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美公司发布15大漏洞软件排行榜 Firefox居首

据国外媒体报道,美国安全公司Bit9本周发布了对企业用户威胁程度最高的15大漏洞应用软件排行榜,其中Firefox 1.0.7版被列为第一.Bit9称,个人用户下载这些软件后,如果用于企业计算环境(CB提醒你请注意这句话),可能造成重大安全隐患.Bit9表示,在列出的15大漏洞软件中,每款至少有一个高危漏洞.虽然各款软件会发布相应升级版,但在企业用户环境下,通常是依赖终端用户而不是公司IT部门来实施升级. Bit9联合创始人兼首席技术官(CTO)托德·布伦南(Todd Brennan)称,企业终端用户下载并安装了这些热门应用软件软件后,可能会对整个企业计算环境构成严重潜在威胁,并提醒企业IT部门应及时收回应用软件的安装控制权以保证安全.
Bit9称,通用漏洞披露(CVE)数据库显示,Firefox 1.0.7至少有5个漏洞,因而名列这次排行榜首位.苹果的iTunes 6.02和QuickTime 7.0.3共同位居第二.
3. Skype 1.4
4. Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.02, 6.03
5. Sun Java Run-Time Environment (JRE) 50, Update 3, JRE 1.4.2_.08
6. Macromedia Flash 7
7. WinZip 8.1 SR-1
8. AOL Instant Messenger 5.5
9. Microsoft Windows/MSN Messenger 5.0
10. Yahoo Instant Messenger 6.0
11. Sony/First4 Internet DRM rootkit and uninstaller
12. BitDefender 9
13. Kazaa 2.0.2
14. RealPlayer 10
15. ICQ 2003a
Bit9还表示,在上述15款漏洞软件中,11款已发布了升级版或安全补丁,但Yahoo Instant Messenger 6.0、Sony/First4、Kazaa 2.0.2和ICQ 2003a仍没有相应安全补丁.Bit9还提出建议,各企业用户应对计算环境进行一次全面检查,以确定哪些应用软件应该删除,并确保使用那些已消除了漏洞隐患的应用程序.

访问:Bit9 - Endpoint Security Software that Stops Unwanted Software



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为什么要在48小时后发布WLM 8.0.0792?

下面一段是节选自Messenger 8 Test内部新闻组
"Is there a build 792? Yes.
Should you be downloading it? Not really. To be honest, it's not officially released yet, test isn't done testing it, so you're installing it at your own risk. We don't have a date or time that it will be officially released. And, for what it is worth, you won't see any differences if you do use it.
What changed? I really want to know! I've really said all I can. Sorry."
发表回答的是John @ Windows Live Beta team
整段的Point就是Windows Live Messenger 8还没有正式版,Build 0792还是Beta!(联想到偶用新版还出现过意外错误退出)
0792数字签名时间:2006年6月17日 7:55:36
0787数字签名时间:2006年6月8日 4:52:07
LoginChangeName的漏洞导致16号中国大量非法注册@live.com,id @live.com 20号公开注册被推迟,Live Mail Desktop beta 也顺延,Live Messenger 8的开发进度被延误(之前报道正式版可以与yahoo messenger互通),这一切都会联想到Martin Taylor,MS副总裁,Windows Live负责人,在20号宣布辞职!当然这只是推测:)
News Source:Mess.be

Windows Live Butterfly Program 出台 --- 鼓励有贡献的测试者

感谢DevilCell 投递:
Windows Live Beta Team 挑选出部分对于Windows Live 各个测试做出较多贡献的人(例如:发送过较多或有价值的测试回馈), 并认定他们加入了Windows Live Butterfly program. 已经有人收到E-MAIL通知.
1, 在接下来的一年中,可以不用申请而自愿加入任何Windows live beta活动.
2, 可以加入一个特别新闻组.
As a result of all your outstanding feedback, we are pleased to announce that you have been selected to be a Windows Live™ Butterfly - Messenger!
The Windows Live Butterfly program, formerly the MSN® Butterfly program, is designed to recognize beta testers who excel at testing our Windows Live programs by submitting valuable feedback, validate and vote on others feedback and assist other users in the Microsoft beta newsgroups. Butterflies help out each individual product group, choosing to focus deeply on one particular program as it moves from Beta to Release and back to Beta again. Butterfly Experts go a step above and beyond, testing multiple products, time and time again, providing feedback where ever they go.
Nothing is expected of you as a Butterfly above and beyond what you already do. However, a Butterfly is not a Butterfly for life. We do regularly assess beta testers and Butterflies alike for continued inclusion in the program. Doing this lets us keep our pool of recognized testers who excel fresh and up to date.
You may be wondering what sort of benefits will come from being a Butterfly. First and foremost is the automatic acceptance into any Windows Live beta in the coming year, big or small. Another benefit is the recognition you get within Microsoft, based on the Butterflies who came before you. We also will give you access to a private newsgroup, accessible only to Butterflies and Microsoft, where you can share ideas, thoughts and converse about any topic with your fellow Butterflies.
Once more, we would like to thank you for the invaluable role you played in the development process and the successful launch of several Microsoft Windows Live products during the past year. On behalf of the staff at Windows Live and Windows Live customers everywhere, thank you for the time and effort you spent making this version of Windows Live software the best possible product.
THANK YOU for your outstanding contributions and welcome to our outstanding Windows Live Butterfly group!!
If you have any concerns, feedback or questions regarding this email, please do not hesitate to drop us an email at [EMAIL="[email protected]][email protected][/EMAIL].
Best regards,
Windows Live Beta Team

Storm Player - 影音风暴播放器 1.0.3

# 中国最大的eMule资源发布站VeryCD.COM发布的Storm Player(影音风暴播放器),此版本的媒体播放器设计了全新的精美图标,且没有捆绑任何流氓软件、插件,同时完全免费(100%Free).并且采用 MPC作为标准界面,能够让用户很快从其他集成了MPC的播放插件环境中切换至Storm Player.
# 风暴播放器(Storm Player)是一款简单、实用的媒体播放器,支持所有流行的影音文件和流媒体,包括 DVDRip、HDTV、RMVB、QuickTime、MPEG-2、MPEG-4、AC3/DTS、VP3/6/7、Indeo、XVD、 OGG/OGM、APE、FLAC、TTA、AAC、MPC、3GP/AMR、字幕等.
# 本软件纯公益性质,完全免费,不含任何捆绑或广告.
# 最新版本为1.0.3,06年6月22日发布


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