金钱 柯币
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发表于 2007-1-14 09:59:55
回复: [原创 01/13/07]_[北美]_[旅行家] 罐头制造.
[CENTER]Background for Canstruction Competition[/CENTER][/CENTER]
It's a can-do event.
Architects and engineers gathered for “Canstruction,” an annual event held in New York and other cities, to build giant sculptures made from full cans of food. The show is meant to raise awareness of hunger issues.
This is the 14th year the competition has been in New York, and the 11th year that it has been held elsewhere in North America. This year, 80 cities in all were participating.
The exhibit, scheduled to run from Nov. 16 through Nov. 22 at the New York Design Center.
The individual teams are responsible for acquiring their own canned foods. The New York cans will be donated this year to the nonprofit charity City Harvest.
About 600 teams are expected to participate throughout North America, with about 2 million pounds (900,000 kilograms) worth of canned foods expected to be donated.
In New York, 42 teams participated, using about 153,000 cans in all. Only five people on a team can build the sculptures at once. The teams get only one night to construct their sculptures.
说起来,去参观这个是因为数学课的Project。去的话就可以有Extra Credit拿。是在一幢写字楼里面,周围是房屋设计师的工作室。所以顺带就拍了些家具等。