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can u help me>>i am Ahmed



发表于 2005-11-15 06:20:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[LEFT][RIGHT]How r u guys and girls??[/LEFT][/RIGHT]
[LEFT][RIGHT]What are u doing in ur life?  Ha ah ha [/LEFT][/RIGHT]
[LEFT][RIGHT]Can u excuse me>>>[/LEFT][/RIGHT]
[LEFT][RIGHT]O wann know some details about detective conan[/LEFT][/RIGHT]
[LEFT][RIGHT]So I want to know is the movie 10 is the last one?[/LEFT][/RIGHT]
[LEFT][RIGHT]Is the ending of detective conan appeared on manga or it will be soon?[/LEFT][/RIGHT]
[LEFT][RIGHT]Is ed23 is the last one and also op16>>[/LEFT][/RIGHT]
[LEFT][RIGHT] Is the eposide when Gin on file 500 appeared or not[/LEFT][/RIGHT]
[LEFT][RIGHT]That’s every things[/LEFT][/RIGHT]
[LEFT][RIGHT]I waiting for ur replies all members[/LEFT][/RIGHT]
[LEFT][RIGHT]The Arabian's guy[/LEFT][/RIGHT]
[LEFT][RIGHT]%&009 Ahmed[/LEFT][/RIGHT]


发表于 2005-11-15 06:46:23 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

there're no news saying that movie 10 is the last movie, so we assume there may be a new one...
and about the manga, from the recent files, I don't think that will end soon....still no hints on the boss or other people from the black organization.
Since the anime is not ending (celebrating for the 10th anniversary the coming year), so there will be new ending and opening in the future.
and there's still no news about when the case on file 499-504 about MIB Vs FBI will show on tv, but let's hope that will come soon next year!
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发表于 2005-11-15 09:30:57 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

wait,wait,wait until April next coming year
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发表于 2005-11-15 10:52:55 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

actually we are all not sure that whether mr.aoyama is going to end "Detevtive Conan" or not......
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发表于 2005-11-15 13:03:48 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

Please don't worry about the end of "Detective Conan"...

Utill now,Mr.aoyama just ever said he had designed the end,but when to release it,he didn't say it...

Therefore,enjoy yourself in Conan's world!~~
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发表于 2005-11-15 16:39:31 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

excuse me ...
may i have a water?

oh... i'm sorry, there have a sentence in china.."kan tie yao hui tie"
so... i'll do it.
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发表于 2005-11-15 18:20:26 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

tf upstairs.....

and Ahmed, if you want to find more guys who speak English, you can go to
Most of them(us) are living overseas and you can enjoy yourself with us and Conan...
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发表于 2005-11-15 18:33:39 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

u must remember me,Ahmed,yeah? it's kudo_82.

i'll send some message later.
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-16 05:35:00 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

thank you all my friend 4 helping me and telling me

the people on my country though that movie 10 is the last one>>

thanks again>>all of u

and kudo_82>>i rememberd u and don't forget u

how can i forget my lovely friend>>
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发表于 2005-11-16 09:14:59 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

by the way,where are you from? Europe?
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发表于 2005-11-16 09:18:52 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

%&009 he said that he is an arabian guy.....
it seems that he went to "45s overseas union" already...
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发表于 2005-11-16 09:22:39 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

o, i see
but how did he know 45s?
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发表于 2005-11-16 09:24:43 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

[quote=飞扬的火]by the way,where are you from? Europe?[/quote]

Ahmed comes from UAE(阿联酋).
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发表于 2005-11-16 09:37:51 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

did you see? i was writed "i see"
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发表于 2005-11-16 12:38:27 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

I just hope that "Detective Conan" will never say goodbye to us.They are all excellent works ,no matter films or OVA.It lead me to a fantasic world and let me feel wonderful!!!%&009
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发表于 2005-11-16 13:36:57 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

[quote=飞扬的火]o, i see
but how did he know 45s?[/quote]
i think 久远信市 knows.....
45s 怎么说也是个有名的地方撒……
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发表于 2005-11-16 15:25:32 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

久远信市 and Ahmed are friends?
or 久远信市 also comes from UAE?
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发表于 2005-11-16 16:24:49 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

Where is UAE?
Who can tell me?
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发表于 2005-11-17 09:47:32 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

a country where is in the Middle East.
a rich country!
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发表于 2005-11-17 13:40:50 | 显示全部楼层

回复: can u help me>>i am Ahmed

Arabian,wow,how wonderful~     That is the first time i met Conan's fans who is foreigner!   Oh,great!%&137
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