金钱 柯币
人气 ℃
楼主 |
发表于 2004-4-17 13:42:15
Think about
作词/作曲:仓木麻衣&YOKO B.Stone 演唱:仓木麻衣
I think about U
I never thought I could fall in love with you someone like you
夏の終わりと共に Baby 消えていくの?
何かをする時も 二人でやって来たのに
解り合えたと一人 Baby 思っていたの?
Every single day I do thing about you long long time
君の笑顔の向こう側は うつろな夢へと流れているよ
Hold me love me 誰かが泣いてる笑ってる
Hold you Love you 心支えているものは何?
置き忘れていた時間が 今もあのままで・・・
I think about U
I never thought I could fall in love with you someone like you
一人きりでは何も Baby 出来ないこと
教えてくれたのに 切ないほどに揺れてる
初めての思いだと Baby 知っていたの?
Every single day I do think about you long long time
波の鼓動の向こう側は どんな世界が生まれてるの
Hold me love me 誰かが泣いてる笑ってる
Hold you love you 心支えているものは何?
涙の中に見える君は まるで蜃気楼・・・
I think about U
Every single day I still think about you long long time
You got me think about you all the time
First time I feel this feelin Boy so so sad
Won't you hold me,love me
Wanna feel that you do it all the things that you do
Hold you,love you
So good when I think of all the things that you do
First time I feel this lovin' this time for real
Where do we go from here
I think about U
I think about U
I never thought I could fall in love with you someone like you
一起的夏天的最后 Baby 消失了吗?
一个人在想合适的解释吗 Baby?
Every single day I do think about you long long time
你笑容的另一面 随着虚幻的梦流逝
Hold me Love me 是谁在哭在笑
Hold you Love you 是什么支撑着心灵?
忘记搁置的时光 现在还是...
I think about U
I never thought I could fall in love with you someone like you
一个人是无法做到的 Baby
请教教我 动摇的悲伤
第一次有这种感觉 Baby 你知道吗?
Every single day I do think about you long long time
波浪跳动的另一面 有着什么样的世界
Hold me Love me 是谁在哭在笑
Hold you Love you 是什么支撑着心灵?
在泪中的你 宛如海市蜃楼...
I think about U
Every single day I do think about you long long time
You got me think about you all the time
First time I feel this feeling Boy so so sad
Won't you hold me, love me
Wanna feel that you do it all the things that you do
Hold you, love you
So good when I think of all the things that we had together
First time I feel this lovin' this time for real
Where do we go from here
I think about U
这首曲子收录在麻衣第二张专辑(perfect crime)中。此首曲子麻衣也是跳的与她的个性相近的TRIP—HOP的音乐风格。这种音乐最大的特别就是将说唱与抒情的乐风相结合。而采用大量的电子音效,并且重视低音,将一种沉重,压抑的感情表现出来。麻衣的这首歌曲却并没有完全采用这种乐风将这种感觉体现出来。曲子的主题基本还是比较光明。毕竟唱曲公司还是要考虑市场的接受问题,所以在音乐上很容易听的出来音乐上刻意被人修改过的痕迹。只是保留了厚重的低音部分,像一道铁索始终压在听者的心头。这首歌曲值得一提的是麻衣的日文与英文交替的如此流畅与自然,没有一丝的衔接不自然的感觉。果然是才女――0