wet... Oh .. can I buy that coat
[19:54:53] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

[19:56:39] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

now u can see me publish ur infamy online, stupid savage, i haven't died or crazyed by u, now it's turn u, u underrate me, and internet
[19:57:06] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Can I buy the coat?
[19:57:42] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

u should compensate me, so i just received money from u, but u can't get anything from me
[19:57:58] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

No thanks. Just the coat please.
[19:58:24] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Do you like kittens?
[20:00:44] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

u should introduce ur parients and other relations to be a bawdry
[20:00:49] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I removed your post from the multiplay forum
[20:00:51] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

have a nice day
[20:01:15] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

it's have many forum, u can try
[20:01:30] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

include many chinese forum
[20:01:35] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I am admin of the world
[20:01:42] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Except the chinese.. No-one can understand chinese
[20:01:49] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

so it's pointless
[20:02:18] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

i will wait u find me, then u will die, pimp,u will be not worth the candleget more kicks than halfpence
[20:02:30] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

what If I just shoot you in the head..
[20:02:33] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Then you won't be able to kill me
[20:03:17] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

u should know, every british also can't understand u
[20:03:32] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

HAH!! Coming from you
[20:03:36] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Miss English Speaker of the week!
[20:03:57] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

nobody will like ur freakish manhood
[20:04:31] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I don't have a manhood
[20:04:32] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I'm a girl
[20:04:36] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

You know, female
[20:06:30] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

i didn't admin ur infamy orginal, but u force me to admin it, now u should regret u shouldn't offend me and people all over the world,
[20:06:54] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

should tell u, i will publish ur chat online with my article, stupid pimp
[20:09:16] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Ok I'm sorry
[20:09:20] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Please don't tell anyone
[20:09:38] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I will do anything .. I'll rape you and your family if you want.
[20:11:01] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

though u can try, hope u will not regret
[20:12:28] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

u should let ur chinese cahoot die, and break down ur instrument, then maybe, i will forgive u, pimp, think about it carefully
[20:14:34] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

hide ur manhood, nothing want to see this abnormality, include pig, eunuch
[20:16:22] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I'm going to kill you tomorrow at 3:30pm
[20:16:28] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

now ur cahoot beg for mercy, u should regret it eariler
[20:16:36] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I have a gang in Wolverhampton who know you
[20:16:40] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

u can try, hope u will not die
[20:18:00] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

as i think every body don't want u die, they want to afflict u
[20:19:35] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Look.. Just f##k off now
[20:19:35] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:


[20:19:35] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

f##k .. off
[20:19:35] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Stop talking to me and f##k off
[20:19:35] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

you f##king wierdo moron
[20:19:35] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

[20:21:44] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

u want to ply with me and damage me, but u damage urself, and now u can't break away from me
[20:23:02] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Go THE f##k AWAY!
[20:23:52] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I hope you have a shit life
[20:23:54] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

Good bye
[20:23:58] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

I'm blocking you now
[20:24:01] I AM HOUSE!( [email=" crigbyman@hotmail.com]crigbyman@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:


[20:24:04]- I AM HOUSE! 登出了。

[20:24:06]- I AM HOUSE! 已经关闭了对话窗口。
[20:25:20] rinoasx( [email=" tntddv@hotmail.com]tntddv@hotmail.com[/email] ) 说:

i give u a chinese sentence: 多行不义必自毙, let ur chinese cahoot translate it for u, and u and ur cahoot should think about how to die


 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-17 02:03:12 | 显示全部楼层

回复: (zt) who can help me check his mac

Date Registered: 12th June 2003
Status: Long 'n ginger
Last Post: 30th January 2005 01:29
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Birthday 30 June, 1984
Biography Im teh win!!! TEH !! TEEEHHH!
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June 30, 1984
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发表于 2005-7-17 07:44:17 | 显示全部楼层

回复: (zt) who can help me check his mac




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发表于 2005-7-17 14:21:32 | 显示全部楼层

Re: (zt) who can help me check his mac

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Archiver|手机版|小黑屋|名侦探柯南事务所 ( 沪ICP备05038770号 )

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