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[杂七杂八] 某兰兰KUSO瞎写...标题标题...from my experience..some kinda ppl u don't wanna



发表于 2006-1-29 14:58:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
anywayz... just looking over my cell speed dial and my last year's year book... and yeah... there are ppl i like, and ppl i don't like and act like i like em and ppl i really don't like... i'm graduatin junior high dis year and i just thought that i write something that could be a reference or a thing that u read and forget, i really don't mind how u think of this stuff ur going to read(or not), maybe u'll be PO'd and hate me forever or mabe u think it's true and use it as a reference. all i'm saying is that i'm bored... and i wrote this stuff just to show u that i did learn something in school these 3 years= =(bla bla bla...)

oh yeah.. and if u really read these crap i wrote there, a HUGE hug...

kk, bac to da topic i'm goingon on... oh yeah, btw, i'm just posting it as i'm writing it here, so i don't hav a copy myself, so don't comment on this on MSN and ask for proofs and copies  and crap cause.. yeah u know...

%&141 %&141

%&098 FOR U: ppl that want to be ur friend & thought they're ur friend even though u don't like them much (kk..hate them...)

ok... usually these kinda ppl's really childish, u just helped them pick their pencils up or something and they would think u did that because u love them= = not to be mean or anything, but come on! and when u r together with them they kept talking about pink's so lame and "uncool" like they're so cool they only like the "cool" colors... OMG right at the second u just wanna kill them...  and seriously, what the hell's wrong with PINK?!!! it's a NICE color!!

solution: "haha... yeah~~~ that's RIGHT!!! bye!! and btw, pink's my favorite color" and ignore their "oh", act like if ur offenced by the pink thing and leave them... (kk, u get "pink"s justa example rite?)

%&098 people who hates u but act like they love u...

well... some ppl would thought "awww... that's so nice!" but if ur really in the setuation and guess what= =....
i'm not saying that u have to show it if u hate someone, but at lease just act like u don't have anything to do with them and act NORMAL, don't LOVE ppl when u really hate them u know? that'll just look weird and stupid.
cause when ppl know that u hate someone, and see u act EXTEREMLY nice u dat person just to hide it, they'll think that ur FAKE and horny and weird so they instead don't like u as much...

SOLUTION for the person that's being hate & loved by the same person: try to be nice to theme to make em really love u or just have a talk with da person...

%&098 ppl who actually hates u ...

umm... dis one's pretty straight forword... why would u want to be friends with them if they give u dirty looks everytime they sees u and their face just plainly said "i hate u" ?= =

solution:    um... if they don't do anything to u just let it go... if they do... tell ur guy friends to beat him/her up after school (jk^^)

%&098 ppl that are TOO shy

believe me, i'm not against shy ppl, and believe it or not, i used to be really shy too. but the key word there is "TOO".
k, by TOO, i meant the person that replied ur question with "..." or " %&053 "  when u know they know the language ur speaking and ur sure they heard u.... i mean, this is just RUDE, if u know ppl said "hey, how are you," and u understand it at lease say "fine thank you~"  and keep going with the "embarrased look... nobody'll think ur anything "bad" if u just raise ur head and say something, like, imagine go out to the mall with a person that looks  on the floor and say nothing the whole time.... the lease they can do is smile at u and if they're too shy, blush or something & ppl's think that gal's cute!
(don't apply for ppl don't understand the language or have hearing problems...)

Solution: try to make them open up a bit, if that soesn't work, just give up on the loner...

%&098 ppl swear too much

"hey F*** who the hell are u a**h***?! F***! it's you F****** B****?!"
is that something u wanna here everytime u call them and even though u know that they ain't really swearing at u and u'll get used to it and they're doing this just because they're a gangster-wannabe but guyz... wouldn't u get really PO'd after a while? and come on, after the "hum?" the "ohh, that's funny" then it would be "can you please stop that?! it's F**** annoying!!!" ...
and btw, with them "talking" to you everyday, u'll get a date with the concellers about "decisions in making friends"...

solution: try to "purefy" them, if it doesn't work, either have fun with them and be like them or stop seeing them

%&098 ppl that are abusive

wanna get ur "hey wat's up" with a punch on the shoulders by a HUGE guy who goes to wrestling practices every day? wanna play the "slap" game were u do rock-paper-and-sissors and the person who loses got a slap on the arm every day? every second?
not really... especially the person who's doing the work doesn't realize how much it hurts...

solution: if ur strong, u may have fun with him, but if ur not, ask them not to do it anymore or just DUCK!

%&098 "you're my shadow" person

umm.. this is pretty obvious... nobody wanna be somebody's shadow rite? if u don't agree... my advice: get a life...

[LEFT]solution: "wanna hangout sometime?" "no, not really" <-- yeah, it's really that easy

%&098 "i'm your shadow" person

believe it or not, they're just as annoying as the previous one... sure everyone like to be the one in charge, the boss, but come on, you 're a person, you have a heart! if you don't like the cookies i'm offering you just say "no thanks i'm allergic to nuts!" nobody'll mind or not liking you because u said that!

solution: take them to subway and make them order first, it they don't, say "fine, we'll just die here and it's all your fault!" i know it's kinda mean, but it works.

%&098 "i have a such nice body and i'm showing it" person

This goes for gals AND guys!! sometimes especially GUYS!!

solution: do the same if you can and show them how rediculous this  is(only worth it if they're ur friends and u really don't want them to do this)... or tell them... or just point and laugth...

%&098 da just pissed u off but them come back asking for gum person

pretty obvious... if u know some ppl don't really like u rite now, don't go back and asking for stuff from them,especially things like candy and chips. do u think they'll give them to u?

Solution: "i'm sorry, do i know you?"

dat's all i could think of for now... cause i'm too lazy to flip my yearbook and u know there's just 2 many ppl on it@@.. that's the result i got from 2 grades and there are 4 more left TT (my old skool's a 6 year one)... i don't think i'll update it anymore and those escaped can burn in hell(jk)...

if u read it dat far... omg ur my hero...

not to any particular person... just a bored person's medicine...




 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-29 14:59:38 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 某兰兰KUSO瞎写...标题标题...from my experience..some kinda ppl u don't

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发表于 2006-1-29 15:08:10 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 某兰兰KUSO瞎写...标题标题...from my experience..some kinda ppl u don't

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发表于 2006-1-31 06:13:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-2-1 00:41:19 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 某兰兰KUSO瞎写...标题标题...from my experience..some kinda ppl u don't

Hm... There are all kinds of people in this world...
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